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Everything posted by bensenbiz

  1. tried to drink a lot water and gettin the important vitamins?
  2. Maybe because its easy to get, omnipresent, most "legal" substance, easy to use - and quite mild in his effects so its kind of a social substance. I once were addicted to for a year and it was a serious problem as my motivations were pretty down at that time - but i still could growth spritiually with it and my creative abilities were elevated - it was pretty easy to be in the moment - still happy that I am not depending on it anymore.
  3. I see your point : for me the magical recipe was doin what I want and not should - also: playfulness.
  4. I would like to express myself through acting / singing to expanding the conciousness of other beings included myself.
  5. Great! Its hard to describe yeah but I still would be hear more about it.
  6. thanks for sharing. I love the fact that u got back in to this state of „ego backslash“ and confronted what ever came up. Because our pretty first reaction is to distract ourself from these states but this is the ultimate way to get stucked - somehow its something that we always did in our life - so whatever came up on a trip we should accept it - seems like u are pretty far on your journey - best wishes.
  7. Amazing experience - thanks for sharing. I like the analogy with the hard drive - As a IT Guy - I see so many similarities between life and the world of computer - somehow its not asuch a suprise - as the I Cing was used to deveope the first Computers. The only think that i dont understand is - where are all this information saved? Its a pretty high amount of data all this existence stuff ?
  8. On this topic I like a talk from Alan Watts: why are we clinging do this stuff - maybe because of our fear of death / need for survival - so thats why we think we have to control or we are in control. Since we realize more and more that there is no „we /me“ - there is just accepting the „is“
  9. 2025: how to make your aliengirlfriend squirt with your tail
  10. I was directly gettin it that it was a joke - but I was thinkin probably some dudes are goin to get this wrong - voila: Leo has build such a reputation that everything what comes out of him is takin pretty serious.
  11. can u do me a favour and change your nick into: itsNotLove in all topics I am waiting for your "its not love" comment - no offense - i find it very entertaining.. its like a running gag - love it
  12. idk - maybe just stop everything and focus on something entire different - some new sport, new enviremement or whatever there is. for me: if I want gains - I get them with different things as martial arts, or earning some money - if i link spirituality with gaining: its not really working, its pretty hard to messure - as there is just is , its more like a unpeeling then a gaining. best wishes m8
  13. Hello everyone, Iam pretty new at this forum and enjoy being a part of it. Even when my selfactualizing startet back at 2015, I found now the forum and I am pretty glad to found it. Back then at 2015 I studied computer sience and worked for a big company. I was someone who were in a orange stage, pretty selfish and just the goal to get higher in my career. After a few years of this superficial lifestyle I came to a conclusion that I had to change something - so I changed my job into part time and studied acting as this was always something where i could be free of care, playful and not so lost in the system. This years of studying acting were pretty intense because at that time I also started with self inqiry, meditation, consciousness expanding tools and also acting is a lot about the human nature so I got tons of insights from there. I mean when I could switch my "I" in a few weeks by just defining some believes and motivations. Who where the real "I" then? "u see" (:p) I literally thought I have 2 personalities - the one who just pretends (still in the IT-Job) and the one who is studying acting and gettin more and more to the truth and to the not knowing and finding out that I was arrogant like shit. The Interesting part was that the more I realize my true self the more I could feel how I lost my connection to the stage orange friends, and of course I was not so popular anymore. Lots of people told me that I am not "me" anymore and that I had lost my humour - but I felt the opposite - I just couldnt do this superficial non sense talk straight for 24 hours. After finishing the studying I quit my job and travelled around the world. I was a lot in asia and I liked for example: Koh Phangan for I there spiritual community. So after the travelling I decided to came to Berlin. And here I am - I got sometimes some acting jobs and I am considering besides to going back to a IT part time job - because I need some money. Mainly what I am searching for is a community in Berlin, people with whom I can meet and exchange about all this profound stuff. Or for example: Each week a meetup where we speak about the latest Leo Videos: my question is there something like that? And if not: how about the Idea that we create some Actualized meetups in the big cities? Also what is your experience with self actualizing and loosing the connection to others? Alright, thanks for your attenion looking forward to talk with you. Greets ::::A
  14. Thanks for the fast respond Leo. Sorry - I probably should read the guidelines before I created the topic. I am pretty sure that being a part of this forum will satisfy my sense of connection somehow - but still wish I could connect with people in real life - so maybe anyone have experiences where/how you could find like minded people?
  15. u said u had some psychedelic experiences. I was in a time in my life where I felt like you and tried psychedelics and it was useless because there was way too much ego activeness - what I want to say is it tooked me time and different approaches to be able to see love again. I travelled a lot and volunteered with the only goal to help others, I did lots of meditation and had some profound breaktroughs at a vipassana retreat (10 Days silent meditation) - reading/hearing a lot about advaita vedanta, alan watts and leo. And some Ayahuasca experiences with a afterwards microdosing psilocibin to impement the insights. Also a MDMA Session on my own with a Manual from Maps "A Manual for MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapyin the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder" after all this work which took me about an year. I came back to the matrix and would know how I want to design my life and whats more important having joy again. I was very lucky to find some conscious people around this journey which helped me a lot as well. for sure we are there for you when you need something. I wish you the best m8.