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Everything posted by Yidaki

  1. Hi there . I became very interested in the heavy metal detox subject . I read the Andy Cutler's book and actually started chelation myself with ALA. Nevertheless, I have read a couple of references on the internet, that refer to the ACC protocol as pseudo-science, and state that no clinical trials have been conducted to support the validity of the protocol. In my view, ACC seems very coherent and well articulated. To me, it doesn't sound like pseudoscience. Why isn't it regarded more seriously ? What do you think about it?
  2. According to the protocol as taught by dr Cutler, more is not necessarily better. If you are not feeling too much with such high doses, it may be possible that you are not mercury-intoxicated
  3. That Work is pretty powerful
  4. Hi there . I found in this website the instructions for chelation https://andy-cutler-chelation.com/ Also, they link you to https://www.livingsupplements.com . The site to buy it online. The fact is that I get a message that says they are not shipping to my country (Chile) Does anybody know another site that sells DMSA ?
  5. Thank you, I tried with them, but unfortunately I got this message too: "The transport and delivery of packages are temporarily suspended for this destination. We are sorry not to be able to fulfill your order right now." This is one of the challenges of trying to self-actualize while living in a 3rd world country (rant) . Any other suggestions would be highly appreciated =)
  6. Maybe he didn't reply because he's too busy writing the book lol
  7. New Age gurus and content refer a lot to the idea of dimension, or densities. Like moving to the 4th dimension or 5th density or dimension and so on. I imagine many of you have listened something of that sort. What is it really? is there anything to take seriously? does it have anything to do with the idea of dimensions in physics? Please, I would like to know if it is all bullshit or there is some substance to it...
  8. It has become clear that when survival is on the line, our ability to think from a meta-perspective, in a non-ideological way flies out the window. I know that many topics regarding vaccine policies have been created on this forum, and almost all of them have become ideological battlefields. People picking sides and throwing "arguments" at each other. Although some participants have tried to elevate the topic to a meta-level, above the actual content, they have not succeeded. This is a very complex topic. I know that starting a new topic that dares to mention the vaccine stuff may be immediately annoying to some of you, but I want to try a way to do this in a careful manner, so that my thread doesn't go in the same direction than previous posts. This situation is exposing the limitations of science, because there is no consensus among the scientific community regarding the vaccines, and this is not about "pro" or "anti". This is much more nuanced than that. There are highly qualified experts, such as virologists, immunologists and so on, that disagree with each other with regard to boosters, how long to wait, and even if they are necessary at all. For example this man that clearly is not "anti", but is pointing to something worth considering. I don't have the qualifications to adjudicate the validity of what he says. Please don't think I'm stating ANYTHING about vaccination measures themselves. I'm trying to go "meta". This is just an example of the fact that THERE IS NO CONSENSUS. As Daniel Schmachtemberger has pointed out many times, this is a problem of sense-making, and sense-making is the basis for choice-making. There is no consensus in science and it has never been, and that is not a problem, but what seems strange and not too earnest is the fact that there is a narrative that tells "there is undeniable consensus and powerful evidence of this", and whatever alternative ways to see the matter are regarded as conspiracy theory, or "anti", or stupidity of "rotted minds". I am aware that many lay people with no qualifications are talking with certainty about things that don't really know, but there are highly qualified people that are pointing to some "facts" and are being disregarded, underestimated, ignored, banned, mocked and so on. SO, in conclusion. I see that the way to approach this issue have been lost in the CONTENT, and that leads to locked threads in the forum, polarization, name-calling, division, duality, fear, lack of love, and more. Therefore, I want to make an invitation to look at this from the level of STRUCTURE. How to approach this issue so that our sense-making gets more integrated and less polarized/fragmented? PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM TELLING WHAT YOU BELIEVE ABOUT VACCINES. That is the content. I would like to keep this thread centered on the structure. I DON'T WANT YOUR OPINIONS ON VACCINES THEMSELVES. This is a question on Sense-Making. We have a problem of not being able to unify our sense-making. The question is HOW CAN WE MOVE TOWARDS A MORE INTEGRATED VIEW ON THIS TOPIC AND UNIFY OUR SENSE-MAKING? [Let's try to keep it "second tier" and not only blue/orange] Thank you for taking the time to reflect on this.
  9. I have noticed in my experience that there is a roof the semen retention period and its benefits. Benefits compound until about 30 days. Past one month, I keep feeling pretty much the same.
  10. I use modafinil in very low doses, less than 50 mg. and that has a stimulant and cognitively enhancing quality but not too much to become jittery. More than 50 mg or mixing it with caffeine can be anxiety producing. This is based on my experience only
  11. These are additional practices that can be very beneficial to the health of your visual system: • Get outside and GET SUNLIGHT, EARLY IN THE DAY (about 2000 LUX) for about 10 minutes . (you can measure the ammount of light with an app called light-meter). ◇ Melanopsin ganglion cells (mRGCs) send information of the presence of light, and this set your circadian clock. (Melanopsin Retinal Ganglion Cells) • Spending al least 2 hours total exposed to NATURAL BLUE LIGHT every day (ideally early in the day and at the end of the day). It keeps visual system healthy, and also has possitive effects on mood and hormonal balance regulation.
  12. This issue challenges the right understanding and application of the ideas that Leo has exposed in episodes such as: - Collective Ego - Understanding Survival - Episode about BIAS - Self-deception - Conscious Politics - Miniseries about the Myth of Science - Episode about going Meta - Episodes about Holism And many others... (the original names are not exactly as I wrote them). It is very difficult to really embody these ideas, and the way the conversation has been carried out in a micro-level (this forum) and macro-level (media and society in general) shows how far we are from actually embodying holistic thinking. ..
  13. I read this article: https://consilienceproject.org/an-infodemic-plaguing-the-pandemic-response/ High level analysis
  14. Yes, it is right. Not all perspectives are equally valid and thorough. Nevertheless, there is always some kind of "signal", even when there is lots of noise. A wise solution might be to recognize what are the key values from which people, as mistaken as they can be, are operating. It would be something like "steelmaning" their propositions, instead of "strawmaning " them. And from that place we can think of a possibility of global collaboration towards some shared goal. It is very difficult, and I don't know if it is even possible...
  15. Why not?. This is a matter that concerns society, environment, government and politics. This is a problem not only of health, but also of collective sense-making (or lack thereof). We as a collective, and also governments and authorities have failed to promote global coordination and that has global consequences, in health, mental health, social trust, division, instability, and so on. This is a problem of design. @Leo Gura in his episode of conscious politics has talked about the challenge that represents to be able to design a government and policies that integrate all people, because you cannot kick people out of society (as you can do in a club or other collectives entities). So the question here remains the same: How can we move towards a collective approach that integrates, rather than divides people? Of course it is not easy, otherwise we wouldn't be where we are
  16. Even when the questions was not for me, I want to share something I was thinking. I got inspired by a conversation between Daniel Schmachtemberger and Tristan Harris. The idea and challenge is to be able to capture what are the values from which each person or group is operating. From there, it could be possible to generate a proposal or solution that integrates and honors those values, because probably all people act from good intentions... And this should apply to all hot topics, not only vaccines. Artificial Intelligence could be used to generate that proposal. In the same way that artificial intelligence can be used to generate non-existen faces, based on the data of all the existing faces.
  17. I use linux and my commonplace is on Cherrytree. It is a very underrated software, cross-platform. It is better than evernote in my opinion. - It has powerful seach function - You can add images and rich text - You can do almost everything as Onenote. Except for the drawing function and the mindmaps. - It is very stable and runs fast in not-so-powerful computers
  18. I'm from Chile And by the way, I bought the Life Purpose Course, and Chile still doesn't appear on the map hahhaaha
  19. Hi there. There is a diet system called WildFit, taught by a man called Eric Edmeades. I have watched interviews and videos, but they reveal pretty little of what actually it is all about. It seems to be very closed, or at least I have not found much information about the basics of that system. They offer to buy a course to learn it, but before trying to buy it, I'd like to know something, like a free sample of some of the fundamental ideas there.. Someone who has tried it or knows more of it?
  20. Thank you very much for your responses. Very helpful
  21. Hi there, I hope I am not violating any rule of the forum. I have used psychedelics for many years for personal development purposes, and in that context, I have been looking forward to use 5-meo, since many years ago... I live in Chile and most of the people I have talked to, don't even know what 5-meo-DMT is, let alone where to get it. I have searched the dark web and have found some sites that supposedly sell it and ship it worldwide, but I am not sure who to trust, in that regard. Also there is a site called psychedelicsonline.com , but it is very low-ranked in a site named scam detector: https://www.scam-detector.com/validator/psychedelicsonline-com-review/. I don't wanna get into a scam Also, I know that it may not be appropriate to use the forum to ask this question, but I don't know where else to ask, because almost nobody knows about 5 meo. It is so unknown, that even in my country it is not included in the list of banned substances. There is DMT , but there isn't 5Meo-DMT. So, any suggestions as to how to proceed in order to get it? any trustworthy references? Thank you!