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Everything posted by Red-White-Light

  1. I remember entering into a state of consciousness so high it was fucking ridiculous. It was higher than states I’ve accessed on psychedelics. It felt like I was a fish drowning in a pool of pure consciousness. It was so fucking consciousness. The concept of being Gods children felt petty. It felt like we were all individual Gods, sharing heaven. Reality was a movie, my physicality no longer existed. Reality was just being the frame. There was no longer space or distance, time was still and unmoving, frozen in an infinite beauty. I was meditating for hours a day, and I can’t say for certain, but I would enter into some sleep paralysis, instead of sleeping (sleeping awake?) I began to lose desires for eating, sleep, sex etc. When I began to do these things, I had a consciousness hangover. I eventually stopped fasting, began sleeping and eating and the state was lost. I have a new state of consciousness where I am aware of infinite beauty, however it’s not as beautiful as the void I experienced, or the pool of love.
  2. @abrakamowse Thanks for reading. ?
  3. @actualizing25 If you thought that you were going to heaven after shooting yourself in the head, then yes it’s similar to shooting yourself in the head. But don’t shoot yourself in the head please.
  4. @Mu_ There’s a massive improvement that I’m not even being grateful of, you’re right.
  5. At the higher levels of consciousness you start to realise how you are willing everything as God. The chair, the cat, the mirror, the self that is seen in the mirror, your hands etc. The external reality doesn’t truly exist, you are existing the room you’re in. Because you are the creator during every moment of creation, you are alone.
  6. @AtheisticNonduality I really hope it was just psychological tricks.
  7. It was a very strange experience. It felt like she had half of my brain. It was like there was communication between our sexual organs also. To be honest I wouldn’t really want to experience it again. It was also painful to break up with her as I felt half my brain dying. I think she tried to put a curse on me also.
  8. @Kalki Avatar I once had sex with a girl that did black magic and I felt psychic communication between us and she was almost used to this experience. It was a disturbing experience and she said I cut the shamanic tie with her. She felt like a siren with superpowers. I went straight to Jesus lol. (I know, stage blue)
  9. @Johnny5 The appearances are not by the sense organs, it’s an illusion. It’s not easy to conceptualise, you need direct experience of it. You are willing appearances into reality as God’s will.
  10. @Johnny5 It won’t make sense because all of that is foreground arising, you need to experience the background awareness, prior to the screen of appearances.
  11. @mandyjw I can’t perfectly explain the difference between the infinite state of beauty and void/love awareness. It’s too tricky and nuance. But they’re definitely different facets.
  12. @Nak Khid Reality awakens to itself. You were never an individual to awaken. The self was just another appearance in the field of awareness. Your hands are just appearances, thoughts simply arise in consciousness, not the brain.
  13. @Gneh Onebar This is the scene where Joker creates Harley Quinn
  14. @dflores321 I might have been hallucinating at this state of consciousness, but I was having sex with a woman I met that day in attempt to ground myself in physicality, I was making sure to eat, and sleep also. It felt like all my energy was blasting out of my head and I was trying hard to bring my energy back to my root chakra. I might have been having OBE, but it’s hard to be sure it wasn’t just a hallucination or delusion.
  15. @mandyjw There’s an infinite beauty that’s distinct from love/void beauty.
  16. @Zec They’re all good.
  17. @Galyna Squats, do squats.
  18. @Kiko Black magic doesn’t apply to you when you are protected by the power of Christ. There’s a little thought story to combat the fear. You might think that’s ridiculous but that’s what they do in mental health wards for patients who think they’re possessed. A priest actually touches them on the head. If you go to a priest he can do that along with a prayer to protect you from these black magic etc. You just need to ask him.
  19. @TheUniverseIsLove Strong imagination. When I close my eyes it’s just disturbingly black for 30 minutes then I fall asleep.