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Everything posted by Roy

  1. @Nos7algiK All very good things to contemplate! I'd lean more on the enjoyment side of things personally. I think the relativity/interpretative levels in this domain are really high and most time should be spent "playing" with it.
  2. As @Waken said above it's simply a lot about how you view yourself. It's not rational to be angry or resentful or anything about something that's out of your control (unless you opt for expensive surgical modifications, but I wouldn't recommend that). The answers to healing your emotions and finding peace around this in your life is grounding yourself in what you CAN control. Why would you focus on anything else ? - Exercise and physical health are great, keep taking care of that because it spills over generally into how "nice" a body looks (no other way to put that). - Constant reminders and affirmations to have more positive thoughts about yourself affect your mentality/perspective on it. If you work at it enough through sheer repetition it's entirely possible to "hack" your mind to view things completely different to how you view them now, and not be worried about or reflecting any "feedback" from the world so to say... Also to note here I think you've just made a strategic error. Online dating is almost utterly reliant on looks and the medium in general doesn't have a lot of "human" elements to it because they are being traded off for convenience. Interactions (and some of the people too) tend to be kind of shallower because physical appearance and whatever you mention on your profile is all the information they have to judge you off of. Ghosting is kind of a social epidemic because of technology right now, so I'd keep reminding yourself not to take it too personally. I get ghosted constantly lol. I'd recommend switching to a better playing field for you. Meet people in real life so you can truly express who you are. You can display your personality and show your body language which is nearly impossible online. These are all just Xs and Os though. What you need before doing any of it is to truly BELIEVE that you can attract someone and get the relationship you want. None of the actual work will feel impactful and worth doing if you don't have that belief in place. Lucky for you, you can cultivate that belief. It's not about either "having" it or not, like it seems on the surface.
  3. This is data from my fitbit the past week. The timestamps at the start and the end of each sleep are extremely accurate, as it senses your movements and spikes in heart rate. Red marks indicates "awake" time, and the slivers are basically just tossing and turning in sleep. I take zero naps in my life unless I am physically ill. My sleep will become even more deprived and fucked up as I get more involved with firefighting lol. It's not ideal but I can get by on this and can operate machinery and drive most of my days fine. Just eating right and coffee compensates most minor fatigue I have.
  4. Just joke with her that you're a feminist and believe in equality, which includes equality of the bill LOL. Seems to work well for me. She'll forget all about being hungry when you're arguing with each other! But yea that's a bit of a red flag anyways. A healthy independent woman would just pay for their own if they wanted something extra..... not try to push things and act pissy or awkward when they don't get what they want. In that case you are dating a girl, not a woman. Also I know you're still learning but you need to not get stuck in getting overzealous that "nice guy" is synonymous with "bad". You can still be genuinely nice, and have a calm peaceful demeanor and garner respect. It's done by being tactful and smart about which boundaries need to be set, and when. Have a piercing sharpness about your decisions that is so clear they can feel it.
  5. I've felt where you're at before @diamondpenguin, but you don't gotta lash out at others. They are only trying to help. Remember this entire enterprise is based around what level Leo is at and what he wants to teach. Don't feel obligated to "keep up". If you aren't there right now, you aren't there, it's that simple. I don't even watch his video anymore personally. Absolutely go focus on what's more immediate for your own life. Spirituality is important but you have to have your base first, otherwise you won't be able to appreciate, utilize, or embody it fully. It will always be there for when you're ready to come back
  6. Look, we gotta stop expecting Leo to be God (pun intended ). Of course he isn't going to be completely holistic in every take he has, and is going to have blind spots and certain biases about things. You have to remember he is just another person that is coming at things from his own life experience, and his perspective will be undoubtedly intertwined with that to some level. If you're familiar with his story he was sort of a nerd/incel, and then did a huge amount of work and compensation to get himself out of that and grow a bunch (kudos btw). The sort of requirements for that accomplishment are going to lean quite heavily towards a male agenda, it's just the nature of things. It's a fair criticism but remember, this work isn't really about him.
  7. Eh I wouldn't pick on women too much in this regard. Most people in general don't really know what they want, or are confused about it. What everyone wants deep down is to be loved and accepted (after all the universe is a love simulation), but depending on who they are/their experiences/their wisdom/their knowledge/culture influence they might not understand how to go about that in the best way. Commonly the Ego takes the wheel telling it will get them there, when in reality it's just going for a selfish pleasure cruise.
  8. I could have sworn I had it last year in April, but I tested negative for it. Not sure what it was or if maybe the testing methods weren't as accurate that early on in the pandemic? It was an entire MONTH of weakened lungs. Started with a wet, wheezing, deep cough. With lots of phlegm. Then halfway switched to a dry, persistent, slightly painful cough, before finally going away. There were also a handful of days where I was very fatigued despite not being busy at all. I was sleeping 12-14 hours at times. I can't say with 100% certainty it was Covid, but it certainly sucked. I was a 27 year old male is his prime with great health, I eat right, and I was skateboarding 2-4 hours every day at that time.
  9. I see these kinds of statements wayyy too much and they are part of the problem, not the solution. Anytime the topic comes up in the public sphere now it seems this is all people want to say. While it may be technically right that large corporations need to desperately change their practices, through social pressure and regulation from the government - It will take a cultural shift that needs to be spring boarded by individuals that believe change is even possible, which starts at the smallest level of personal choices (what you buy, what you use, etc.) I think a lot of people just buy into and repeat the narrative because it provides an unconscious gratification that they are factually right (stage orange), and it also conveniently lets them off the hook from making any changes THEMSELVES, by divulging responsibility to government, businesses, and other big polluters............ Not to forget to mention that those colossal collectives are simply made up of people, who are ran by people, and depend on people for their revenue. If enough people stopped purchasing their products they would collapse, period. There is some kind of fallacy or spell that plagues the conversation, that they are somehow "disconnected" from society and can't be influenced by anything other than democracy (which sucks, is undependable, slow, and corrupted by capitalism btw). Nothing could be further from the truth. I'd argue if we are going to have ANY chance it'll be from grass roots activism pushing cultural change, and unfortunately (but probably necessarily) eco-terrorism/violent revolution. From the "little guy" realizing exactly how much power they have. We can't get there though if people keep acting dispelling of hope and pretending that it's only going to be "someone else" who is going to save us, or some magic technology we're going to pull out of our ass at the last moment, even though it's technology that got us into this mess..... I'm just a little sick of people bitching and moaning that there is nothing we can do, or that it's pointless. You have to ask what right do you have to complain if YOU aren't doing anything or giving an effort? The only way real change will be made in the world, large or small, is by leading by example and being a source of inspiration to others. Nobody is going to realize they have any power by listening to a hypocrite. Not targeting you specifically btw @Philipp idk you or what your lifestyle is like, but rather reacting to the context of your statement in the cultural zeitgeist. And in the end if everything goes to shit and our efforts didn't change the big picture? Well that's too bad, but at least your corner and community of the Earth is a little greener.
  10. Then you'll LOVE this remix of it; It's also no wonder you're getting all these fuck buddies! You are attractive as hell, one good looking human being
  11. Peace is to be found within the truth. And you can't be angry when you're peaceful. The truth is you had zero control over her, and will always have zero control over anyone. So what's rational about being so emotional over that which you have no control over? She is the one who did the deed, not you. It would be rational if you were angry at yourself for your own mistake, not the other way around.
  12. You haven't talked to her in nearly half a year, and want to get in contact again after she said she wasn't interested? It's over dude. It's dead. In fact there was barely anything alive in the first place TO die. I hope you've been seeing and talking to other girls during this time, because this wreaks of neediness and attachment issues. There is a silver lining though -If you felt you still haven't "let go COMPLETELY" as you've described it, this points with flashing neon signs and air horns to what you need to work on in yourself.
  13. I have to get a bunch of dental work done, but I'm so damn reluctant to go. It's CRIMINAL what they charge at nearly every place for something that's considered a medical service. And how and why the mouth is deemed a separate part of human anatomy in medicine so that it's not covered by taxes in my country is beyond me. A corrupt oversight. They also can't even do me the decency of providing a quote or an estimate nearly every place I go to. Secretaries seem to universally act like clueless fucks for some reason, as if they are coached to be deliberately vague just draw people in. I've noticed this paying close attention to their language, no matter what approach I take. Since they are all competing with each other either too, transferring medical documents and history between offices is pointless. It can be a few month old x-ray and they'll be like, "Nope sorry you've gotta register with us and start from scratch . That'll be $200 please!" Then there is the hygienists. Most of them berate you like hell for not having flawless genetics or dental health, like they don't want you there or to do their job for some reason, even though they are being grossly overpaid for the service they provide. Then have the audacity to think you're being rude for being quiet and expect to have a conversation with (sharp) metal tools in your mouth lmao? I think I've met 2 people in the industry who were decent, caring human beings that actually seemed to have a standard of professionalism, most everyone else has been a cu** to varying degrees. Sorry for my rant and not really answering your question. But God I hate this industry.
  14. Better yet don't use ANY products unless you really need them! Our bodies can handle a lot more than we think if we give em the chance to toughen up. Eat clean and exercise often and most of those personal care products won't even seem necessary. We've been conditioned with unrealistic standards of what health "should" look like.
  15. Maybe if we all lived like medieval peasants, yes. At our current rate of consumptions and modern material expectations though, no. Widespread, environmental systems are already under strain or collapsing and that is only with 5%~ of people enjoying a first world western lifestyle.
  16. Just wait for what we are in store for in the future . Animal agriculture has gotten so out of control that we are breeding super bugs within their populations that are going to be incredibly resistant to so many anti-biotics. We pump our livestock full of drugs and chemicals so recklessly because of our ravenous and unnecessary addiction to meat, it's going to come back to bite us. The universe has a nice way of balancing things out though
  17. hehe great! Yea they are an AMAZING group. Funny story I remember hearing their songs on the radio while working back in 2016 being like "what is this trash?!" and always switching them off because I was turned off by the style of their singers, thought it was just more hipster crap that CBC likes to push. But then I heard this song and decided to be more open minded, gave them another chance and they've become one of my favourite bands! One of those life lessons about not being blinded by bias and first impressions I guess (Now I know - July Talk) Encase region locked Honestly it's rare I listen to any artist and can go through entire albums without hearing any songs I hate, but nearly EVERYTHING they create is a hit. Makes me proud such great musicians are coming out of my home province! This is my favourite song by them, if I had to choose just one; (Strange Habit - July Talk) Encase region locked
  18. I would exercise patience, and take some deep internal reflective time to get in tune with where this desire is stemming from and if there is any inauthentic emotions or thoughts attached to it somewhere. It can't hurt to wait. As others have mentioned 3 months is a little ahead of the norm, even if you are both fully grown independent adults. Keep building your relationship, soak up the shit out of the times you do have together, and tease the idea once in a while to see how it resonates with him. If you are posting about it on the internet and looking for outside perspectives on it, that might be an indicator that you are capable of contemplating more and looking for feedback because you aren't 100% certain of your convictions at the moment. That's ok! Good things come to those who wait That said from what I've read it sounds like you guys could handle that conversation without him getting "scared off". Just make sure you're tactful about it and ask at a good time in the right way. Probably in a more casual setting like while making dinner together "Hey I've been thinking, I have an idea. No pressure, what do you think it would look like if we lived together?" NOT after having sex and emotions are peaked because then he'll feel like he's got to respond from a vulnerable high intensity point and is maybe being manipulated
  19. @EducatedFool your name have anything to do with this banger ?
  20. ^ What this guy said. First few times you want to just fuck her brains out and lean a bit more to the mechanical side, be cool and loose, find out what both of you like together and have fun. Being too intimate and emotional right off the bat can be overwhelming and make her think "lol is this guy in love with me already because I fucked him? So needy." I mean it really depends on the woman and how long you've known each other, but there are some general rules to follow so you don't get in hot water.
  21. Therein precisely lies your problem - You want to be respected and move on from things, but you aren't willing to pay the cost for it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The only games you are playing are with yourself. Adults don't play games, children do. Cut it out and block him.
  22. I've noticed over the past 2 years that I've developed much more of a sensitivity to gore and extreme violence, to the point where I'm somewhat avoidant of it if I can be. Contrast to growing up where I could (and wanted) to see pretty much anything without a qualm. A morbid curiosity. I used to browse r/watchpeopledie without ever flinching at anything when it was still running. I wonder what clicked in me.
  23. Then are you really saying with conviction that you are "truly, truly worthless"? Not trying to be a smart ass, just want to help you poke holes in your own perspective a bit so you can let some light in, and know that's possible. Why? Because you don't have 500+ bullshit facebook friends? Because you aren't partying and getting blackout drunk every weekend like other people? Because you aren't sucking cock to get up some workplace or community hierarchy? Who's social game are you worrying you aren't playing well?