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Everything posted by Roy

  1. If you have ample time pack easy to move expensive things in your car, but please get to safety. No possession including a house is worth risking any harm.
  2. I was doing firefighting for 8 years. You aren't aloud to even have a 5 o'clock shadow most days. Or else your mask won't get a proper seal.
  3. I'm guessing you separated from someone? I may be wrong you'll have to correct me, I'll just give my advice based on that assumption. Apologies in advance if it's not relevant. I just broke up with my partner as well, we've been sorting things out the past month so I know what you're going through. Whether or not you initiated the break-up doesn't matter really matter at this point, it's not useful to dwell on it except for whatever you can extract from it to understand your feelings and move through them. What's important right now to make your mind right is to make the situation a win-win. It would have been a win if you stayed together in your mind right? Realize you are coming up with all those reasons for why it would be great, correct? So that means you're totally capable of coming up with all the good benefits to being apart now. You need to start crafting a vision for yourself and what your life will look like without that person, what does it free you up for? What new passions can you pursue? What burdens or constraints was the relationship putting on you that you're now free of? It may feel hard to come up with those positive answers, but trust me they are there. Don't let the sadness cloud that for you, it's ok to feel shitty and confused and asking "why?", but you need to let those emotions pass after feeling them. Don't suppress them. One more thing that's important is to realize you are a whole person on your own. Even if you have some flaws or inadequacies that they were maybe filling, it could be a good thing you aren't together now because those were now made clear to you. Every relationship whether successful or unsuccessful teaches us something about ourselves that might have been impossible to see on our own. Now you can find out what those things are work on them and make yourself a stronger, healthier, independent person. I hope any of this helps. Take care @allyo2003
  4. Remember women are like bears, she's probably just as scared of you as you are of her. Any nervousness you have will go away the second you sit down and it's happening. Just ask lots of questions and talk about things you like, and ask about what she likes. Good luck mate!
  5. What is the division of labor that is = to the pain of giving biological birth? Since a man can't physically birth a child. When you say "equal partner" are you referring exclusively to financial contribution? Two people can make X amount of dollars but one does everything around the house.
  6. Don't let her pressure you into deciding, or making up your mind for you because you want to please her. Just say that it's too early to be talking about it and you're undecided, DO NOT make a promise you can't keep. It will hurt much more if you put it off for years and years and then have to say you won't marry her. Going into marriage to please her when you don't really want it yourself is the worst idea in the world. It won't last, she WILL divorce you and take half your shit! My girlfriend and I of 1.5 years are breaking up and we're moving out to different parts of Canada, because of part of the same reason. We were on the same track of not wanting to get married (but being open to it) for the first half of the relationship but her values shifted and she for SURE wants to get married and have biological kids, I don't. We love each other so much and never had any fights or fundamental gripes, but our visions just don't line up enough and it would take too much compromise. There is only so much you can bend before breaking. Based on her language and what you've described here......................... it's not gonna work mate. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and it's inconvenient as hell because you just started living together. But yea start prepping for a break-up and the logistics of figuring out how to move out and getting a new thing started. From what you've told her I guarantee she's already doubting the relationship and sorting through her emotions on how to end it. She's older too, she doesn't want her time wasted. If you really love her and can't give her what she truly wants, you need to have the strength to let her go.
  7. It doesn't really matter which way this scenario goes gender wise with how much women are catching up economically. Anybody with self-respect shouldn't allow their partner to free load. Of course not everybody makes the exact same amount of money so a mature couple should work out how the resources are used and if someone is permitted a break to pursue other things. The idea that the man should be the primary earner or he is somehow less than is outdated patriarchal bullshit. Drop that idea.
  8. Waking up in the middle of the night at the same time, staring at each other having not said a word, then having super deep intimate sex.
  9. Broad decriminalization at the very least, where to go with legalization from there has a lot of factors that might require radically different policies for different places. Legal to buy, legal to have, legal to use. Illegal to manufacturer and distribute. Forgive me as I am not aware of the current up to date statistics of it, but my intuitive understanding of the situation is that it's counter-intuitive. There are actually less users and less harm when a substance is allowed vs when it isn't. I am willing to conceded to the evidence though. My sticking point on the issue is that the little guys (users basically) shouldn't be punished by society just because it's easier and more convenient to go after them. I feel resources are best spent on helping guide people on what drugs actually do and why they should value their health, and giving them ultimate (legal) freedom to make the choice of what they put in their bodies. I believe there would actually be less meth users if this was the case, part of the reason people are drawn to those substances is because it's further down the gateway of other drugs and the hierarchy of things you "shouldn't do". This "keep your hand out of the cookie jar" attitude kind of welcomes and encourages distraught and rebellious people to do it even more. If all substances are on even playing field culturally and legally, then it seems people aren't as interested to do them. This is all just my hunch though I'm not up to date on everything.
  10. Absolutely every substance that exists should be legal to possess and use. Choosing to put something in your body shouldn't land you behind bars and be branded a criminal for life, that's absurd. All the resources need to be redirected to proper (not propaganda) education to encourage people not to use them, and programs to help with addiction to help those who fall through and end up struggling with usage. Has prohibition or banning worked for anything, ever?
  11. Just discovered this tool recently. Thought it would be useful to share in this sub-forum. It is called "I Am Sober" in the Google Play store. It's a free app that allows you to name and customize an addiction you'd like to quit or slow down on, and logs the time you've been sober from it even when you aren't using your phone! You can track 3 things at once with the unpaid version, with a lot of support features. There is also a subscription if you want to get more serious about the number of things you track. It's an incredibly simple but effective tool. It's quite motivating to see yourself set streaks, and seeing the time stack up is very tangible. Hope this helps anyone struggling!
  12. Love is like a thank you for someone accepting you, but it's reciprocal.
  13. Try a simple reduction method with your calendar, literally mark it down. Give yourself permission to masturbate. But ONLY once per day on the allotted number of days. Try to only use porn every other day on the days you allow yourself to masturbate. Week 1 - 7 Days Week 2 - 6 Days Week 3 - 5 Days Week 4 - 4 Days Week 5 - 3 Days Week 6 - 2 Days Week 7 - 1 Day Week 8 - 0 Days This 2 months will give you plenty of time to slowly adjust and adapt your body and sex drive. As you complete each week and you gradually ween the frequency off, you will find you are much more capable and have a lot more willpower than you believe you do. Quitting cold turkey is simply not possible for 9/10 people trying to deal with any addiction. Don't be ashamed if you aren't apart of the small exception. Seriously give this a try. I know you can do it @mountain876!
  14. I've seen it a long time ago, it's trash. Though men do have their issues, I have a plethora of hundreds of comments on my profile pointing out them out. Anyways she clearly only made the video because she's triggered and knows it's true Look at the like/dislike ratio between the videos and the comments.
  15. What's wrong with draft dodging? Especially for a war as pointless as Vietnam was? I mean there are a lot things to grill Trump on for being a POS but I don't think this is one of them lol.
  16. I mean say what you want about the guy, he became president of the most powerful nation on Earth basically by accident. Pretty impressive achievement you gotta admit.
  17. The Liberals of today are the Conservatives of tomorrow. This is the general trend for nearly every society, across all of humanity. Liberals push for change, progress, and improvement. While Conservatives maintain tradition, order, and the status quo. Once that progress and improvement becomes "normalized" over many years (decades, centuries), it becomes the traditions of Conservatism. Liberals make society better, while Conservatives keep things stable and hold society back just enough so that the changes don't become too radical and chaotic. If you progress too fast people can't keep up and they backlash, which actually regress things and makes you worse off than where you started. This is why democracies have been so successful historically compared to every other system, because when you oscillate back and forth between Left and Right progress is healthy and actually attainable. If Conservatives won every single election for 25 years in a row society would stagnate to a halt and rot, while if Liberals won every election for 25 years things would nearly collapse because you would leave too many people behind which is a really bad idea, because obvious you can't just kick them out of society.
  18. Here is a good way to get over it and dodge the bullet; If they extremely beautiful there is a high chance they are either crazy, neurotic, or very narcissistic (worst case scenario all 3). You have to realize they've spent their entire lives getting catered to by EVERY man they've come across, while not really having to do anything in return besides look pretty (and the little work to maintain that). This fosters a selfish attitude and outlook on life where they have delusional and unfair expectations in their relationships with men, who there are countless of trying to get with them. They get to pick the highest bidder from the lot, and the fool who offers and sacrifices the most to be with them can't ever slow down or slack off, or she's gone. They simply aren't worth all the work. You are giving up WAY more than you get in return. What you want to do is avoid that trap of temptation that the devil has set up and go for average/good looking women with awesome personalities. Or even a below average women with incredible personalities and integrity. Not only will it be less stressful in the long run, but you'll end up being happier when you realize looks don't really count for anything at all. It's just a thing for egos to flaunt to each other, "Hey look at this hot chick I'm with, be jealous." You think you want beautiful women, but you don't. What you really want is someone that loves and accepts you, first and foremost and regardless of their biological luck of the draw. People think this is a meme but it has truth to it. Come back to this reference when you lose your way;
  19. @Psychic crocodile Throughout history people have defended or slaughtered others in the name of what they were convinced were "facts". Only to be mocked centuries later as being ignorant or insane as a new set of "facts" moved in to take their place. Beware of having such strong certainties of anything, you'll find that the results might not be desirable no matter how good the intentions seemed. You'll be very surprised how much more relativity plays into things than you currently think.
  20. Oh boy what a dangerous place to be stuck in. Watch out.
  21. We know Elliot Hulse is a meme, but we don't need to make a thread about everything he does lol.
  22. There are no age restrictions for paying or entering any college or university. Any limitations are ones you create in your own mind. My mom went to nursing school at age 51.
  23. That is the cost of selflessness.
  24. Objectivity doesn't exist, it is always created. Of course it's always being created with a completely all consuming bias. Imagine being the rapist for a second, from their POV it's great! They get exactly what they want, nothing wrong with it from their perspective. Now you're upset and you're asking the universe to pick sides between the victim and the perpetrator about which perspective is "correct" and "objective", as if the universe is a person that can make distinctions. How absurd.