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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Please be careful @Chris365. Taking any sort of drugs right now unless they are medically necessary and prescribed by your doctor should be completely avoided. I know it's painful, but you need to be crystalline sober as you're dealing with this. You need to tackle and absorb the emotions directly as they come for the next little bit. Consider talking to your ex in a day or two and explain that you were on something and that what you said might not have been totally authentic.
  2. @Leo Gura I used to watch people like him before he went off the deep end. Now I'm not even surprised, I'm actually kind of pleased. He deserved it and he knew this was coming for years. What I don't understand is it's not like these people are stupid. They see it coming from miles away and they just stubbornly double down on their ideology, in this case he just started to sound more racist and crazy ever year. These "independent" media guys are so insistent on endlessly antagonizing their political opponents and fighting "the left" that they will slowly delude, compromise, and contaminate their higher values as long as they maintain the appearance of being scientific and factual. I think a huge part of the problem is the way YouTube functions and is monetized, everyone is reliant on keeping their echo chamber in tact or and if they stray too far in developing themselves or displease their audience in any significant way, it starts to crumble everything they've built up. And god forbid they lose some money trying to become better people in the process! Can't have that! It's almost like a mind virus. We are seeing the absolute toxic limits of Orange, and they'll be left behind in the dust as footnotes of society improving itself, even if the improvement seems sloppy and goes back a step or two just to take 5 steps forward. Molyneux knows better. Maybe he is unconscious to a certain degree but he's intelligent enough to know you shouldn't get away with pushing and stretching the edges of free speech with racist useless rhetoric like he did. Of course out of his own immaturity he locked his mind in a bubble and threw away the key. Hard to be sympathetic to someone like that.
  3. Don't do that. By putting all your eggs in that basket you're setting yourself up for even more suffering in the meantime. What if you never find him? What if he doesn't WANT to touch you and won't understand your explanations? What if him touching you just feeds it more and the thoughts persist? See what I mean? You need to let go.
  4. Don't really have any philosophy to contribute, just want to share this awesome song in the spirit of the thread
  5. Yep just make sure the contemplation is a process of independence. This is a time where you have permission to indulge your ego a bit think about just you. That's what's important here.
  6. Even if the opposite of your dad is all the positive things you listed. You're not authentically moving towards those things out of your own vision, you're doing them in spite of your father which is a negative. If you're to get lasting motivation you need to reflect deeper on what you really want. Not what you think you want.
  7. Hi @Sandy6. I've suffered from the same sort of affliction for a handful of years, except my Pure OCD is harm based and centers around violence. I've found the thing that helps the most is to not give the thoughts or urges any power. Realize they are meaningless and out of your control. Notice how they simply "arise" in the mind, sometimes without triggers. It's not really you thinking them, so you don't need to feel guilt. I think that's the first hurtle many people with this sort of ailment struggle with. What you can control is your reaction to it. If you dwell on it and go down different thought paths and rationalizations, it just makes it worse. And you get lost in the emotions and uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. This is where the problem and solution is. Simply notice the thoughts as they arise. Don't "think" anything about them like "this is a bad thought", or "I shouldn't be thinking this". Or absorbing the emotions too much and letting that consume you. Notice them, and let them go. Watch them drift by in your mind. Don't do anything with them, let them pass. Mindfulness meditation is a very good practice for this because it trains your awareness. You'll be able to notice the thoughts a lot more and be detached right in the moment so you can let it pass. After enough time without "feeding" the thoughts with more thinking and emotions, it starts to die and the don't arise as much. Of course you can never truly "forget" them forever but this is the best you can do I think. Hope this helps cheers - Roy
  8. Criminals, or anyone else who is dysfunctional in such a way that impedes them from being independent law abiding adults. When it's clear they are neglecting their survival life so bad it's going to bite them in the ass or it's hurting their family That Rome wasn't built in a day. You have an entire lifetime. Play the long game and stop seeking the "high" so much. It will come when you're ready.
  9. That's unusual @Zak. I imagine it might be because the advice giving is coming from your ego. It's possible you're not doing it out of genuine compassion or care, but just because you want to seem "right" and smart. That feeling of regret is coming after because in reflection your subconscious might know this, but you don't. Could I be right about this or no?
  10. Don't run away from it. Don't try to change your psychology. Don't take medication. Simply realize and acknowledge the thought for what it really is, nonsense. Then let it pass. Every time it comes up, the same process. Don't think about it, don't go down logic patterns, don't get lost in your emotions. Let it pass. That thought again? Let it pass. Eventually your mind will realize you aren't feeding the thought, so it won't be relevant anymore. With enough time it will arrive less frequently in your life. Maybe it will come up again some day, who knows. What do you do then? Let it pass. I have suffered from OCD and harm based Pure OCD as well a lot of my life. This is the thing that has helped me the most. I really hope you consider giving it a try. Good luck @Kiko
  11. @Zec Well, you have to ask yourself honestly; Is that anger valid anger, or unwarranted anger? Where is it coming from? Explore that deeply first. What meditation will do is train your awareness. It doesn't avoid acknowledging your anger. It DIRECTLY acknowledges it so when it arises you can realize it for what it is, and then let it pass. Instead of being consumed by the emotion.
  12. @ginger28 It sounds like you don't respect and value yourself enough. You said you get anxious if you're even single or not pursuing relationships for even as short as a week? You feel that anxiety and desperation because you're subconsciously neglecting yourself in some way(s) and relying on having someone else in your life (a partner in this case) fill that part for you. But here is something to understand. No single person in the ENTIRE WORLD will be able to provide you with that. You need to love first. Treat yourself as someone awesome and high value who doesn't need anything, and those attachments will naturally go away. If you don't feel like that person right now do some things to remedy it, work on your body, focus on your college, fill your spare time with hobbies. Find things you can do completely alone that you enjoy, and don't need another person to do. You'll find that dating and relationships come easy if you work on other personal development avenues first.
  13. Congratulations on being being drug free, good for you @Buddha WRX
  14. Of course the public support would be inevitable. The majority of African-Americans are in the South/South-East right? It would be unwise to piff off such a huge portion of your population and go against the grain like you said. I'm not American so I can only say this with so much authority, but I think the stereotype of southerners being mouth breathing racist hicks has been blown way out of proportion. I believe people down there are much more hospitable and "liberal" (relatively) than is portrayed. The racism that does happen is NOT ok but I think it's a LOT less frequent than we're led to believe. It's just that everyone has phone to record everything these days and the only thing that gets a lot of attention this past decade is outrage porn. idk tell me if my perception is off.
  15. It's one thing to break up with her to find someone more compatible. It is important you should stay true to yourself and wanting to find someone that matches you really well, especially if you're aiming for a lifetime relationship with them. On the other hand you are limiting yourself from loving her fully because you're attached to this naive idea of a man having to follow his logic? Consider how you really feel about her and how successful the relationship could be long term, instead of worrying about what you "should" be doing. It's important you reflect on your emotions about this, instead of thinking logically about it.
  16. There is a lot of hot garbage Red Pill stuff out there these days, but at least this video adds on to a simple truth as old as time; The majority of men will shag just about anything with legs or a pulse, while most women won't. So of course they get their pick of the litter!
  17. Destiny still has biblical levels of neurosis left over from his early days, and he's still really stuck on the debate/arguing/semantics/facts paradigm of Orange. It's likely he won't ever reach Yellow unless he transcends and gives up his YouTube channel and does something else with his life. It's too deeply intertwined with his survival and identity. At least he has some Green showing with some of his personal and political values.
  18. Ahh so I was somewhat right making a Red-Pill reference about you Relationship contracts are a reflection of fear, not love? Maybe for you, if you feel that way.
  19. Have you considered you don't feel emotions because you fear them, especially love? Anyway there is something deeper definitely going on. There is NO such thing as consent when you are a child, your brain is not developed enough. You were tricked & taken advantage of. You need professional help. Please get off these forums and go search for some local services that offer therapy so you can talk about the event in depth and heal.
  20. She isn't as spiritual as you think. She can't even handle the simple trust of letting you be alone or hanging out with friends (major red flag of insecurity), but she was willing to start a long distance relationship at the same time? You aren't the confused one, she is. End it man, spare yourself and her some pain.
  21. What's your angle exactly? Not everybody is a turquoise sage mate. Do you want people to forgo relationships for years and years until they have the meta perspective to lay that foundation? Life is too short. The overwhelming majority of people get into relationships having not yet done even the most primary developmental work prior. We need to do our best to offer the advice and tools to help them repair what leaks are there or at the very least make them ready so the next relationship is healthier. Do you see the absurdity of your expectation yet? Yes "culture" has a lot of dysfunctions and flaws in it, and thereby the people do as well. Well, we all live in it for now, so get over it!
  22. Don't know the answer exactly, but my intuition is guiding me towards this resource so I'll just share it with you. Loving and accepting yourself may sounds synonymous with "not blaming yourself", but it's not. It's transcendent.
  23. @Yonkon 3 times in a little over a month? Sorry friend but you're going to have to cut it off permanently. It's never going to work between you guys, no amount of passion is going to repair such an incompatible base.
  24. The video about "should" statements. I remember listening to this in my car on the way back from my girlfriends last year on an empty Canadian highway. It was like 32 C out and I had no AC so I was feeling an elevated kind of peak sober. I was hyper focused and everything explained in the video made perfect mind blowing sense. It's had the largest impact and applicability in my life of any content I've acquired from here. For my individual internal life, and for the external macro world as well.