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Everything posted by Thewritersunion

  1. ”once it happens it happens forever” What do you guys get from the video? It’s so beautiful. I cried a bit myself.
  2. What Materialism actually means: everything exist without me. This applies all the way to Death back to normal, regular life.
  3. Put Spiral Dynamics into your speech and actions. When people ask you how you’re so good, show them spiral dynamics.
  4. I’ve recently have had two seizures. In the second one my spine was injuries. Now all my chakras are gone. How do I rebuild my chakras up to my crown again? Ask anything.
  5. Godhead. Now. Infinite Imagination.
  6. @Gesundheit everyone has a cap on the spiral.
  7. The bureaucracy begins
  8. stage green billionaire
  9. Book: The Book of Five Rings
  10. A blue country ruling an orange world lol
  11. Please submit good videos on SD here~ [it should be talking about the spiral itself, not the people within]
  12. I’ll keep this short: if you have any information or videos or articles about any business’s that are a monopoly or about the become one please post it below. Other than that, have fun. ===================== TenCent Games— Disney—
  13. Stage yellow robots vs green human
  14. Very well video on peak stage Orange. Imagine owning 3/4ths of America today! ?
  15. @MarkKol maximizing profit ? kidding! He’d make the company focus on profits too much instead of journalism.
  16. Trump time
  17. @Tanz His ego. While his view is very expanded more than most people I still thing he lacks the upper stages of Spiral Dynamics.
  18. He’s still stage orange/green. So, he still has some stuff to work on.