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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Just block him. Have you seen what he looked like before he changed his profile lol? He's a neo-woke spiritual troller with random synapses firing in his brain. As soon as you feel disconnects in a conversation where it doesn't feel like you're really talking to another person, just save your time and ignore it.
  2. If having to wear a mask is tyranny, then I'm at least glad these kinds of people weren't born in Iran or the DRC. They would have a real hard time.
  3. Is the pursuit of immortality (or as close to it as possible) in the form of cloning or uploading of consciousness to a computer the ultimate form of Ego/Selfishness/Fear for humans or any living thing? I can't think of a better example, because from the perspective of the ego trying to accomplish this, there is such a piercing focus on the selfishness of it that there are blinders on to literally everything else around it. I guess you could say becoming a "God" like Zeus or something would be better, but I'm talking about things that could realistically happen in our world. Curious to hear some thoughts on this, cheers!
  4. If Ned Flanders is pure Blue @Leo Gura then there is nothing wrong with Blue! Ned Flanders is a dang diddily great guy!
  5. @Heart of Space I've been saying this for a while. It's become an ideology around here and an answer for bloody everything. People aren't thinking nearly as deeply about things as they should.
  6. Hell literally exists already here on Earth. Either your actions lead us closer to it or they don't.
  7. The egos looking to be immortal don't know or care about the spirit world. So it's not silly to them. From their perspective, you're silly!
  8. You're full of knowledge we know. Can you contribute to the conversation if you're going to comment? For sure, but I'm talking about in the material sense. If regular egos knew about this work and found out they could become immortal through spirituality instead of materialism well.......... let's just say the world would be a lot better place. You're right. But they know not of the consequences. Like I said there are blinders on and it's pure untainted selfishness. The ego is so driven and reckless for immortality that it naively assumes life is going to remain near exactly the same during the eternity it has, with all it's material pleasures and worldly situation being untouched, and it's motives and indulgences the same as well. Delusion. That's a pretty deep irony at that
  9. People do realize they can block 98% of all ads on the internet with Adblock right? Why give more money to a company that is getting dangerously powerful?
  10. The traditional patriarchal relationship roles that you described have existed and been the norm for literally thousands of years, now women are finally catching up (economically & getting more favorable rights/treatment) and the pendulum is in the midst of swinging in the other direction. There is going to be confusion, contradiction, and bypassing of logic as a result of this. Accept it and adapt like @electroBeam suggested.
  11. Don't listen to everything Leo says, sex on the first date isn't a good idea.
  12. The fact that you're hesitating and asking all these questions is what is going to kill your chances. She will smell your hesitation and reject you because she knows you aren't a decisive man. When you right moment comes you need to go for it and stop thinking. Stop listening to your brain speaking English to you. "Is this the right moment? What if she rejects me? Are my hands in the right place? Is she nervous?" STOP THINKING AND FUCKING KISS HER LOL!
  13. That takes a lot of guts. Hats off to him. I hope those people drop the fear they hold and find peace.
  14. You know what the phrase means right lol? There are no female incels, all the guys would have to go gay for your app to work.
  15. But most incels aren't willing to pitch for the other team.
  16. Except when you're empathizing with the veteran soldiers! Or businesses that have been hurt financially! God Leo you're so unpatriotic
  17. Just some general rules of thumb to keep in mind, they are pretty truthful but don't take them as absolutes or turn it into an ideology @ColeMC01. Men are far more visual. Within 15 seconds almost every guy knows if they'd have sex with a girl or not, aka "basic attraction". If it's a yes they probably won't change their mind about pursuing her unless she turns out to have a hideous personality (total bitch). However while women can be visual and most screen for looks on a surface level, if an "ugly" or "not quite average" looking guy gets the chance to really sit down and talk to them (makes her laugh, gives her the feeling of safety, and the emotional space to express herself), she will be willing to look past the bad looks and change her mind about having sex or building a relationship. Women are looking to have their emotions stoked like a fire. If you show her you have the potential to turn that small spark into a raging inferno, that's ALL she will care about. Almost nothing else will matter. In a way men are actually quite shallow compared to women. It's not uncommon to see a stunning babe with a neanderthal looking man that has his beer gut popping out his shirt. While the opposite is actually very rare. I can't remember the last time I saw a 9/10 man with a 5/10 woman, I don't think I've EVER seen it hahah. So yes you can get by being a below average looking guy, you just gotta make sure you frame your initial interactions in a way where she can't just ignore you or bail too easily.
  18. This seems to have a lot of information.
  19. What are you talking about the problem is getting worse not better. The internet and technology has completely destroyed the ability of most youth to socialize and form relationships normally. The age demographic of Incels is younger people, not older.
  20. That can create some issues too. People settling and running on auto-pilot without striving for something more can create dysfunctional relationships, which leads to dysfunctional children because they aren't good enough parents. Thus continuing the cycle. And while there is nothing wrong with enjoying some porn once in a while, if that's the only option they have it will rot their brain and condition them to viewing women as objects. So while these are some ways to remedy the problem they are just band-aids. The issue is deep and needs surgery (like relationship courses in the education system). The idea of pick-up is a good one to get at the root of them albeit it does it in a toxic way.
  21. The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt is pretty good. Explains essentially why everyone acts like an idiot when it comes to politics and religion, more or less.
  22. I think it speaks to the fact that men and women are distinct enough in the relationship game that it's almost like we're two different species. Let's not kid ourselves, things are NOT equal here. If they were then this thread would never have existed. It speaks to the order of our inherent natures. Women are submissive and wait for the man to come "get" them. Like the symbiotic relationship of a rabbit (they might not admit this, but it's in their behavior) waiting to be hunted by a wolf. It's the way things "should" be for nature to be what it is. If it wasn't this way, then it would be something different. Of course you can try to break this mold as the woman or man but it's not common. Hell my girlfriend is a feminist and even she admits this! She wants to be passive and it's accepted within the social circles of all the women she's in that that is the case. I see your point though where things can be misinterpreted. The wolf eats the rabbit so if you take it in that sense it seems imbalanced. I think it shouldn't be taken literally though lol. The analogy is talking about the dance of nature.
  23. I'm not a fan of modern Pick-Up either @Keyhole, I've got pages and pages of comments on my profile railing against it. However you've gotta understand and accept why the situation is like this. Education teaches us literally zero about relationships, the domain is completely relegated to social culture. Since the time you grew up technology has played a MASSIVE role in crippling young men in their ability to socialize; Video games have gotten way more engaging and popular, computers are more common and socially acceptable, and everyone has a phone that they're staring at all day. Boys are way more interested in that technology which hinders their social development and causes them to become hermits. While women simply aren't and would rather socialize and stay family/friend oriented, which is why we're in the situation we're in. If those boys never learn from a young age how to naturally and properly approach and deal with women, how in the world are most of them who aren't naturally gifted just going to magically be "normal"? They aren't. They will inevitably get desperate and discontent enough with their own failings that they will either become dangerous incels/misogynists OR turn to some kind of solution like Pick-Up, even if it has toxic elements. They simply don't care anymore because from their POV they have no choice - time is ticking from ridiculous social pressure not be a virgin anymore and to get married/have kids. Of course Pick-Up is going to be coming from a male-centered bias! It not like women are going to teach men how to get a women, you ladies are dealing with enough on your own. Why should it be your job anyways? Men wouldn't listen anyways, why should they? It wouldn't work because all the advice would be coming from a biased female POV. It's like Leo said with his perfect analogy; Why the hell would a wolf listen to advice from a rabbit on how to hunt rabbits LOL? You disagree with the analogy? Consider that in our modern social culture men are expected to initiate 100% of the approaches and communication. Until THAT changes and women are no longer able/choose to stop just sitting there, we ARE going to have things like Pick-Up. And yes some of it is going to be ugly but that's just the way it is. You can either quit denying reality and accept it or try to change reality. Start your own "healthy authentic approach" channel for both men and women or something.
  24. Most investment apps or whatever bank you're with should have an option for a green/ethical mutual fund or TFSA. If you don't want to think about it too much throwing it some money every month to save it and make some interest.