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Everything posted by TrynaBeTurquoise
Here is the official pandemic data: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:2019–20_coronavirus_pandemic_data Divide the deaths by the people confirmed cases in each country, and then look at the cases recovered compared to the deaths (with a vast % of those deaths dying with other chronic health conditions). And then take into account all the asymptomatic people that don't even get counted!
Factory farmed meat vs high quality organic meat are different stories. That analogy with the bible is also apples and oranges imo.
You'll find a way to discredit anything I say that doesn't back up your own opinions/beliefs about the narrative around this flu. If I post an extremely insightful interview with one of the most reliable immunology experts in the world you'll say I'm "putting all my faith in one guy" lol. Its clear you didn't take the time to watch the interview because he explains why it is on par with the normal flu. The vast majority of people who have Covid 19 are asymptomatic and not being accounted for in treatment centers. Divide those numbers by deaths and you get in a 1% mortality range, on par with a normal seasonal flu. He does explain it is novel and more aggressive. But that the fear that being put out is directly making it worse on peoples physiology.
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to nahtanoj's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Fear is an innate biological response to real and immediate danger. Aka a bear chasing you. This is what the evolution of the fight or flight response was intended for. You don't have to be in fear about being chased by a bear when you take the precaution to avoid hiking out in bear country. Likewise, you don't have to be in fear over something that is not an immediate threat to your life ie. coronavirus, rather take necessary precautions for your health and immunity. Liberate yourself from unnecessary fear. -
@Unemployed He is saying women with sexual experiences of more than one partner are "sluts". No one said anything about encouraging our wives/daughters to go out and try to gain as much sexual experience as possible, that is a different story. In some peoples journeys they will not meet the right person always first, and will experience multiple partners. Others genuinely want sex, and will go out and try to have a lot of sex (men or women) which is part of a natural learning process and experience of life. Nothing right/wrong about this. People can choose to be intimate with who they want as long as they respect the confines of their relationship agreement with their SO. He is giving his biased opinion based off his own choices/life experience to stick with one woman his entire life. He doesn't know any other way, so he is demonizing not only women but men who choose to have multiple sexual partners. Instead of "slut shaming" love and acceptance is a much higher teaching for true inner strength, not being on a moral highground of being with one partner because that is "the right path". His teachings are neurotic and dysfunctional and regressive for spiritually developed people. His main audience is just men who probably don't have much success with women and are trying to put on muscle to build more confidence in their life and haven't accepted or integrated a feminine side within them.
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to nahtanoj's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Fear is different from taking precautions. Berating people for lack of fear is the worst response to have. -
It is from scientific reliable sources. Its from Dr. Bruce Lipton one of the leading scientists in the world in Immunity and Epigentics. Do some thorough research yourself before you start calling out others for things you are just making assumptions on.
The mortality rate is on par with a normal flu virus. Very few people are dying in ratio to the number of people who have Covid-19, and out of those already are old and dealing with chronic health conditions. Given the proper medical treatment, its not a deadly virus. Encourage you to watch the interview of Dr. Bruce Lipton who explains the virus.
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to erik8lrl's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A few high quality articles/podcasts: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/we-have-no-reason-to-believe-5g-is-safe/ https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/lifestyle-articles/emf/ https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/lifestyle-podcasts/5g-dangers/ -
Inject me with the bubonic plague I bet I could beat that with the Wim Hoff method and viagra combined.
Thats horrible I'm sorry that is going on in Italy. I wasn't even aware laws were getting that draconian around this overblown flu. Here in the US, its perfectly legal to go out in nature and social distance. Those laws are extremely oppressive and ridiculous. Going out into nature by yourself is your own right to get exercise sunlight and fresh air to maintain your health while not harming anyone.
London Real is one of the best platforms of information out there right now most definitely!
Dives deep into the nature of the Covid 19 virus, immunity, epigenetics, quantum physics, ect! -We create our own genetic information in our cells -Fear is proven to lower the immune system -Covid-19 is affecting people like a normal seasonal flu virus (but thats not how the media is portraying it!) -Vast majority of Doctors are in an outdated scientific/medical paradigm Liberate yourself from fear and the media hysteria of this virus!
@Tobia Where do you live? Start going out to parks and trails. Get out in nature, exercise, soak in the sunshine and breathe. They can't take that away from you. All this can be done while social distancing. I've been going to local and regional parks every day almost. Parking lots are closed but you find alternative parking, and the parks themselves aren't closed, you just have to social distance.
During this lockdown 5g towers are going up and the dangers of 5g are all being censored and suppressed because they are all grouped in a conspiracy theory strawman argument. Do you see how this is problematic? That because they are so connected via the media right now in that narrative, you can't even discuss 5g dangers because of what is happening right now with covid. Even if you type 5g or 5g dangers in google you are bombarded with the primary results being "5g conspiracy theories nonsense" "False health concerns over 5g" when you scroll deeper then you start getting into scientific american articles and other such sources of PHds giving 5g warnings, saying this is not safe. The average person will now associate all 5g concerns with "crazy conspiracy theory nonsense"
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to Jo96's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I don't believe the virus is caused by 5g. Who is saying that? This is a novel flu virus, and 5g might be exacerbating cases of it just like any other immune stressor would (ie. fear) but the media is overblowing the severity of it and pushing a fear narrative, while 5g, a health hazard is being unrolled rapidly and being censored to even discuss. 5g causing the virus or the virus actually being 5g is a strawman argument as far as I can tell. Its a nuanced issue and the media is reducing the concerns down to that strawman. -
Your body's front-line protection/prevention from viruses/bacteria is your own innate immune system. Hand washing, contact, masks are all secondary measures of protection and are often ineffective if your immune system isn't up to par. In that analogy you are absolutely right, the 5g would not be a priority. But this is a long term issue, and often times stressors like 5g push people over the edge immunity wise. In the interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton I posted, he describes some people in close proximity to EMF emitting power lines did suffer health consequences from it but not all of them. The ones suffering the most health effects were already dealing with other health issues/stressors on the body. That would describe the majority of people in a country where the average person is not healthy. Once you describe someone already with a pathology, there are new priorities. The relevance here is that this is an issue that will effect people for years to come if no one does anything about it. If something is harmful to the body, people should not be subjected to it just because it makes cell phone industries money. 5g is not a small jump from 4g either, its a big jump. While all this Covid-19 hysteria is on the media, and freedom of speech is being banned on the press and on youtube from people speaking on the dangers of 5g, this creates a distraction from people not being able to stand up for this breach on human health. People are quick to reject a drug because of its lack of thorough testing on humans, but they are rolling out this 5g like people are mice in a lab experiment despite clear evidence it is a danger (or at the very least you would have to acknowledge it as a :potential danger)! Either way its the same, not suitable to expose the public to at this point. A huge double standard and its awakening so many people with all the hypocrisy and red flags it is raising.
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to Jo96's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@LfcCharlie4 You might have already watched/listened to it but check out that London Real interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton that was done earlier today. Besides from being ineffective allopathic big pharma drug pushers, most doctors who were educated years ago know nothing about the science of epigenetics and the latest understanding on bacteria/viruses. The human body is electromagnetic and its already been shown that EMF frequencies disrupt the physiology. Doctors who say it doesn't are operating under an old paradigm or are in bed with the cell network companies. But 5g aside, this virus mortality rate (when taking to account the huge amounts of asymptomatic people not treated) is still on par with a normal seasonal flu virus! -
I just subscribed. I have been thinking about starting my own holistic fitness/health channel as well! I've also been training handstands for a while but can't hold a static one for very long. Been training a lot more calisthenics during this quarantine. Definitely upload progress reports on your progress using your progressions so your viewers can see your method works
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to Average Investor's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
For most people this $1,200 check is peanuts to their normal expenses piling up. -
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to Jo96's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Listen to research biased scientists? Science is an ever changing methodology of observation. Its constantly changing and corrupted by money. Listen to doctors of failing allopathic medicine who are just glorified pharmaceutical drug pushers? LOL -
Theres been a lot of Wim Hof videos posted on here so hopefully this ins't a double post. This particular interview with Russell Brand is very insightful. -Wim recalls the experiment where him and 10 others were injected with E coli and were able to fight off the bacteria using the breathing/cold exposure method. Coronavirus attacks the body/enters the cells in a different way than E Coli but results in the same thing: Inflammation -A major study almost finished on the Wim Hoff method on its effect on DNA was almost finished in San Francisco but was put on pause because of the quarantine If you aren't already doing breathwork/cold showers and want to bulletproof your immune system and improve your health/energy in general get on this ASAP!
Ask questions to show your care/concern for them or say interesting things about yourself or your experience right now. Maybe invite them to play some sort of game with you. Keep it really lighthearted/humorous when you can. Now is an easy time to talk and connect with people in terms of conversation topics since we are all going through this lockdown together.
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
TrynaBeTurquoise replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
So its low on your list but you still acknowledge it as a stressor. Think about the people who have no choice but to live next to it and get exposure, maybe people already dealing with tons of other stressors as well. Health is a human right and rights are being breached.