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Everything posted by Red-White-Light

  1. @Leo Gura I can imagine you doing this and saying it's all love which shows you've transcended the good vs evil duality whilst also giving me nightmares which is still also dreaming of you.
  2. It's been 4 months since I've shattered completely my materialist paradigm, however, I want to go back to the materialist paradigm. Infinite beauty was something I enjoyed but for it to constantly be in my perception can be disturbing, especially when you can't tell anyone about it and you have to pretend you're not being mind fucked by what you see. Another mind fuck is no longer existing as a human being. I feel like I have died and what exists is myself as a conciousness seperate from the mind and body. I truly miss being able to live a blissfully ignorant life as a separate self. Is there any hope of return to the materialist paradigm?
  3. @Leo Gura It feels like my whole reality has become a dream and I want it to feel real again. Perception is also too high definition and it distracts me.
  4. @Leo Gura I miss duality
  5. @Leo Gura The thing is I've had extremely altered states of consciousness in the past that have been nirvana, seeing conciousness with the substance of love and absolute emptiness, however this emptiness doesn't have the quality of love anymore.
  6. @Samuel11 Install blocksite on your phone and then put on adultblock, so that is blocks porn websites.
  7. Does anyone have any advice for meditation? I literally can't meditate for more than 10 minutes, it drives me insane. Even on the train or waiting it's very difficult.
  8. @Leo Gura You're right, I've been trying to avoid bordem which has been creating suffering. I've been facing bordem in my meditations and it's been helping.
  9. Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience or insight into operating whilst in higher states of consciousness. Has there been any problems or setbacks? Here is a quote from 3 kinds of yogis by Sadhguru "The second category or stage of the yogi is called madhyama, which means medium. For him, the inner dimension and what is beyond is in constantly in perception, but he cannot manage what is here, the physical dimension. There have been various yogis who are worshipped even today, but they were absolutely incapable of anything in their life."
  10. @Inliytened1 But what if someone gets stuck in a non-dual state and can't operate anymore?
  11. @TrynaBeTurquoise I have this all the time. We're all monkey detectives investigating our own existence.
  12. @Anna1 thanks for the advice.
  13. @Mu_ why is time going so slowly for me?
  14. @Bryanbrax It's hippie nonsense.
  15. @Swagala It's just your imagination or a light.
  16. @CultivateLove This forum gets too hippie sometimes. Ear ringing is obviously not something spiritual.
  17. @LfcCharlie4 Fasting may be beneficial from time to time but you can't survive without eating it's scientifically impossible.
  18. @Cody_Atzori Phycedelics have risks involved in them. You could have lifetime mental health issues from them. It's good to consider the different spiritual paths and maybe trust your mother's wisdom.
  19. @brugluiz Maybe stay away from kundalini and focus on living a peaceful life.