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Everything posted by Red-White-Light

  1. @BipolarGrowth Delusions of grandeur
  2. What do I not understand? How have you come to the conclusion I don’t understand it?
  3. @Parththakkar12 They believe they’re too busy to be depressed. They believe because they’re distracted and engaged in activity they won’t be depressed as it increases their mood. What they misunderstand is that there are different forms of depression and not all depression can be overcome with activity. It definitely does help but some people need medicine.
  4. @Someone here I have a theory. Consciousness belongs to the God-Self and never the egoic self. So, when a branch of life dies, God-Self continues experiencing life in different forms as there is the whole tree left to explore. That might be the only reason God creates life, to experience itself through itself. It made reality, then a human life, then it realised itself to be the thing inside of the human it created and then it also realises it made reality and that’s God waking up to itself.
  5. @Tim R You clearly don’t understand what time is. I have clearly stated that the present moment is all that we can directly experience, however it doesn’t disprove Spacetime. Let’s take an example, if you took a 3D circle and put it through a 2D world, the 2D world would only render slices (cross-section) of the circle. Just because you’re only seeing one slice of the circle in a 2D reality it doesn’t mean there isn’t an entire spherical circle. The 4th Dimension is just Height x Width x Length x Time, making it Space-time. Just as Length x Width x Height are lines that make up dimensions. Time is also a line, with past, present and future, making it another dimension. Now consider the example. In the 2D world you can only see width x length, not height and, as a result, you dismiss the fact that the 3D circle is passing through the 2D world. If you were to only experience the 2D reality, you’d only see a 2D circle growing and shrinking, which isn’t the case. When you experience time in cross-sections (frames), you only experience the present moment. If you say that all that exists is the present moment, you’re not understanding time as a dimension, like a measurable line. Why do you think we have clocks? ⏰
  6. @Tim R Discernment from concept and imagination to actuality is what you’re talking about. And that’s why spiritual figures talk about the present moment, because that’s where actuality takes place. It doesn’t deny time, it simply acknowledges that all we can directly experience is the here, now.
  7. @Megan Alecia Find common interests and don’t go for the guy that treats you like shit, expecting you just to have sex with him. Look for a guy that is caring, loving and kind and has good morals/values. A man that is proactively trying to do something beneficial in the world. A lot of guys will manipulate your need for attention to get something out of you. If they’re withholding attention, it’s a clear sign that will be a toxic relationship. A guy shouldn’t be too needy either, it’s a sign they’re not focused on their life purpose.
  8. @Tim R These are the ramblings of a mad man.
  9. The experience of time is an illusion, not time itself. Time is an integral part of space-time. It’s clearly measurable. Just because you fall asleep and you‘re not conscious of it, doesn’t mean it won’t take place. For example if you fell asleep and a bowling ball fell on your head. There’s gravity operating in time and space to crack your skull.
  10. @Tim R No, you’ve made a key mistake. Reality and the laws of physics are being willed by God. You can’t have this reality without it’s laws. The Self that wills this reality can will a different reality, but it’s absolutely consistent. That’s why you wake up to the same world everyday.
  11. @Leo Gura Siddihs are bullshit. It’s just the egoic self trying to control the absolute. There’s no you in control of reality. The entirety of reality would collapse if the laws of physics weren’t consistent.
  12. @DrewNows Yes, you look underweight and Eddie Hall is officially the strongest man with a 500kg deadlift, not vegetarian/vegan. That’s not to say there aren’t strong men that are vegan. They just have a harder time achieving their macronutrients ratio and calorie intake.
  13. @DrewNows No, the people who don’t eat are very tired and have no energy because they have no fuel for their body and mind. As a result they minimise all activities that increase energy expenditure e.g. moving, exercising.The body then begins to break itself down for fuel. Your body is becoming fragile and weak to handle a lower baseline of calories.
  14. @DrewNows I’ve done long fasts before, 3 day dry fasts. I know it’s not sustainable or healthy. Oxygen doesn’t have calories ?‍♂️
  15. Me, dumb? Lol, ok. ? When you become medically underweight and develop health conditions from malnourishment then you’ll see who the actual dumb butt is.
  16. Your entire life is a narrative! Be aware of becoming narrative locked. Narrative locking is a particular set of narratives you have formed in your head, be it a worldview, perspective or actions, that has paved a path you have followed. You have walked thousands of miles in these steps and they have become cemented as your reality. You have created a type of life for yourself, the old saying you made your bed, now sleep in it. You have to create a healthy narrative, in check with reality. If you don’t do this, your going to get locked in a narrative. You need to be able to have a meta-overview perspective of your life. By getting a leveraged perspective you can see the forest for the trees and gain insight on how your going to navigate the game of life, as that little rat in the maze, you are. ??
  17. @DrewNows Your health is your own responsibility, you have the NHS website showcasing multiple sources of information on healthy living, how to take care or your wellbeing etc. Finding some YouTube video by a conspiracy YouTube channel is the least responsible way to take care of yourself. Just because it has a picture of Nikola Tesla doesn’t make it smart. You are forming an unhealthy worldview which is affecting your narrative line and when you follow that path, it’s going to physically manifest as a serious narrative lock and after that cement has dried, it’s just coping with the suffering of regret.
  18. Quicksand is where things get scarier. Especially after you become one with the sand.
  19. You can’t ever share your state of consciousness with outer because it’s all inner. There’s no need to say you’re enlightened to yourself, lol.
  20. You’ve argued that doctors don’t know nutrition, that’s specifically because it’s the speciality of a nutritionist, a totally different field. And then you make an argument about changing thoughts, again that’s a different field, the field of phycology. It’s common advice from doctors to make healthy lifestyle changes and they also make recommendations to other health specialists, so your claim that doctors are not holistic is pure nonsense.
  21. @Carl-Richard too much of anything is bad for you
  22. @benmitchell2812 He does make a good point about meditation sickness tbh. If only his explanation wasn’t tainted by his “alpha” persona.
  23. @DrewNows If you’re drinking your own urine, you haven’t studied the reasons why urine is excreted in the first place. Common sense would tell you it’s to excrete waste product.
  24. @DrewNows Let me put this into perspective for you. You believe you're higher on the pyramid scheme than people with PHDs in medicine, who studied for years in university, because you watched a YouTube video or you saw a random article on the internet. You don’t know the scope of harm misinformation is doing to people. There are people trusting in “health gurus” who exploit vulnerable people to scams or harm in general E.g. Cancer patients trusting in herbal remedies instead of cancer treatments.