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Everything posted by Thewritersunion

  1. I hereby claim Trump to be cringe ps: it’s a medical diagnosis
  2. Cyberpunk is one giant fetishinazion about California leaving the USA drops mic ?
  3. “ you may slay your demons, but can you destroy your-owns ? “
  4. Lol. I wish we had all the rest of the new stages in Tier 2/3 in there
  5. If you have found anything well on the future develop of humanity please link it below. -videos -books -articles -researcher -other forums -social media accounts -etc Have fun~! ✨
  6. Y’all know he’s mostly orange, right just because he models stuff doesn’t mean he’s yellow.
  7. There’s some scale on how much a trillion dollars can do.
  8. You can pour as much as you want into something but if what you put in does not stand you must pause. Now is the time to slow down.
  10. It’s our Thanksgiving surprise lol
  12. Common Heritage is how u get rid of private property
  13. So many right people on the forums lol. Why so right?
  14. Thunderf00t. Now I’m criticizing his stuff on Hyperloop. This Hyperloop is a Yellow Technology and an Orange person critiques it.
  15. Don’t worry, it’s the entrance to Superman’s secret base
  16. @Preety_India what about it?
  17. Wow it’s almost like under socialism people advocate for a wage based economy that focuses on paying their employees as much as possible instead of making things as cheap as possible. Wow it’s almost like under socialism people under the corporation get to vote. No offense to this guy, but due to the lack of knowledge from his own survival he’s lacking knowledge on how we will be in the future.