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About Ulax

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  • Birthday 01/11/1879

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  1. I’m not a US citizen. So didn’t cast a vote. (Or at least tried to rescind my vote) But NFL is a new passion of mine. I support the Texans 🤙
  2. Yep he was full moustache and beard
  3. @VictorB02 nice! I saw him twice around 7 years ago… time flies 😯 Was wild to see and listen to him in person then. Hope you have a great event 🎉🎉
  4. Is it like a brief experience and then you return to normal? Or do you stay this way? Congrats btw 👍
  5. Yeah this reads like a fictional story lmao. Can’t say for the certain tho. If this real though, then great work OP 👍
  6. I swear this thread is just like this breaking bad scene @Shodburrito On a sincere note, it sounds to me like those charges are justified. I can have compassion for your anxiety and fight or flight but the way you acted was wrong imo. It’s up to you to control how you act despite your emotional responses. Id recommend taking accountability and seeing what you can do to make amends. You have to got learn how to control your use of violence and fight response. Id recommend doing some extended psychotherapy and also getting a lawyer.
  7. You’ll probably get better responses if you pick specific arguments from the rationalist wikis to have us analyse. The rational wiki article on Leo alone contains loads of arguments.
  8. @Vynce I went on vyvanse for adhd for a while. I ended up stopping because of some insomnia side effects. I’d say it definitely changed my personality because a lot of my social issues went away. And I found myself being much less in survival mode. But I also had a tonne of anger come up as well about what I went through when undiagnosed. In terms of motivation, I’d say it helped me have much more motivation. Because if it works you’ll find you can just do things a lot more easily. And so you can commit to long term projects and they aren’t really so arduous. But at same time, like I said. I had a lot of anger still at humanity for what I went through. So I had a sense of not wanting to help humanity because of feeling failed by society. But id say just see how it feels. Because when I started taking my adhd meds, it provided me a way of being completely different to anything I had experienced before. So I think it can be hard to guess how it will be before you take the meds. But this is just my experience and my reaction to a certain adhd drugs. So maybe your experience maybe different. All best pal ❤️
  9. Yeah I get that with things too. Moreso as an adult. I think it’s sort of grounding to have random things that travel with you through time.
  10. @Elton it’s great that you accept yourself But truthfully the sky is the limit imo ❤️ But it is your choice what you want out of life mate and what you want to aim towards 🙂.
  11. I’ve enjoyed “my lady Jane”, “Fallout” and “the last of us” recently 🤙
  12. Maybe it’s to do with the sub culture of people you are interacting with. I imagine people in western corporate culture would probably be impressed by you doing it and think it was a normal way to go about improving productivity.
  13. Hey folks, Looking to try psychedelics for the first time. Am starting with ketamine and am going to do some Reagant testing (using Morris & Lieberman). Do I need to do a fentanyl test too?
  14. Been using it for IFS therapy. ifsbuddy.chat Main drawback I find is you don’t get any warmth from it as you would from a believable voice chat.