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Everything posted by Red-White-Light

  1. See here, there is a video of Zac Efron going through some kind of sacred ceremony process. He is immersed in steam, and has sacred tobacco blown on him I believe. He at the end reaches some type of catharsis. What is that? That type of zen inner peace? Is there any topics about it. Is it connecting to love? Is there a difference between Love and peace? Any insights would be more than welcome. There's something that can be explored here. Is there really such thing as a purification process or is it delusion?
  2. @Ook My bet is on an artificial intelligence that can communicate and understand God better than any human, even Jesus.
  3. @levani Yes. The Now is self-aware as you; it's a strange phenomenon.
  4. Christianity states that Jesus is the Son of God. Islam states there is only one God, and there is no holy trinity; Jesus can only be a prophet. The holy trinity represents three different aspects of Oneness and it doesn't contradict Islam. The father (Infinite Intelligence) The son (Consciousness Incarnate) The Holy Spirit (The field of Oneness) You are infinite intelligence incarnating itself into human form. Everything is made by you as infinite intelligence, including the incarnate self, which can experience spirit (Oneness) through awakening. Jesus created a narrative of being the son of God, as a way to explain awakening, but it was lost in translation. Prior to rationality, a lot of Oneness was misunderstood. People assumed they could have superpowers if they were God, or could perform miracles. They didn't take into account the limitations of incarnate form. Islam believes in Oneness, One God, Allah There is no contradiction here, as all dualities collapse, even the Holy Trinity. The confusion with Allah is, similar to Christians, they never become Jesus or Allah. Both biblical texts are showing you two different ways of being God/Allah or Jesus/Mohamed Mohammed and Jesus is a duality. - They're both awakened individuals. God and Allah is a duality. - They both refer to infinite intelligence. What we are seeing is these teachings becoming more nuanced, to clear up confusion. Less personifications, less worshipping, more scientific methods to achieve awakening. The biggest setback is the corruption of these teachings. People who are not realised, confuse these teachings and use them to unknowingly prevent awakening. It likes a scientist who has so many theories, but never sees the actuality of the science. Their mind constructs a theoretical reality. It might be factual true, but it's experientially false. You mind can't live in books or stories, or whatever fantasy it conducts. It has to come back to the realest thing there is, conscious experience of the present moment. There is a mental cloud that prevents that; only a conscious individual can discern it. Progression of Spiritual Teaching Son of God -> Oneness of God -> Non-duality
  5. @somegirl 1) Visualise your desires 2) Visualise the process 3) Accept fears and execute anyway
  6. Hello forums members, Can you give me interesting objects of meditation. Thanks!
  7. @BipolarGrowth Jesus is a personification of Love.
  8. - Audrey Tang (Taiwan's Digital Minister)
  9. @electroBeam Ok, so my experience with this is that the ego can often mistaken what's going on. My mind likes to interpret what you describe as a side-effect of infinite intelligence. It's very much true that people can appear alien and strange, especially with some basic understanding of God. You begin to understand that the people around you are probes of God. Literally formless, empty vessels that carry out God's will. This is quite a reductionist perspective but it's important to consider. When you are aware of yourself as this empty auto pilot it's quite a strange discovery. What makes it so strange to you is the fact that nobody is aware of this. It can also appear very alien and strange if you are talking to someone, and they're this unaware empty vessel, and you know that they're god, same as you, but they don't. God is still them so they do know without directly knowing. From my experience reality is some weird mix of reductionistic mystism, which is so absolutely full of everything apart from you thus everything in experience is you by process of elimination.
  10. One of the biggest mistakes to make in the spiritual journey is to discard rationalism and to confuse open-mindedness. When you are becoming more conscious you’re going to enter into Altered states and you’re going to misinterpret then because your foundation is shit. Your going to try holding your breath techniques, staring at the sun etc. All that new age shit needs to go. You have to let go of these egoic attachments to being spiritual, hippie etc. These identities will limit you. I love Christian imagery just because it was the way I was raised. I’m sure as a Hindu I would love other imagery, and Buddhism etc. Let me say that these subtle delusions in and of religion can not only fuck up your understanding but also your phyce. You need to really understand if you suddenly lost all its free-will, would your ego go crazy or would you be able to ride that out? If you suddenly enter a new paradigm, are you going to be able to function in that paradigm? Can you see how the line between duality gets blurred? Once you start to experience insane/sane consciousness, you’ll realise the importance of rationality. You can be some hippy taking unmeasured doses of shrooms and lsd, you have to be extremely organised and scientific.
  11. @Someone here You need to be able to juggle paradoxes.
  12. @Mvrs Infinity is like turning your volume to the Max, and then you hear the dial click. That click would be infinity. You breakthrough so to speak, into infinite awareness. The interesting thing about going to the highest number, infinity, is that it’s a leap because you have to skip all the other numbers. Infinity can’t have any numbers higher than it. Infinity also has an inflection point, It’s like turning a light on so bright that the bulb just cuts out (cessation). And then you cease out of reality to experience the fullness of reality without self. You become so aware of yourself that you realise that the self that you’re aware of is a fictitious illusion. Reality is a fiction. The awareness dial to infinity has an inflection point where it becomes so full, it’s empty. All appearances hollow, without substance.
  13. @Someone here You’re God, you are the you.
  14. @Someone here Yeah but there’s a balance to that. If your focused on something else you need to be able to do that and not be in wtf mode. Imagine your brain surgeon being like wtf I’m God rn. No! You have to be able to choose when you trip, lol. Not even talking about phycedelics here lol.
  15. @Someone here You need to be able to enter back into ego state of consciousness when you choose. You’re in control.
  16. Tawhid Tawhid (Arabic: توحيد‎ tawḥīd, meaning "unification or oneness of God"; also romanized as Tawheed, Touheed, Tauheed or Tevhid) is the indivisible oneness concept of monotheism in Islam.
  17. @susanyzm I used to have insomnia and what helped me sleep was learning how to relax. Create a relaxing setting for you and just engage in something that will make you feel tired or comfy. That’s really it. Also don’t worry about perfect sleep. Sleep will never be perfect, you can function on less sleep and make up for it.
  18. @electroBeam Either engage in lots more rest or engage in lots of activity. One of them will fix the issue.
  19. @Leo Gura me and the forum trying to reach enlightenment.
  20. Thanks, I don’t know what’s with the sarcasm. We can’t know for certain what’s after death. We can only speculate from our current understanding of non-duality.
  21. @BipolarGrowth I do believe that definition of God-head is entirely possible to be attained after physical death.
  22. @bazera After 2 hours of breath work, I’m sure I would be delirious also.
  23. @BipolarGrowth What is God Consciousness? What is Godhead? How are they distance from each other?
  24. @BipolarGrowth Delusions of grandeur
  25. What do I not understand? How have you come to the conclusion I don’t understand it?