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Everything posted by bensenbiz

  1. okay lets give vodka a shot ;D
  2. 3 years ago I smoked a lot of weed and it was strongly helpful for my creativity. I was doin a lot of music / freestyle / jamming and was able to totally flow, find new melodies and lyrics. but on the flipside I had sometimes paranoia , anxiety thought loops and often the next day I felt deeply depressed. i know now that back then I was not happy with my life and I needed to grow a lot. Now 3 years later I actualized myself. ( also with help from psychedelics. ) I am just missing the effects of weed for my creativity but I am afraid to try weed again. So I was wondering do u guys have some experience with microdosing shrooms or acid or whatever to boost your creativity?
  3. u dont have to tell someone when u drank a coffee in the morning - its totaly up to you
  4. Hey guys, I am reading „the universe is a dream“ from Alexander Merchand. Iam done with 50 % As I understood he describes at some point that our dualistic „reality“ or to be more preciously our dreamworld / imagination is created out of unconscious guilt. Thats sound quite pessimistic And a different approach then infinity who wants to experience itself in different forms (out of love.) any thoughts on that?
  5. Ahhhh I see - infinity = all possibilities = love / acceptance = if there is everything there have to be also fear and limitation and that is were my dreamword begins ? how genius to build this „believable“ dream with so much beautiful details.. but all just because of being afraid of total love.. amazing! Thanks Leo
  6. Thanks for you quick respond. I dont get „Love vs Fear“ in that context. Could you describe it a bit more please?
  7. Hello Guys, Thanks for sharing your latest Video Leo. There was some new stuff in it what I enjoyed to hear. Especially the one: That the Ego is more then just the sense of self - That it is basically "reality" itself. There is one question in my mind that I have to ask. I litteraly couldnt sleep. I can totally see it that when we dont interrupt to the higher intelligence flow with our "false sense of reality" that everything flows smoother and we live our full potential. But (BUT LEO ;)" the society is so deluded and its so rare that people are living the "truth" so when I would let go of my sense of reality and be just totally spontaneous - how could I survive? Especially making money is my concern. I mean: when everybody would be living the truth - probably it would work easily but the way it is now - It would be pretty difficult - right? Thatswhy I have the plan of gaining a certain amount of money and then face the truth. Does it makes sense to you? Or does my reality tricks me and its just the fear of the ego? (btw: I never had a non dual experience) Thanks guys!
  8. Okay convinced guys - give me the fucking 5MEO DMT! just kidding but Iam smarter then before - thanks a lot
  9. maybe: without sex there is no evolution?
  10. Curb your enthusiasm the Office (us and uk)
  11. Thanks for sharing - it takes so much pressure away. I want to focus more towards not knowing and playfulness from now.
  12. What an amazing share. I had some insights - and these guy has such a playful vibe - it was really a pleasure to see it. Cheers edit: after this video I wanted to look up how much a session is - because I liked the idea to have a 1on1 session with him - but honestly 90 minutes for 500 dollar was pretty shocking for me. Sad
  13. Yonkon what helped me a lot for my throat chakra was a over all posture improvement as everything is linked with together. I found that my hips were stucked and because of that my belly and because of that chest, shoulder and neck. now were my posture is healthy I can feel when I got to much tension at some parts. have fun exploring your body m8
  14. @TheAvatarState thanks for this one - it resonates a lot with me. And as @Shadowraix said: "Authenticity is good, but that authenticity as you grow in consciousness will also include caring for those around you and knowing when dark humor will and won't cause suffering in others." So I think its a balance act and i have to master that in daily life. But I would be still in interesting how would someone see it from a "truth"-perspective. Any ideas on that?
  15. Since I am a teenager I have a side which loves to deal with dramatic things with humour. Later I found out that espacially in Germany that people get offended and judge me for being a mean person. But dark humour was always for me kind of more a playing then being serious about it. So I had to push these side a bit down do "survive" in the society and could just enjoy this side with my closest friend. Since I am on the path of an higher consciousness and acting more from the truth, I feel sometimes bad when I do dark jokes or have dark comedy thoughts - it feels like its devilry but I am totally aware of it that its really just humour and I am far away from being a mean, sadistic person. I have bit the feeling that I am deluded about how a truthful person would be: like just kind, and not so much speaking etc. and trying to be this "ideal" spiritual person. But its clearly just an "Ego"-Product. Iam wondering am I judging myself to hard on that? Any experiences on the connection between thes dark humour and truth? Especially the ones who could experience the truth?
  16. @Andrew Rogers its interesting because I was in a sd green eviroment for a few years so very idealistic and left - and there I untrained my humour side because of to much „political correctness.“
  17. @ThinAir that reminds me on a french saying that „you can laugh about everything but not with everyone. when I observe it there is really nothing behind it - I just think human beings are fun. How we try to be badly serious. Its the judgment part afterwards that feels bad and I dont know if I need this reflection.
  18. We had recently a good talk about this topic. See here:
  19. thats exactly what we need right now - a beatbox cult
  20. ur welcome m8 - good luck on your journey
  21. I had a dream that we were living in a utopia - something like auroville - lets start with that, maybe?
  22. how can u tell someone who never had an orgasm how a orgasm feels? here we go. Leo is one of the rare ones who can describe it pretty good - even if its impossible to describe. experience > rationality But its still funny how u get always offended and quit the conversation. please dont leave this thread - here is just love - but even if you leave it will be out of love
  23. well in the relative true - we as a human being are existing - and it would be a good start to go from a victim ego in to a "takin responsibility ego" - for example: victim: I am suffering because of others, because I was unlucky, because I am black bla bla. takingresponsbility ego: all the challenges I had were just to support me and let me growth - and I am building the life I want. hopefully u got the idea. And when someone reach that point - then u can go to the next step and look is there really something like a ego? guess what? there is not.