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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Paging @Khr! She knows a tremendous amount on this topic and can probably answer your questions.
  2. Grateful and excited to be a part of the team, and look forward to contributing in the ways that I can!! Also excited about the -
  3. If you think condoms will actually protect you from getting an STD or a pregnancy after having sex with 50 different people let alone "hundreds" you are either severely inexperienced and naïve or deliberately ignorant about how reckless that kind of behavior is.
  4. And those "guys" probably have HIV, genital herpes, and child support payments through the roof. Get a bigger perspective, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.....
  5. @Terell Kirby and your responses just radiate understanding and emotional maturity
  6. I was thinking about this the other day, now if only we could only crowdfund to get Richard Dawkins to an ayahuasca ceremony. The egoic nuclear blast that would happen would be of biblical proportions
  7. How the fuck could life not be about life ? Consider how life could possibly be a tool for enlightenment, when enlightenment is obviously just a part of life? You are enlightened, then what? Does life cease? How do you think you'd feel if you did that more often, or at least a little bit every single day? Do you think it's possible to find "truth" within those feelings themselves, if you got that voice to quiet down? I'd say you've landed the easiest homework assignment of all time. Go build a computer and see what happens Speaking of which I need to tamper with my SSD. I need my comp to work for my own fun.
  8. Get the hell out of there man, you deserve better. Even if you struggle for a while, come up with a logistically adequate plan to leave. People, especially older people like parents typically don't change their behavior. You not being there and him basically "losing" his son will give him the kind of space he might need to reflect and grow as a person. With you there having defended yourself might make him feel more righteous and not want to change. You won't be able to effectively develop either in such an environment.
  9. What do you like to do for fun now, or you think would be fun that is something you used to do?
  10. Excellent. Good luck Max.
  11. Try to help her in the simple ways you know how, but otherwise just be encouraging and supportive for her to get professional help elsewhere. It's not your job to fix her or save her. That dynamic can get real weird and eventually unhealthy, trust me I know from experience.
  12. Well at least you know. Now work on that addiction. Facebook isn't evil, it is a great tool to keep in touch with friends and family. But it's also a large egoic distraction from living and provides warped (unhealthy) social interactions with other people. Stop giving a fuck about likes/dislikes. That is pathetic shallow garbage. Your existence is far more profound and beyond such things, start acting like it.
  13. 1. Stop using Facebook 2. If you fail step one, yes it is not a good idea to post stuff like that. It will just confuse people and spark division, ironically.
  14. You've been here long enough to answer such a question.
  15. Guilty pleasures are still pleasures. The cost is how much of your soul are you willing to sell to the devil ? I've had many first dates where I've had sex knowing it would taint the relationship right from that start, but I did it anyways. I wised up and learned though because I started being honest about the cost, and my own values. You ask too many questions, go do some experimenting and action!
  16. These are just classic problems of people not being honest about what they are after and communicating it. Anytime you are being dishonest about your intentions, or manipulating communication, it's unethical. This is obvious.
  17. System of a Down have some great political commentary in their songs. WARNING HIGH VOLUME AND CHANCE OF NECK PAIN FROM INTENSE HEAD THRASHING.
  18. Don't do it. Relationship ended for a reason! Your suspicions are a signal coming from a valid place.
  19. I believe it when they start playing with my butthole, and I like it.
  20. @Max Green With that particular kind of woman you don't even need to be THAT masculine to attract her. She isn't looking for fucking Dwyane Johnson to swoop in and pick her up with one hand lol. Personally I'm not even that masculine comparatively in my own gender, but I know when to apply it and I don't neglect it. So if I do want to attract that kind of women I can pull that out of my "bag" so to speak, and get the job done. There is no reason you can't do that either even if you are very "feminine" like you say. I think you're scared and have the false assumption that you need to completely change and go to the other side of the pendulum, and become this sunglass pop-T wearing douche so you can provide what she might want. This isn't the case, that's actually a messy and reckless way to do it. What is important is recognizing what it takes to become a healthy developed person, and adequately working on your weak spots so they don't hold you back. A "real" man isn't someone who is purely traditionally masculine, it's a complete person who has leveled up all aspects, male & female, within themselves and is so secure within that that they cannot be shaken by the world or other people.
  21. Hmm sorry to put it this way, my intention isn't to be overly harsh at all when I say this but - You can't have your cake, and eat it too.
  22. That is a compatibility issue, you might have been better off finding a lower energy, calmer woman. Anyways while being authentic is important, in a way it can also be a subtle form of selfishness. Contemplate this. Sometimes in life you are required to "step" into certain "roles" for a short amount of time. This isn't necessarily being inauthentic. It's more of a sign of a balanced person. Be masculine when you need to be. You won't always enjoy these times, too bad! That's part of the challenge of living and developing.
  23. I've been vegetarian for 6 years. Plant based/fake meat products are kind of disgusting and not very nutritious to be honest. Not to mention STUPID expensive. If I wanted something like meat I'd just have a cheat day or straight up go back to eating meat. I'll have a beyond meat burger from somewhere very rarely on a road trip. Just get your proteins from chick peas and different kinds of beans, eggs, etc. There are a lot of nutritious options.
  24. This is something you've GOT to discuss earlier in the relationship (2-4 months) before there is too much attachment. Hint at it first, but eventually bring it up explicitly. Say something like, "Hey, when we're away from each other and we get horny, how do you feel about watching porn? Would you feel jealous if I masturbated to other people once in a while? Obviously I don't love them and there is no attraction. It'd be ok on my end if you wanted to." You want to clear the air and see where the lines in the sand are drawn. You don't want to be hiding something like that and get caught literally with your dick in your hand . The opinion of whether either person thinks it's "cheating" is irrelevant, what really hurts is worrying about trusting each other. You have to build those boundaries and find out what they are to create something stable and prospering.