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Everything posted by Ulax

  1. Daddy issues lol. Sincerely tho its pretty understandable. Actualized.org is a light in the darkness for many.
  2. Bro, they'll deffo think you bought a fake breathalyser lmao. I dunno, just calm yourself down by deep breathing whilst your in the queue.
  3. I'd buy Ag Avery's programme called 'The method'. Its a pick-up book. You can ignore the pick-up stuff. However, the magic is found at the end. There is a goal setting programme there, which I have personally found absolutely phenomenal! Tho, you might have more of a base integrity issue, where you can't commit to putting in work at specific times in the future and sustainably, and also in a way that does not lead to burn out. If that is so, I'd recommend the book atomic habits, and also just making small commitments and keeping them.
  4. I mean Trump became president. World's a crazy place
  5. I think that they just have differing perspectives on what actually is entailed in raising the quality of life. Also, I think Biden is far from centre-left, I'd put him as well within right wing territory.
  6. Also, is this more along the LoA type train of thought?
  7. @Raptorsin7 Ayyyy was just flicking through and saw this. I'm a 5w4, or 9w1.
  8. Do you feel a lot of emotions you'd rather not feel?
  9. I understand this post is from a while ago. However, @Leo Gura would you mind elaborating on why you class sociology as 'Green+'. I've always understood green to be peace and lovey, but without the robust, systemic understandings of how to actually get the love and peace they want in the world. The latter being stage yellow-esque. However, to my mind, sociology is the study of systems. If you still think sociology is not stage yellow, then please may you say why.
  10. If you think he is actually gonna fight you, I'd just leave the interaction and move on. If he is just hostile, I always thought you can treat him like a friend or you can ignore him. The latter is a bit more risky. Its effective tho gamewise.
  11. Leo's how to get laid series could have been made into a course that could have been marketed for hundreds of dollars, its crazy. The dude blesses us.
  12. Its a tough one. It really fucked with me a few years earlier, and that was in spite of being on summer break, so I had a flexible schedule. Black out your room completely to deal with the light. Tape black bin bags to your window if need be. Unless you can move your daily schedule around, I think it will be kind of tough for you sleepwise any way you put it, imo.
  13. You got this dude. Impressive stuff. Kudos!
  14. Great stuff, dude! Love the consistency from you!
  15. Right on, dude! Look forward to watching your progress
  16. You can't ignore mods, unfortunately. Some of the spiritual egos on here are ridiculous ?
  17. Yes! Internal Family Systems Therapy expressly uses systems thinking
  18. Hi guys, Did a 10 minute mantra meditation just now. I find my breathing rate goes in line with the speed at which I say my mantra in my inner dialogue. The one I ended up on had a continuing 'o' sound to it, and the longer my 'o' was the longer i breathed in for. Near the end I just continued to hold the 'O', and my body started shaking in my stomach area, and i started to hyperventilate, whilst I kept the same 'o' sound going in my inner dialogue. My timer went off during this so I stopped. But it reminded me a lot of TRE shaking,if people know that. I've been trying to access my stomach with that technique for a while, and this feels really promising. Trauma release, perhaps, me thinks. Anyone got any thoughts on what my have been going on here? Thanks in advance :).
  19. I think even the term, 'propaganda' is a propaganda term. Its just marketing at the end of the day. But it doesn't serve the interests of many powerful group for 'marketing' to become a dirty word.