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Everything posted by Thewritersunion

  1. Eh. I’d say Sadhguru is pretty low on the scale of consciousness. Maybe tier 2 and it’s start while Leo is almost beyond the 2nt
  3. @Tetcher with omniscience you can imagine infinity and infinite things, thereby increasing your omniscience. You see how this works?
  4. I have three-four extra hours of work time!
  5. @Carl-Richard fuck, he's everywhere lol
  6. You know the more I get into my Fantasy Writing and this Spiritual Work I realize that they are more of the same. Also, I am learning how much detail can be in one part of a fictional universe and not another. It's almost like I'm god or something :0
  7. @LifelonglearnerCheti lol, maybe. Tom is a pretty cool dude with some innate curiosity.
  8. time to learn how society evolves and how this may apply to the future of Humanity on Mars
  9. I've had a dozen paranormal experiences within my life. (Ghost, slender man, demons, etc.) I usually notice my love wards them away. Lol
  10. @4201 "It's me, DIO!"
  11. There are infinite infinities and infinities of those infinities.... and so on! There is no ground, for this problem is beyond the Earthly Realm of Consciousness.
  12. Ah, so do you need more Earthly Motivation?
  13. @Leo Gura What Self-Healing have you been able to do as of far?
  14. @Leo Gura Ah, I felt my heart being ripped from my chest I only could stand it for five minutes, then I quit lol
  15. @Leo Gura What happened during your first Heart Awakening?
  16. @Synchronicity Though it does depend on the quantity on the drug, the personal advancement of the individual who is taking the drugs, and how deep and long it goes.
  17. I would assume you could become a psychedelic. (through increasing Consciousness)
  18. Just remember when you are on this Earth you are limited, like a spoon. Truth can only be communicated so far.
  19. @Hello from Russia No Problem!
  20. Things to explore: What is the harm of monopolies? Why do they happen? How do they apply to Spiral Dynamics and every stage? How shall they be regulated in the future? The past of monopolies? The future of 'industry' and services? What will happen if we break up monopolies today? What companies are monopolies and why?
  21. @Hello from Russia Most of the money from companies go to family, friends, and (mainly) stockholders. Business has always like been this. This is why we need more antitrust regulation and more funding for more entrepreneurs. As more competition and businesses start competition goes up these things happen: more innovation, cheaper prices, and more people with high income/high-conscious jobs.