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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Yea the mix of people I've encountered since moving here has surprised me. It's not as developed as I'd thought it would be but I think I had some naïve expectations. Where do you live on the island dude? I'm in Duncan
  2. @BipolarGrowth From what I recall about the experiences I never felt like the invincibility or "power" was for my egos goals. I was mostly imagining visions of overcoming my own limitations and authentically expressing myself and my love. Thanks for directing me to that video I will bookmark it. It's one of the Actualized videos that I've skipped over a while ago. I might PM you tomorrow I'm going to sleep though. Yes, although I feel calling it "pleasurable" intuitively feels off and kind of perverts the purity of it. To be honest it was somewhat reminiscent to my experience being high on oxycodone (which I had to take after knee surgery many years ago), at least the carelessness/assurance aspect of it I described. Thank you for the info I will research what that is!
  3. I appreciate you being tactful, and I also largely agree with the text in the image you posted. I just want to say be careful not to use "consciousness/first person/direct experience" as a way to bypass other parts of reality. Consider going back, contemplating, and relearning some things some more. Remember spiritual work and the like is done in addition to a well rounded and foundational scientific perspective. Don't put the cart ahead of the horse. It's important to be humble and look for all the ways you could be playing tricks on yourself. Not trying to gaslight you, I genuinely want the best for you.
  4. I might be leaning a bit too much to the logical side but I'm with Arc. I'm open to changing my mind of course as it's hard to predict the future, but I just see no reason to get married. I can always adopt and have a kid that way anyways which is what I plan to do. There are so many pluses to it over getting married and having a biological baby. - I can give a kid a chance at a great life after they were dealt a bad hand - I won't be contributing to making another human that taxes the Earth's ecosystem - I can adopt alone regardless if I have a partner or not, and if I split up with a partner they can't steal them from me in court It's a win-win-win! Anyways don't let society or culture gaslight you into thinking not having kids is wrong. You can do whatever you want with your body, and make your own life choices. There are too many people in the world anyways, and our economic system is getting increasingly fucked. There are countless reasons I'd argue why you SHOULDN'T have children, but I'm not going to push anyone to do or not do anything because I like freedom generally.
  5. I see "invisible" virus being brought up a lot almost as a buzzword, as if people think they are being clever and appealing to some sort of scientific objectivity. But I still don't get if people are doing it without realizing they are being ironically disingenuous................. Yea, it's obvious knowledge that most viruses and bacteria are invisible, because the human eye cannot see microscopic things. We all know though that just because you can't literally see the cold or the flu, you accept that it exists and you intuitively don't drink out of the same cup from someone who has it. Also, you call anyone who does a fool. Notice how you and most everyone else was going along in life mostly content and happy and not really doing anything about those issues, but now all of a sudden you are bringing up those things only to deflect from your own selfishness and responsibility when something serious like a pandemic that actually interferes with society and your life comes along. You see if you actually cared about those things like you say you do, you would apply the same concern and willingness to take action to the thing that is currently present and heavily affecting the world. Why is Covid any different or less important in your mind than to these "persistent issues that have been allowed to fester"? You have noticed that despite all the lockdowns, rules, and "fear" that has been instilled that the virus has still done tremendous damage, and the damage would be exponentially more catastrophic if we didn't do anything, or stopped "fearing it" and did even less than has already been done right?
  6. Look there is nothing wrong with texting here or there, and staying friends. But absolutely DO NOT meet up in person. Don't open an opportunity to get back together again and create a scenario where either of you can get hurt or revisit pain. Even if that isn't either of your initial intention to get back together, seeing each other in the flesh with potential for physical contact and higher emotional engagement isn't smart. Don't open up the chance for a mistake like that. She needs to know there are consequences to her actions, and so do you. This isn't about being spiteful or punishing her, but for your own development and so you can both have closure move on with life. If something like this is lingering it will be impossible to move on in a healthy way. Remember it already didn't work out for a reason. Do the work and improve yourself for YOU, your internal personal development process shouldn't be corrupted by any thoughts about having a chance to get back with her. I know it's hard because your thoughts want you to move backwards into that place of comfort, but I'm telling you to face any pain you encounter and move through it. You will be better off for it.
  7. If you had an opportunity to market your ideas and work to a larger audience by having an exploding online presence through YouTube or publicity you'd probably do it to. In fact it's probably better they do that rather than contain it to the narrow domains of university academia. It benefits everyone more when it's out in the open and not limited to those who just pay. Free information and teachings are an incredible modern luxury. You are right about this to a degree, but be careful not to obsess about the pointing finger itself over the moon being pointed to. This is a huge trap. To expect teachers and gurus to be perfect and embody everything they talk about. Humans are flawed. Don't be so eager to throw out valuable information because the presenter doesn't meet your standards. The presenter is pretty much irrelevant. Also be mindful of your potential arrogance here. You may have an idea or a "hunch", but if you're honest you really don't know how they are feeling internally. Notice how that's also a distraction from your ability to learn and integrate what might be valuable to you. It's probably just because you don't resonate with them that you feel all these things. If you don't resonate with something it's best to just focus on something you do.
  8. I'm registered but due to being relatively young am probably at the bottom of the list in my province. I am a first responder though so I've been told by my fire captain we will be expedited. I for one want that shit pumped into my veins ASAP !
  9. Never be afraid to ask for help.
  10. They aren't an exact equation. I was just pointing out after you said "it's not the problem" that men are intimidated by successful women, you immediately afterwords said "men don't value women's income (to the degree women value men's)", which is clearly a consequence of men coping because they are intimidated. It's really an inevitable phenomena. The income/resource gap in relationships is a power dynamic that men have had the upper hand in for millennia. Now there are a lot more opportunities for the opposite case to be happening, with more and more women becoming successful and not being financially dependent on men. Right now we are in a lag phase where there is still little cultural acceptance of women being primary bread winners in relationships. The economic reality has outpaced the ability of the social dynamic to catch up. This means you'll still get women hanging onto traditional expectations that their male partners can't earn less than them. It's definitely shifting and changing for the better though. Even just anecdotally I've met a lot of couples in my life where the woman makes a lot more, and there is no weirdness about it. It's mostly just boomers and sexists who can't stand this traditional double standard being challenged. The problem here is I feel you think it's just successful women choosing to be picky bitches which is hurting their dating chances, when you aren't considering the entire other half of the equation; All the men who don't want to seem weak or have their "masculinity" compromised by being with someone they aren't equal or "better" than.
  11. Women and men are both participating in the outcome. They'll both have to come to some realizations and change the culture around it.
  12. That's because we still live in a patriarchal society where a lot of men are intimidated by successful women. We are in an adjustment period moving towards an equal society.
  13. I know what's it's like, let me tell you. You are going to get a weight lifted off your shoulders when you're outa there. Two more weeks ain't long to go. You were there for 4 years right? You're in the home stretch, it's gonna fly by. Look forward to the time off you're gonna have and the fun exciting things you want to do. Just grind it out. If you want to make some fun of it and confuse them for the last bit, cold shoulder them. Make them question themselves and get enraged that their regular behavior isn't working. What do you have to lose? Most of them you'll probably never see again so it's not like you gotta worry about anything Good news for you college is a different environment completely! You'll find it's a lot more easy going and laid back. You'll have an opportunity to completely reinvent yourself and try new things out. Make an effort to make different kinds of friends than the ones you became comfortable with in high school. You'll be a lot less likely to fall into old social habits that way. You'll have brand new social circles where you'll be able to impose yourself a bit more and not be the "bottom bitch". College has a lot less cliques and groups, so don't stress about that. It's gonna get better! High school sucks, just 2 short weeks and you're done
  14. Why does the sun shine? I don't know, how does it feel when you look at it?
  15. Probably the biggest lesson I've learned in my 28 years of life and unhealthy amounts of time on the internet................. Is that trying to change peoples minds, proselytize, preach, argue, convince, convert, is a complete and utter waste of time. People will change when they are ready to change, it's really as simple as that. Don't get sucked in the trap 99.9% of humanity is in. What you CAN do though is improve yourself and seek higher pieces of knowledge, understanding, and truth. Transform yourself into an ever shining beacon of light that serves as an example, so that those who may come into contact with you might reconsider things and want to change for the better. If they don't, well that's fine too.
  16. Between two healthy developed people, this is the ideal yes. But most guys, especially the ones that need "help" lets say in this category aren't developed enough for this advice. They are still insecure and have an expectation of outcome. The Orange paradigm they have demands that they need to close in order to be a man. Which means pushing past her reservations or hesitation (within reason). I agree though it's disappointing more advanced and holistic teachings about relationships and sex aren't talked about more commonly here. This sub-forum is definitely stunted on the spiral more than the other ones. That's ok though it is what it is.
  17. Aside from obviously enjoying each others company, and having similar values. The other single most important thing from my knowledge is; Are the trajectories of your lives the same? If you both don't want to live in the same places and accomplish things alongside each other, the relationship is virtually doomed. One or both of you will start sacrificing and compromising too much to the point it will become clear the relationship hinders you from living the life you want to live, and it'll have to be broken off to find someone more compatible. Of course this depends if you want to live an ambitious and amazing life or not. Plenty of people get in relationships and settle because they get comfortable. They have some kids, buy a house, and now they've convinced themselves they have to sacrifice their dreams to maintain what they have. They want a return on their investment. But as you study personal development more and more you realize; Comfort is the enemy of inner accomplishment.
  18. Stop romanticizing spiritual minded people and groups. They aren't perfect, they don't know everything. You are your own ultimate authority. Start acting like it, and stop giving too many fucks about who says what's bad and what isn't.
  19. Who cares how hot she was. She ghosted you and that's on her. The first key to changing your mindset is to stop wallowing. You won't be able to consider any new mindset if you're in a negative state of mind. Anyways, you shouldn't be approaching too much right now anyways with Covid. Until everyone gets their shots and restrictions are lifted it's just irresponsible. Save your energy and just use tinder instead in the meantime or focus on something else entirely.
  20. Anything less than manslaughter would be an absolute catastrophe. I think there will be a fair result though. Regardless of the outcome the incident has sent shockwaves throughout the world. I can't remember anything as impactful in my lifetime. This is the biggest case since the 92 LA Rodney King riots right? He will. If he isn't perfectly protected at all times he's probably going to get whacked in prison too. If he somehow manages to survive all that (doubtful), he will get whacked once he's out of prison. Rest assured his life is ruined and in danger forever.
  21. Feminism rocks. Power to these women! Wear whatever you want!
  22. You don't want her anyways. People who chronically ghost are immature and it shows low value. If they can't handle the emotional labor of being honest and simply communicating how they feel, or that they are busy, then they are fucked when anything difficult comes up and things get real. Don't take it personally, she's in the wrong not you. Forget it and find someone better.
  23. Medium here is considered 100 to 200K. That's a shame people don't care. Places like that are a paradise. Hopefully it gets better.
  24. Interesting. Did you grow up there? Yea that is very small I don't know how I'd feel about that lol. I am introverted too but I'm used to being spoiled with privacy and space living in a massive country (Canada). I grew up in Northern Ontario, although now I live on Vancouver Island which is still quite large compared to Mauritius. Back in Ontario where I lived it took multiple hours to get anywhere bigger than smaller towns. Toronto was 4 hours away for example. I can imagine Covid slowed life down there. Also the limited opportunities. For you personally, is it more of a place to enjoy for a few years, or a relaxing place to retire? Rather than spending most of your working life there? That surprises me when you say that it's dirty. I was kind of under the impression smaller places like that where space is precious and people see each other a lot it would be quite unacceptable to litter or be rude. That they would have more strict laws in place like Singapore. Not to mention it's an island so not much space for waste landfills. Here is Canada although the wilderness is beautiful and pristine in most parts, there are a lot of dirtier medium sized cities. A lot of them are quite grey and ugly and people treat them poorly.