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Are your social comfort-levels your responsibility?
Are your social comfort-levels your responsibility?I know you think you're doing real work but everyone can tell you're spiritually frozen here hehehehe
Time to get a leg up on your own work/journey
You're at the desk eye glued to the microscope trying to work through rationalities when it's not even 0.001% of the work haha. Truly pathetic in my eyes. Then using those doing the work as your fodder? PUKE, reminds me of myself in 2022
Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Thread
Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Threadget an eco-cautious girlfriend - you can't imagine how much difference that makes once a girl is committed to this stuff.
vent your kitchen well when burning gas for cooking
own a HEPA filter or other if you live in a mouldy house or in an area with high level of street pollution
own a dehumidifier if you live in an area prone to mould formation
regularly check your home for mould contamination especially if you live in area prone to it (UK, Northern Europe, certain US countries)
I would push back on fluoride free toothpaste, they have very powerful protective effect for people who are not consistent with dental care and don't floss. I would still use fluoride containing just don't swallow it. The tiny amount of ingested fluoride is the lower risk when it comes to prevention of periodontal disease
wear a mask, glasses and gloves when bleaching
by your own glass coffee cup if you buy coffee outdoors
replace plastic food containers with glass
surround yourself with house plants - as many as you can possibly tolerate
plenty of alu-free products. Check the market. A brand called Wild in UK is great and the product really works. https://www.wearewild.com/
Use Eco Egg combined with 5-15 drops of essential oils to replace detergents and chemicals in washing machine
Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Thread
Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-ThreadEliminate plastic dishes, utensiles, cups.
Replace aluminum baking pans with steel.
Don't use aluminum foil for cooking.
Don't microwave food in plastic.
Be careful with chemical cleaners, sprays, weed-killer, bug spray, etc.
Be careful with makeup, lots of heavy metals there.
Be careful with certain spices, lots of heavy metals.
Be careful with any powdered foods.
Be careful with baby food.
Be careful with pet food.
Be careful with talc powder.
Be careful with fast food wrappers and containers.
Be careful handling receipts, they are covered in toxins.
Be careful with sunscreen, full of toxins.
Be careful with non-MRNA vaccines, may contain mercury.
Be careful with seafood, especially anything you fish out of a lake yourself.
Be careful with gasoline fumes, smog, exhaust, pollution. Never live within a mile of a major highway.
Never buy flourescent light bulbs, they are extremely toxic.
Never get any metal into your mouth at the dentist. Do not get any metal crowns, all-ceramic only. No metal filings.
Never accept routine flouride treatments at the dentist.
Be careful with birth control pills and devices.
Upgrade all your soaps, cleaners, and detergents to all-natural ones.
Upgrade your shampoo and bodywash.
Avoid food coloring.
Avoid artificial sweetners like Splenda and aspartame.
On having kids or not
On having kids or not@Commodent Said it right
I also am finding the more inner work i do, the less i care about this idea which used to mean so much to me.
I'm not trying to brag. Currently i am 26, i work 3 hours a day and make 70K+/year. I work remotely so i travel constantly, i have romances and girlfirends all the time, i just had a 3sum with 2 brazilian girls, yesterday i decided fuck it and meditated all day in the sun , just to take a nap and then go for a run. i am not constantly blissed out but life is good, and i want it to stay this way. kids would rip all of this away from me, i'd no longer just be living for myself and i enjoy being selfish and having a ton of time to do my own shit. if i had kids the travel would stop, the sex would stop, the money and hence the stress would need to increase, id probably have to hang out with annoying ass other parents that i wouldn't like and would have to listen to their boring bullshit, and the kids, in todays society would be anxious depressed ungrateful shits who look at instagram all day. also there is a chance of one being retarded or having a serious mental condition or car crash or something. fuck it, life is too short, i choose 3 sums
Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-Thread
Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-ThreadDavid Foster Wallace comes to mind when I try and come up with an example of a Yellow literary author, whos novels and essays delve into topics such as the limits of post-modernism, the corrupting influence of consumerism, and substance abuse and addiction. He was also highly influential in the development of post-postmodernism, or the literary and artistic movement known as 'the new sincerity'.