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Everything posted by Thewritersunion

  1. I don’t get it ?
  2. Note: the middle will contain inner peace with infinite possibility/nothing around it
  3. Why do people in the spiritual community assume everything is a strand of light? is not everything a cylinder of infinitely connected, and occultating light/energy. so, why does it have to be a wave, not a cylinder? Is this another materialistic projection? Is not the cylinder more holistic conscious and vibration?
  4. I’m creating a theory of intelligence, and the foundation of it is “there are infinite dimensions” How is this wrong/correct?
  5. @JustThinkingAloud so is God’s scenes infinite dimensions?
  6. @Conscious life how so?
  7. Realize as you evolve upwards In life the devil will corrupt the base of you. Let everything fall, and you have another choice at fulfillment!
  8. @Michael Paul what do you mean by “intense?”
  9. @Nahm what do you mean by something big
  10. @Nahm who’s projecting Uwu
  11. Facebook acquired a neuralink type of company. oh god... its called CTLRlabs Ill post about why Facebook is a monopoly later ?
  12. @Pernani pew pew
  13. @CreamCat bill Gates is a complex person. while on one hand he’s making safe toliets, nuclear factory’s, and solving decease. and on another he funds the Avid program with BS classes that haven’t been shown to improve results. And his bill and Melinda foundation have been proven to fake the results for AVID and do it to avoid taxes. plus I mean he’s probably rationalizing it in his head like Jeff besos , “oh well I’m improving humanity and you’re not, who cares about the workers. I’m using my money to help Africa.” plus us the ultimate rationization: I can either spend my time saving 100 kids in Africa each day or protect the repairs men. again, very complex
  14. @Nahm Let me collect my thoughts. I’ll take a few days. ✌️
  15. I’m making a new fourth dimensional graph that will have to disprove the brain (meta-speaking), disprove neurons send memory (they send information), and add emotions to the dimension while disproving time. (Emotions: self-deception, Infinity, Nothing(ness), love, fear, counterintuitive, strange loops, fractals, politics, and everything else like corruption) (might add economics to it to and fantasy, and also the YN PROBLEM will have to be solved, and computer stuff added, History too)
  16. I know the middle of the graph will contain “Infinity/Nothingness” also I’ll have to make a new number system, so studying linguistics is a must. anymore suggestions, your answers are lovely! ?
  17. @TheAvatarState the idea is supposed to be drawn like a 3D flower and Emotions do exist. They are essence itself.
  18. @cetus56 to be frank, this is only a preliminary thought, so much dedication will have to go to this. Its basically trying to combine math, emotions, and humanity together. If this model does end up as something, it’ll be radical for sure.
  19. I do not understand that Democrat’s all organizes under one idea. Yes, they can move the goals in the short term, but why don’t they make a “Democratic Goals of the 21st Centurie.” Type of thing. I do not understand this.
  20. Remember how humanity made sure artist were low life’s, and poor? This is happening with the Psychonaught’s. Rise up my world, rise up! ??
  21. @Keyhole the force is within you
  22. Can Actualized.Org compile the highest quality Q+As.m each year like what Quora did 2014.
  23. @Knock I have a line: go up to her and say, is this your tampon, while opening your palm to a note. the note says, “hey, what’s your number?”