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Everything posted by TrynaBeTurquoise

  1. Well, you sure wouldn't be minimizing it. You would be maximizing it.
  2. I've been educated even in university nutrition classes that the there were skewed studies with conflicting interests that intentionally wanted to prove no negative effects of GMOs in relation to cancer. Its not that hard to find. As for Glyphosate, there is evidence everywhere it is toxic and negatively effects the gut microbiome that is intimately connected to the immune system. You don't have to link them to Covid-19. They are health issues that effect the body globally. You have some kind of weird notion that they have to be "linked" to Covid 19 which is just silly. I'm not going to even further discuss GMO or glyphosate because it was just a small example I used of stressors to the immune system, which isn't even debatable, and isn't relevant to the 5g or Covid discussion, again, just an example. There are so many other factors to improve health and resiliency to viruses.
  3. You really went down the rabbit hole huh? Would you move into a home right next/in close range of a 5g tower with/without your family/loved ones?
  4. @LfcCharlie4 Yea! Ben Greenfield was the first source I saw that brought on doctors to discuss the negatives of EMF before this 5g stuff even started. That was like 2-3 years ago, If I recall correctly he has had multiple episodes with different people that dive deep into EMF. If anyone dives deep into scientific research and not being afraid to be on the cutting edge its Ben. But hey, we are on quarantine right now with the public only allowed to go out for "essentials" yet people are gathering to put up 5g towers fast! Doesn't raise any red flags at all, lol.
  5. I watched the interview last night. Crazy how it was taken down from youtube. There is major freedom of speech/freedom of press censorship happening right now. Everyone needs to watch it with an open mind.
  6. @outlandish LOL! You're looking for non existent research that doesn't even make any sense. Research can't even be conducted right now and research that was being done was paused, we are on lockdown. You're saying we need peer reviewed research to tell if stressors to the body lower the immune system? There are tons of research on GMO and glyphosate. That already exists everywhere. Again, use common sense. This has nothing to do with 5g, they are just general health stressors that ALL lower the immune system and make people more likely to get sick. The non-biased independent research that needs to get out is to isolate how 5g millimeter waves stress the body.
  7. Im sorry but they do exacerbate the problem. I don't know how anyone in their right mind can say they don't. Glyphosate/GMO are just examples of health issues that lower immune systems. It seems to me you are taking this way too literally trying to find "direct correlations" between "X" and Covid. Another strawman. This is a disease where most cases are MILD and effect immunocompromised individuals. Plently of statistics back that up. Despite the media nitpicking outlier cases of "young/healthy" people dying when there is nothing to verify their diet/lifestyle/ect. If anything this is the time to "laser focus" into health and well-being in general and get to the root cause of why so many people are unhealthy/immunocompromised and GMO/glyphosate is just an example but HUGE factors in that "why" nonetheless. You aren't going to solve covid/any health pandemic by putting it in a box and telling people to laser focus on that. Focus is put on Covid when necessary but more focus needs to be put in the underlying systemic food/agriculture/modern lifestyle issue that make so many people susceptible to diabetes/heart disease/cancer and put them more at risk for a virus like this that picks off the weak in the vast majority of cases.
  8. No, you are misunderstanding. Replace 5g with anything that stresses the body and lowers the immune system. That makes you more susceptible to becoming ill. Its a simple 2+2=4. If the body undergoes more stress the immune system lowers. I literally said glyphosate and GMO have nothing to do with Covid 19. Go back and re-read my post. Don't get hung up on the word "interact". Nothing exists in a vacuum. Maybe I should have used a better word. Health concerns are cofounding, doesn't mean its a conspiracy. Use common sense.
  9. One of the better videos on the topic:
  10. Yes certainly. The two are not confounded. But they can interact with each-other. GMO foods and glyphosate have nothing to do with Covid-19, but they exacerbate the problem. Its reasonable to at least acknowledge that this health crisis is not being helped by dirtier and stronger EMF radiation. And then do something about this 5g, not just sitting around saying "thats bullshit it has nothing to do with Covid 19" (not saying you are just a lot of people in general) while they are not contributing to any solutions with these valid 5g concerns.
  11. There are a lot of nonsense conspiracy theories and probably doesn't want this forum to go off the rails with people free to discuss nonsense ones. Its in his self interest of his business/income to not let that happen. But in the process of doing so some legitimate discussions are thrown out with the bathwater and there is closed-mindedness on a site that was supposedly built on values antithetical to that. There is censorship happening on youtube right now on conspiracy theories, and public figures being demonized purely out of tweeting legitimate concerns about 5g in relation to peoples health around coronavirus, not even claiming any conspiracy that 5g is a coronavirus cover-up. People in power are clearly suppressing free speech in this way and are trying to program people what to think with grouping all anti 5g people into this strawman group of crazy conspiracy theorists.
  12. 5g itself isn't even a conspiracy theory. EMF dangers are real and whoever disagrees and hasn't seen the latest research/has an agenda for covering it up/is a programmed automaton. EMF dangers have been put out there for years now by well respected researchers. Its no fucking shit that anything that negatively effects your body/immunity will worsen the effect of a virus. Go move right next to a 5g cell tower and see how you feel getting nuked with radiation. Only pro is 5g doesn't travel very far.
  13. The quarantine is helpful and necessary just the fear mongering and fear porn on the media is way too high. Probably because of the vast majority of people who are not healthy/don't care or know about health.
  14. I doubt it is going to be mandatory, there are going to be some people who are not gonna have that shit, at least in the USA. Even if its not mandatory though tons of programmed people are still going to take it voluntarily.
  15. Was going to say just this.
  16. I think it is more complex than that, might be some truth but that sounds like an overly simplistic theory, but if one thing is a no brainer: don't take that damn vaccine when you get the option. Nanochips aside, you are going to be pouring heavy metal crap in your bloodstream. Get educated about holistic health.
  17. Find something you can direct all your energy into that you can be proud of, you enjoy, and is building a skill to level you up in life.
  18. You can't get out in the sunlight?
  19. @LfcCharlie4 Check this one out
  20. I've never used it but if following a health lifestyle it, using it far and few times in between, as well as staying hydrated throughout the trip, I wouldn't be too worried about a pure substance (if its not a knockoff chem) permanently harming my brain. The human body/brain is a self healing machine and the brain chemistry and physical structure can be changed/healed through neuroplasticity. Not claiming you can heal anything but we are talking about pure MDMA hypothetically I wouldn't view it as high risk or dangerous.
  21. @LfcCharlie4 I was googling it a couple weeks ago, different articles popped up trying to "debunk" a strawman argument that "5g=Corona" and trying to place every 5g advocate in a box of crazy conspiracy theorist basically. Typical mainstream media trying to debunk whatever seems woo woo without examining deeper more interconnected possibilities.
  22. Maybe put your laptop in front of the terrarium and let them listen to some of leos newer videos?
  23. Until them treat them nicely and sing them songs, maybe they will squirt some 5meo out for you
  24. Take a well informed dose of an appropriate psychedelic in a safe and optimal setting with this intention of overcoming fear. Deal with any fear that may arise head on by feeling into it and surrendering.