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Everything posted by Thewritersunion

  1. I hope Trump gets arrested. Because if he doesn’t this will set a bad example for corrupt people.
  2. he’s now starting his legal battles
  3. Anyhow I hope we can push Biden back into the Paris Climate Deal.
  4. Breaking news: !!!! Trump wins 270 votes after Russia declares Trump his winner
  5. @thruth-shot aren’t you that Lemon guy Leo banned a couple of hours ago?
  6. @Preety_India wonder how much astroturfing ? ?
  7. @Preety_India I think they’re contesting Arizona
  8. @Chrism Why is it when I scroll down I find this?
  9. @The Don this women literally has QAnon in her Twitter bio. Why would I ever listen to her. Not only that, but she gives us anecdotal evidence without confirmation in the video.
  10. @ItsNick maybe if we sued all these alt-right media companies for conspiracy we could actually evolve Green.
  11. Plus Coral (at it’s toxic stages) is not focused on invasions. It’s focused on distracting lower conscious people/groups or groups/people that are anti to them by distracting them, and wasting their time so they can focus on themselves as much as possible.
  12. Also to everyone in chat: Putin is not Coral. If he was Coral we would have accelerated all the stages under him and burned off all their unhealthy parts. Coral isn’t some malicious and manipulative person. That’s stage red. Imagine Russia with a fully grown Stage Turquoise, Yellow, and Green population. Yeah, that’s clearly not the case.
  13. @DocWatts they were mostly purple, it’s that the only people who lead were Red.
  14. @_lemon_ where does the president get his media and messages from?
  15. @_lemon_ where do you get your information from?
  16. I’m looking at the scores and think Biden will win PA, GA, NC, NV, and Arizona. If he does loose any it’ll be by a couple thousand or less votes.
  17. @Anderz probably random polling and not systematic county-by-county polling
  18. Guys Biden needs 27k more votes to win Georgia but there only 2% left.
  19. Stage Beige I would say began when humans started migrating around and out of Africa. As soon as they settled in areas and created tribes, I believe that was when stage purple really set in.
  20. Do a video on the blog on the American Election, it’s future, it’s collective ego, etc etc etc...!