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Everything posted by TrynaBeTurquoise

  1. What is DMT breathing? What does that technique look like with your breathing cycles?
  2. I have not, I don’t have the freedom right now to be able to do it for multiple days. Maybe in the future. But I read a report on here from a dark room retreat, where the guy said coming out and seeing the view in nature after all the darkness was like an LSD trip.
  3. Who knows, maybe him and Leo could have a discussion similar to this: I'll be visualizing hard with you, hopefully we can manifest this shit
  4. All excellent points, have you seen this presentation of the neurochemistry of psychedelics? Very insightful as a bridge into psychedelics for the more scientific and rationally minded individual as well.
  5. Totally, I would have never had made the connection with caffeine and spiral dynamics if not for your post. Touching on stage blue, in some religions like mormonism, they ban its use equating it to a "mind altering drug" just like alcohol. Always thought that was extremest, not only banning all use of any substance but even just equating caffeine with alcohol, 2 radically different things. And another thought on green, I think its important to mention that a lot of people immersed in green are avid caffeine users, albeit in more natural forms like coffee and tea. I think the higher one goes in green, in some cases one may fall into the trap of renouncing it for themselves because it doesn't resonate with them and pushing that agenda on everybody else.
  6. This^, don't waste your time with tests like this, instead do inner work.
  7. The conceptual distinction between "reality and imagination" is nothing more than a duality of language. The psychedelic making you conscious of this has nothing to do with the appearances of nuerons firing in your brain that were changed by the psychedelic.
  8. This is an interesting perspective on it, I agree on this. I feel stage Orange abuses caffeine using it in an unhealthy way in many cases, to make artificial energy so to speak, to drive their endless survival effort of "doing". Stage Green is a backlash against this use of caffeine, and demonizes it as a whole saying it "lowers vibration" and things of that nature. Stage Yellow realizes its a substance that can be used intelligently, integrating it in a healthy lifestyle as a whole where it is not relying on caffeine as their main source of energy but uses it strategically and does not deny the simple pleasure it can bring if one enjoys it.
  9. Careful with all those blanket statements like "x lowers your vibration" that you see with a lot of other spiritual dogma, anything can raise or lower your "vibration" depending on tons of nuanced factors. You just have to find out in your experience what works and doesn't work for you, directly.
  10. What is the difference between physiological changes to the brain caused by psychedelics vs changes of the brain caused by meditation? They both change brain chemistry. Its commonplace to equate "changes to the brain" with "bad". Psychedelics have the profound ability to increase interconnectedness between nuerons in the brain, restoring function to the system, (while they are taking effect but also perhaps carryover afterwards if it imprints in you more positive ways of thinking, meaning less time stressing about life) Your brain chemistry is changing all the time, psychedelics or not. Psychedelics in particular, if one thing is certain, are not impairing your brains ability to function properly like addictive substances.
  11. The meaning of the world "real" was always arbitrary to begin with. You just became conscious of the relativity of language.
  12. What other niche/smaller audience youtubers have been on the show? Asking out of curiosity, seems like Leo would be a lot different from the usual host selections (which by the way, is it just me or are the guests getting more boring?) Used to have guys similar to Aubrey Marcus, Hamilton Morris, Paul Stamets, Duncan Trussell, Graham Hancock on more often. Is he trying to get away from the psychedelic talk on the show?
  13. Probably being immersed a dark room for multiple days with long periods of fasting and then coming out to experience nature could "twist the knobs" akin to what a psychedelic could do. Extremely impractical though if you could even have the logistical means in your life to allow for this.
  14. Agreed, such a waste of time idealizing the "dating market" and all these generalizations that will probably mean nothing for your own life.
  15. Yeah, its funny when people critique him about all the expensive equipment he talks about, when he does stress the minimalist simplistic health techniques as the most primary and foundational. As a listener on a budget, its not hard to make that distinction. All that expensive equipment information he talks about he is just putting out there for people who actually can afford it to invest in their health, because who else is in that niche? Its just him, thats the frontier he enjoys to explore. People blow their money on all sorts of useless things, so someone with a big bankroll buying the biohacking equipment (still relatively cheaper than other extravagant things) investing the money in their own health brings more power to them.
  16. @Michael569 @LfcCharlie4 I agree on some parts but also disagree. Ben takes it too the extreme but his biohacking shtick is a genuine expression of what fulfills him in life. Exploring new techniques and trying to optimize every little thing isn't something he's doing out of stress and fear but out of a creative joy. He gets a lot of flack for being seen as an "extreme health snob" but remains authentic and humorous because its just him and how he likes to spend his time. That being said I do agree his notions of spirituality are shallow. He is the type to meditate just for the physiological health benefits but isn't aware of the true nature of spirituality. He has definite limitations in that area, but as far as his cutting edge scientific information about health he is a top notch resource.
  17. Sleep is an essential part of health. If you get a terrible night sleep all systems in your body are compromised and working sub-optimally. Your cognition suffers, seems obvious. Unless you are asking like, existentially, what is tiredness? Its a state out of the infinite states of consciousness.
  18. All this ideological cultural dating analysis shit is a waste of time, won't serve you in any way.
  19. Its all fun and games until you do try the handstand pose there
  20. Caffeine doesn't touch the consciousness knob, it touches some physiological knobs like increasing your metabolism, up-regulating your central nervous system, which can be useful in certain situations like exercise or fasting. There are so many factors to consider when using caffeine, like in what form you are consuming it in. Are you consuming it in the form of a chemical-infused energy drink, or in a natural form of matcha green tea powder in a smaller quantity which is paired with other beneficial, calming amino acids like L-theanine, antioxidants and phytochemicals to aid your overall health. All in all doesn't have anything to do with expanding your consciousness unless you actually pair it with a spiritual practice like contemplation or meditation.
  21. Categorizing which teacher is superior is a highly subjective and personal thing. One teacher could be superior than another in a certain aspect but inferior in another aspect. Some could be more well-rounded in general, but ultimately means nothing to the individual if one has not yet developed themselves enough to understand or get any use from the teachings. Its all about the level of consciousness the individual is at. Teachers are like stepping stones, one unlocking the door for the next, or maybe utilizing multiple at once for a synthesis of as many perspectives as possible. (Stage yellow in this bitch :p)
  22. I think we are mostly arguing for the same thing, that he doesn't want to go to certain places in discussion for whatever reason, whether it be public image or general closed-mindedness, maybe a mixture of both. Joe is very open minded compared to the average person of course, but the limits of his open-mindedness end with questioning the obvious parts of reality, and its easy to see after listening to so many podcasts, that he still has so many cultural assumptions that run him. The key here is when challenged, he does get adversarial and aggressive (at least in the past, stopped watching him as much recently) compared to a guy like Aubrey Marcus who is more well tempered and seems to have mastered his emotions more.
  23. Yes, he is skeptical about science in that sense, that there is more to the story than what current science is teaching, as with the Graham Hancock episodes. But, when it comes to being radically openminded to "question the obvious" about what science as a whole fundamentally is, I do not think he has ever gone there or is very open to that. The Graham Hancock example is the the tip of the iceberg when it comes to questioning science. Psychedelics did change him, but just doing them alone won't automatically change your paradigm about reality. There are a bunch of psychedelic users locked in the materialist paradigm. Don't just assume he has all these insights but is just hiding them, you don't know what he knows and how ignorant he is overall of certain things.
  24. How would spending your money produce a spiritual entity coming to you?
  25. The quality of his content would suffer. He's too busy doing his own research, having guests would bring down the cutting edge factor of the information by having to find a middle-ground that they both could discuss.