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Everything posted by Thewritersunion

  1. And plus robots could replace you digitally too. sadly.
  2. Just How Stupid Am I? How About Humanity As A Whole?
  3. I am curious who has made the most post on here. I would like to talk to them.
  4. 1) what will our consciousness look like 2) how will the weather effect architecture. Like the wind speeds and soil density. will we have to make skyscrapers go underground, turning them into “Groundscrapers?” 3) What new science will be invented? 4) What would we wear overtime? 5) How will we grow food and manage sewage 6) What will the Government look like? 7) Do we have to worry about asteroids crashing into Mars 8) How will we treat criminals? What about people who hijack space ships? 9) Will there be internet? And if so, how do we build it? 10) What’s the main sources of energy we will have to use on Mars, and how will we get the resources to build and produce them 11) What currency will we use and can the USA or another country claim land on Mars? ... what do you guys think would happen if Humans Lived on Mars? I’m wondering this because we as a species will have to solve problems like these in the next thousand years. Also, Is this a deep thought for a 14 year old? This whole “Mars” question has been on my mind for a week, and I’ve decided to post it on here. What’s your hot take?
  5. now what exactly are you curious about? why? do you do it for pleasure or to grow the consciousness of humanity or both? good questions to ask
  6. harder than you think. you have to have a step back, cry, and need to detach yourself from the feeling of hopelessness. but it's very hard to keep the torch lit, even if only the embers are warm. but, goodluck unto your for improving your life
  7. I have heard memory can be stored in the heart. Kim Peek said his memory is so good because he stores everything "in his mind and heart." How do you think this is possible? Is this intuition? Is this memory in your chakra? Please put your comments below
  8. what is a dream more than an untamed projection of your reality and personality itself? +1
  9. So, is there any particular industry you’d like to try at and innovate? Personally I’d like to go in Storytelling as a whole. IE: Books, Poems, Comics, Letters, Essay, and a bit of Cryptology. Also Marketing, AI, Music, Video Games, and News, but those last few I’d probably be in my fifties before I get to it. What about you? I’m genuinely curious, what would you like to create in your life?
  10. Interesting. I wonder how my Theory of Intelligence can adapt to this knowledge. And epigenetic’s sounds like Chris Langan’s CTMU. (To sum up the CTMU you could basically say “The Identity Distributes Across The System of Reality Itself” By the way, Sero. How long have you been doing this self-improvement stuff for? You seem like an interesting person. Personally, I found Leo one year in my journey and am a writer. Though I do not get paid for my writing, for as I am only 14 :(. But hey, I have a S*IT TON of time on my hand, so I guess that’s great.
  11. So does this answer my question: how does one cell create me(DNA)? I am not sure if they have any questions either? ive always asked this since elementary. ? good to have an answer ? if I’m interpreting this correct
  12. All credit goes to the great person who, in which wrote this: Yellow Stage Article
  13. Silicon Valley will get so innovative it will innovate itself out of innovation.
  14. Aw shoot, I made the same post again. Sorry, I am new ?
  15. Why do humans create business, government, books, art, school, etc? I think this would be interesting. And maybe a video on “What is God’s Limits?”
  16. Why do humans create business, government, books, art, school, etc? I think this would be interesting. And maybe a video on “What is God’s Limits?”