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Everything posted by Red-White-Light

  1. @kag101 I’m talking about time not my mental health. I have recently been experiencing time go fast and it’s quite pleasant.
  2. @Leo Gura When you say death do you mean that you become inter-grated as a process of reality, no longer existing as an individual? I can’t imagine reading, lifting weights etc in that state.
  3. @Leo Gura Can’t find any methods online.
  4. @Slifon If you smoke unconsciously then smoke consciously and you won’t like it. This might sound crazy or outlandish, but I can promise you this works. Rub poo on the cigarettes when you smoke it. This way your mind associates smoking with smelling like shit, which is pretty accurate anyways. You’ll become disgusted to touch the cigarettes. That’s the most effective way, lol.
  5. @Leo Gura How do you deal with the torturing Bordem? It must be like watching paint dry.
  6. @Conscious life Angel and Devil is a duality. If you want to get biblical about it then devils are angels that have “fallen”. An angel resides in Heaven, whilst the Demons reside in Hell. In reality we have different states of consciousness. Some states of consciousness can cause you to experience reality as Hell, e.g. phycosis and other states can make you experience reality as Heaven e.g. enlightenment. It can be misleading to believe in demonic or angelic entities as this just makes it harder for people to get into healthier states of consciousness from mental health conditions. Claims of psychic abilities and exorcisms have made helping people with mental health very difficult and because of this reason you will still see religious priest come to mental wards, to pray for patients. It gives them a sense of relief from feelings of possession, however it further roots the delusions into someone’s paradigm of reality, especially someone with a demonic-appearing state of consciousness.
  7. How likely do you think that the coronavirus will cause a massive plague that wipes out the population?
  8. @Aaron p That feel when your leg goes numb when meditating.
  9. I have been contemplating the idea of external system view. This idea is that the way we normally perceive reality is from inside the internal system of reality, our “Brain”. But when we enter into an external system view we are still experiencing reality, however we are able to see the structure of the system. Imagine the difference between seeing a computer with the video game on the screen (external system view) vs being inside the game as a character (Internal system view). The weird thing about non-duality is being able to be inside the internal system whilst having an external system view or you could say being from the external system view in first person.
  10. @Carl-Richard I think it was due to our ability to cook meat with fire and the extra calories allowed us to grow bigger brains.
  11. @arlin Nah bro I’ve had dreams awake with my eyes closed. I would literally be walking across the road or something, then I get hit by a car and then I would realise I was just imagining it.
  12. @arlin I had that before lol. The weirdest is when you dream whilst awake.
  13. I’ve been wanting to do yoga for a while now. I’ve brought the books and I’m reading them, however it doesn’t make complete sense. The books aren’t very clear. can someone help me?
  14. @Hugo Oliveira I have Santata Gamana’s books but they’re not very well laid out. It just has a lot of talk about awakening and techniques but I haven’t found a clear routine. Also I don’t want to do yoga that isn’t by Santata Gamana, otherwise it will most likely be hippie.
  15. @traveler There’s states of consciousness where reality can appear demonic. Hopefully medicine can help her. She may be having some kind of psychosis or schizophrenia.
  16. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Noo, crack baby!
  17. @Justine From what I understand karma is all the baggage that gets in the way of spirituality. An example being if you murdered someone you probably wouldn’t be able to meditate properly. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
  18. @andyjohnsonman All bubbles are an illusion. They’re false distinction.
  19. @andyjohnsonman Bubbles are the separate egos, and the black background is the void. Imagine popping a bubble. Where does the ego go?
  20. @Bittu How do you know for certain that you aren’t deluding yourself?
  21. @PlayTheGame You were never a person and nothing is real, that’s why people say it’s dreamlike. You’re seeing the illusion of reality.
  22. @Patrick Lynam No, it’s not worth it honestly. Just find someone you can form a deep bond with.