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Everything posted by Red-White-Light

  1. @TrynaBeTurquoise Since when did functional movement patterns create problems? ?
  2. @TrynaBeTurquoise It's not dangerous if done progressively, like most exercises. The overhead squat fixes so many imbalances which is why it's so effective.
  3. @Peanut Try this Routine: Main Exercises Overhead Squat (Thoracic Mobility) Wide-Grip Cable Rows Face Pulls On an incline bench: Super-Set W-Raises Y-Raises T-Raises Stretching Neck Stretching Pectoral Stretching
  4. @Michael Paul There's some level of truth to my statement. There are enough online case studies on YouTube, however we don't truly know the full story for each case.
  5. @7thLetter A supplement only supplements to an already balanced diet. The fundamental diet is more important.
  6. @Peanut You need to do more rotator cuff exercises, thoracic mobility, strict form rows, chest stretching etc. Check out athlean x.
  7. @Conscious life yes
  8. @Identity hang from pull-up bars, do lower back extenstions, planks and back twist exercises.
  9. @waking_dreams Maybe smack harder, it works for my tv.
  10. @Western Buddha Do Cardio
  11. @Forrest Adkins Bodybuilders just eat egg whites because the yoke is high in cholesterol.
  12. @jimwell I had a phycosis because of extreme stress, grief, and insomnia all at once. My sleep issues may have been related to kundalini, but I don't know for certain.
  13. @Michael Paul What I'm suggesting is kundalini can trigger those types of illnesses.
  14. @Michael Paul I had an awakening but also a phycosis from kundalini.
  15. @lukej I had a kundalini phycosis, I'm still recovering from it. Kundalini is really dangerous imho.
  16. @bejapuskas I want to go back to the materialist paradigm, it doesn't feel right not being the mind-body.
  17. @QandC Look at a photo of you as a kid, that's your ego. Own it and love it.
  18. @ActualizedDavid How do you break it to them that Jesus was a mystic.
  19. @electroBeam Suicide and Ego-Cleansing have two distinct intuitions, you can literally feel the difference buzzing if that doesn't bug you enough.