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Everything posted by Gidiot
@Lyubov this shit is crazy man, all of Capitol Hill should be quarantining
Gidiot replied to soos_mite_ah's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
The more and more I think of this, the more that I realize that some leftists are toxic and want to win at all costs, like vaush, and then others care more about decorum and principles and honor, like Biden and your typical democrats, and then you have someone in the middle like an aoc or Bernie who I think does the balancing act really well, they are certainly not a doormat but they also don’t make it vicious like trump. It’s tough to find that balance but I would say a more conscious mind would at least be trying to balance it out -
@Preety_India you have good takes! And we need more conscious political commentary.
Gidiot replied to Apparition of Jack's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Very good news, but also we need fact checkers. Fact checker should be a new job lol -
Gidiot replied to Matt Skinner's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Just wanted to clarify on my post earlier. I certainly DONT want to trump to die, but if he dies I won’t question reality for one second. leo you made a good point, I don’t know if america is built to deal with an attempt at stealing an election. And maybe this is the only way it can avoid it, like we’re all know it’s a conscious mind and Ramana Maharishi said that the creator will take care of its creation meaning that the long game will always work out. I was also just commenting that trump has blundered the us so badly that people are questioning his ability to tell the truth about his own life threatening disease. also it was very telling to me that people had to be explicitly warned to not wish or celebrate the death or suffering of someone, where as I feel with certain other public figures and celebrities it just goes without saying and you don’t have to start banning people for most events of this nature. it’s just crazy how much of a polarizing year 2020 has been and it’s certain it been entertaining to say the least. I do feel for the that innocent child in trump too but I also believe the man cannot be president and if this is the way it happens so be it, I think we have all been giving a response to something of this effect which is the appropriate response. ideal situation to me is that he recovers and loses in a landslide and doesn’t have the legal authority to make a worthy challenge. sorry if I came off nasty I wish love one everyone but also I wish truth on everyone and yes I know they are the same but it feels like I need to clarify in this context -
Gidiot replied to Matt Skinner's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Rilles yep. 100% agree but I certainly understand the lack of empathy, sometimes the highest form of love is truth and truth is admitting that trump getting out of office is right for the country. don’t want him to die just want him to lose the election by a landslide -
@Forestluv @abundance @DocWatts looked her up. Gretchen is an absolute babe. So is hope hicks who gave trump corona. LOL
Gidiot replied to Matt Skinner's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Yea it’s so sad that a lot of people don’t even believe it because literally everything that comes out of his mouth is at best a half truth. people wouldn’t believe it if he dropped dead tomorrow and would think he’s forming a government in exile at the kremlin. He’s turned a decent percentage of the population into conspiracy theorists. I heard people say bolsnaro and Boris Johnson got sympathy for catching covid, I doubt it’ll happen with our president. Christ even the Reddit mods said “please don’t celebrate” -
Gidiot replied to Matt Skinner's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Arcangelo ? -
@DocWatts same thing about the governor of Maine, look at our covid stats and tell me she’s doing a bad job.
Gidiot replied to Tim R's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Watch Tony Robbins and jim Newman lol he will get sick of it. it’s great to humble yourself with the wisdom of nothingness/emptiness/darkness/void. But nothing to understand is only a half truth, because of you understand there is nothing to understand paradoxically you’re still understanding something. I haven’t had many mystical experiences or enlightenment/awakenings but I feel wise enough to say it’s easy to get stuck in the extremes of I’m god and love and everything and the highs or the lows of I’m nothing/ nothing matters/ no point/ don’t exist just got to constantly remind yourself that both are true and neither are true -
@Lyubov it’s a cute story but trunk had many enablers and had considered running many times. It still shocks me he won but it also is so annoying that someone like Hillary could win over Bernie. joe Biden somewhat deserves the nomination, because he is a real person through and through and I disagree with him on A LOT but he’s a genuine person who possesses compassion, Hillary was not that, of course she was to an extent but politics warped her into a Pete buttigieg “square” so to speak, people could feel that. sometimes it’s just so obvious when people love you for the right reasons, people have a subconscious sense of trust and yea they can be manipulated but the gut has an intelligence and something didn’t feel right about trump or Hillary, I don’t blame people for staying home. unfortunately or fortunately we don’t have that luxury this go round, but I think Joe Biden will win, potentially big, because like Obama, he is a real person behind his public duty. somtimes politics is much more simple than we think it is, who feels right to us is often the correct answer because yes qualifications are super important, but don’t put the cart before the horse, the reason we want qualifications is because we want the most capable person who can effectively lead because we love our country and want it to improve, it all boils down to compassion in the end
Gidiot replied to Sempiternity's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Preety_India very well said. Trumps politics are a politics of hate, fear, cowardice, barbarity, sexism, racism, xenophobia, exclusion, division, violence, white supremacy, egocentric narcissism, regression, authoritarianism, fascistic ideals, science denial, anti-intellectualism, laziness, aggression, entertainment, con artistry, toxic masculinity, toxic stage blue,red, and orange, projection, denial, toxic sexuality, bullying, and braggadocio that has all been vicious and unwarranted to be thrust on the American people Even if they voted for him. It’s been an exasperatingly long four years under trump and it’s been so bad I would gleefully celebrate the election of someone like Joe Biden, we need to a return to love and I feel love will win, I am not pessimistic about this at all, I think people are sick and tired of trump and his lies and craziness, I will send energy out before the election with all my hear in order to imagine a better future, the collective consciousness needed to see how destructive the Republican Party was to a peaceful livelihood and how fragile everything we built actually is. america needs to redeem itself to the world and while Biden isn’t a visionary he’s what we need to elect to get us to that visionary. Baby steps. I hope all of you will send out loving energy into the world and hope for the best, it is certainly a crucial election and we need to tell all the fascists that work under trunk that their strategies will not work in the long term because they are based off of falsehoods like genetic superiority and hate being stronger than love. we will get there if he wins again we will make sure he feels our pain. I wish everyone the best in these times and to get through this -
@Hardkill he won’t win. Moore was right in 2026 but I disagree with him this time, everyone thought Hilary would win and likely she would have without the emails even as piss poor as she did on the campaign trail, she was just too arrogant and elitist and it rubbed people the wrong way. Trump isn’t the outsider this time and he doesn’t have a fresh new feel, Hillary lost that election more than trump won it if that makes sense. Yes Biden is very milquetoast, he doesn’t have the energy behind him like Obama but he has the anti trump vote and virtually no baggage beside his bad policy and a rape allegation. Your worry will send negative energy out, just focus on what you want law of attraction style, it’s just as helpful to consider the best possible outcome as it is to worry about the worst
Yes undecided is another word for uninformed. You can look at that as bad or as an opportunity, I like looking it as an opportunity and having a 50 state strategy like Bernie says, no one should feel shunned by a party’s ideals unless they are supporting hate and division. Politics just needs to be more sexy, like people should be taught about it in schools and have a government class required just like social studies which teaches about different methods of governments and philosophy and voting etc etc, ultimately it just needs to be more personal to people , at the federal level it’s too out of sight and even at the local level it’s hard to have a sense of community if you live in a mid size to big city. I definitely support mini collectives within cities like neighborhood planning with officials that give updates on local activities and news. The news does a good job but it’s still through a tv, I think with a stronger communal sense we would feel a lot more involved and motivated to vote. the threat of trump is a good motivator but the joy of community and individual symbiosis is far greater. going to work this into my life purpose
@Hardkill it ain’t about charisma this time, it’s about how trump is compared to Biden, stop worrying and just accept what happens either way. We will survive
@Hardkill definitely increased a bit after that debate
I disagree with people saying Trump won because he was aggressive, that may work with the Republican primary and party which he overtook, but for the general election he largely won because Hillary was received as crooked and had a lot of baggage as well as a arrogant campaign strategy, also people didn’t know how he would govern and also thought they were fed up with types like Hilary, now that he’s been president for four years and ruined much of the country we have a choice to go back to stability or uncertainty and I think people want certainty as well as to feel loved which Biden is sending that message, Biden doesn’t have any scandals or emails coming out to haunt him and a lot of people just see trump as a bully.
I mean I wouldn’t be shocked if Texas goes blue. it’s unlikely but I think it’s going to go blue soon
@Yog yea it’s biased but it’s a self aware bias
I think Biden could’ve done better but I won’t believe you if you said trump did a good job.
I’m going to start imaging teleportation too, I’d much rather have that than time travel IMO haha
Biden needs to win PA and then carry AZ, maybe he can win north Carolina and Michigan too, maybe Wisconsin, maybe Texas, maybe Minnesota. Hoping he surprises people at the debates