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About MartinMaggio

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  • Birthday 08/02/1991

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    Planet Earth - Las Vegas NV - USA
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  1. @Leo Gura I really don't know how to contact you but I just listened to your whole health video. Please check how to heal your metabolism by kate deering ! It focuses on thyroid health. Is life changing please read it- Also follow the work of dr Raymond Peat ! I think it could really help your situation. Feel free to contact me anytime if you need help
  2. To reduce the amount of SIBO, consume a raw carrot daily with lemon juice and sea salt- the fiber and antifungals on the carrot is anti SIBO and anti estrogenic
  3. Reduce the amount of cruciferous veg intake. they have self protecting anti nutrients which demage the gut- If you’re going to consume vegetables make sure they are cooked to reduce the amount of anti nutrients/oxalates. steaming, light sautéing helps ! feel free to private message if you need more help
  4. Leo, I recommend you get into metabolic type health literature- Look into Kate deerings book: “how to heal your metabolism” if you want to go to get deeper look at Ray Peats Principles. The OG of nutritional physiology I’ve heard you got thyroid issues? he’s the guy for you.
  5. Bone broth from grass fed bones, gelatin and collagen will seal your gut like nothing else in this world. You don’t want to block the production of acid in your stomach, having an acidic stomach is essential for proper digestion ! And is the cornerstone of a healthy digestive system, high in Hydrochloric acid. tell your doc to do hand back his medical license.
  6. Men have like 15x more testosterone. Of course we are hornier. Look at physiology
  7. You do have to worry about omega and PUFA VS SFA (Saturated fatty acids) balances is one of the most important things for health. an imbalances of PUFA VS SFA creates LIPID PEROXIDATION (age spots that you see in older people) literally your fatty tissue becomes oxidized if you have PUFA Imbalances + UV light exposure I do agree with you that removing canola oil is a great step but that's just one of the many PUFAS hidden in food OMEGA 3-6-9 being some of the other ones. Other suspects: Flax, chia,nuts for the most part, vegetable oils, safflower oil, all oils except coconut and ghee are unstable Olive is decent when unheated and limited amounts. PUFAS suppress thyroid function and slow metabolic rate
  8. Omega 3 isn't really beneficial. Do deeper research on non funded sources. Omega 3 also oxidizes when enters the human body. What @Villager Albert mentioned about vitamin E being depleted is correct. Pufa consumption does deplete vitamin 3 But the true benefits from fish come from it's mineral content not from the Omega 3-6-9, they actually all oxidize Limit consumption of fish to once a week and eat mostly ruminant grass fed animals
  9. Hi Leo, you might also want to look into PUFAS (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and what they do to the body when they get in contact with light heat and oxygen AKA our human body. Fish is full of PUFAS so not a good idea, apart from the metals you mentioned.
  10. Always count your macros on raw food. Macros stay the same, they don't change when cooked. Only thing that changes is the food chemistry/ composition. Get a digital scale and measure your food prior to cooking. Also you can use an app like my fitness pal to keep count of your macros
  11. Sure here you go :
  12. I have usually 1 big bowel movement in the mornings- My stool has been prettier than ever- Could post pics upon request Yes I've experienced with Raw veganism, Fruitarianism and a bunch of detox protocols im truly an experimenter with no fucks given to defend any school of thought- I care about results Fruit is a miracle ! is an amazing fuel source, but you must find the fruit which is properly grown and combine it with quality saturated fat and protein- Can't Thrive out of consuming only 1 MACRONUTRIENT GROUP What makes you think the solution is only short term beneficial ? You don't even know what I do on my protocol if im honest. just curious how you come to this conclusion? do you know how long I've been on the journey ? Just curious on your thought process.
  13. Yes as I mentioned above, there is no doubt that you can SURVIVE on a vegan diet, there are no doubts about that- Our bodies are so incredible that it can survive on most fuel. But this question and thread isn't about SURVIVAL is about MAXIMIZING your biological machine's OUTPUTS and performance WHILST EXTENDING the Lifespan of it's individual parts and the whole system Imagine what those athletes, yogis and spiritual people could achieve if they maximized their nutrition and energy levels (How would you know?) I think most spiritual people don't consume meats because of moral/ethical/spiritual reasons, not so much because of how they feel or how these foods make them feel PHYSIOLOGICALLY What Im proposing is very rare and not many people eat like this. Most people do ONE thing right and 23 wrong and blame the wrong variable for the result. Are people consuming the best possible source of animal products and cook them with the right fats ? I would put all my money that most people who blame meat aren't following the key variables im mentioning here. If you eat RAW vegetables from a highly controlled (Wild is not necessarily good anymore due to our atmosphere being totally fucked) environment where no acid rain was sprinkled and no NPK fertilizer was used - Vegetables can be beneficial - GOOD LUCK FINDING THIS.
  14. One of the most common health myths is that we have to “alkalize” with green juice, multi-level marketing products and fasting. Those things throw off the body’s ability to balance the pH of the various tissues. Alkalinity exists as a secondary system and as a buffer. What really cleanses the body are acids. “An acid medium is unfavorable to the growth of most bacteria and acids generally possess considerable disinfectant power” (A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, 1921). Pathogenic bacteria thrive in an alkaline environment. Alkalanity increases scar tissue formation, vascular sclerosis, shrinks the thymus gland and the spleen, and exacerbates the cortisol response. Chronic alkalosis is often caused by excessive stress, serotonin and lactic acid. Increasing cellular respiration is the focus to reverse excessive intracellular alkalinity. This can be achieved by limiting omega-3 consumption as much as possible and consuming carbohydrates frequently, protein from animal tissues and saturated fat. Furthermore : Besides mucus, one of the biggest myths perpetuated by the misinformed public is regarding acidity and alkalinity. Blogs, memes and documentaries have convinced us that meat and dairy creates excessive acid, mucus and opens the door to parasitic infection. All of that couldn’t be further from the truth and, in most cases, is the exact opposite. Meat is the highest source of phosphorus which is converted into dihydrogen phosphate, one of the most powerful buffers that can give or take hydrogen ions. Amino acids (protein) can also donate or accept hydrogen ions. The body has various buffering systems for dealing with excessive acids. The main systems are the bicarbonate system, the phosphate system and the protein system. The pancreas is the organ responsible for storing bicarbonate ions and releasing those as needed to maintain homeostasis. A stressed cell is an alkaline one which is starving for oxygen due to PUFA (Polyunsaturated fats) poisoning. The cell starving for oxygen carries protons out of the cell in a desperate attempt to generate energy. The conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid increases. This is the hallmark of cancer. A healthy cell is slightly acidic when sufficient carbon dioxide is present from adequate carbohydrate, strong protein, and saturated fat consumption. The body’s first line of defense against pathogens of all kinds (yeast, bacteria, parasites) is stomach acid. Protein stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid. If protein is inadequate, or there is a copious amount of protease inhibitors (ubiquitous in nuts and seeds with PUFA) then that triggering mechanism will be weak. When there is a lack of HCL from protein deficiency, food stays in the stomach for longer than it should. Carbohydrates ferment, proteins putrefy and fats go rancid (lipid peroxidation gets a jumpstart). When we were younger we had a high metabolic rate and lots of stomach acid. We had lots of energy, we healed quickly and could eat lots of food with no issues. As we age and polyunsaturated fat consumption increases, stress increases and protein consumption decreases, our hydrochloric acid level goes down. Dr Jonathan Wright found that our stomach acid levels decline from age 20 and tank to nearly nothing at about the age of 70. Diseases where the root cause can be low stomach acid include: insomnia, arthritis, osteoporosis, acne, allergies, asthma, depression and all gastrointestinal disorders. If we aren’t consuming protein from muscle meats and bone broth then the doors are wide open for infections of all kinds, not just worms. I would emphasize the importance of choosing grass-fed beef over grain-fed, simply for the fact that their immune systems will be stronger eating a biologically appropriate diet: grass.