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Everything posted by Roy

  1. I wonder if Cenk is aware of the irony that TYT is also one of the most biased and delusion filled outlets you could consume in this day and age? They are a pretty prime example of toxic Green. - Cenk has openly denied the Armenian holocaust, as well as apologized for Islamist Terrorism. - Hasan has become a fulltime grifter for annoying online activist lefties. - Ana well, you can just see the righteousness and anger spewing out of her face. The only thing holding it back from exploding is the 4 pounds of makeup she wears every day. But yea it isn't even worth talking about. I don't even know why I am to be honest.
  2. @4201 Fair enough, you are further along than me so I can't help you . I don't understand or grasp non-duality very well, it's like physics and advanced math from high school to me, which I didn't grade well in to say the least.
  3. Well it's hard to say that you "know" if it's good or bad, since that is wildly different for everyone and whatever intentions, desires, goals, or agenda they have. Is it fair to say that is where some of your uncertainty is coming from, because you're worried about how you are acting in comparison to others? Regardless you'll still have to circle back and contemplate your own vision or intentions. Once you have those more or less clear (doesn't have to be perfect), you can contrast what you "think" those feelings are telling you vs what that deeper self (intuition) is telling you. If they seem out of sync in an obvious way then maybe you've got to question that feeling some more, like where it's coming from. Think of feelings more or less as "nudges" to keep you from getting too off track from your deeper self. Have you ever noticed that when you fuck up something in life in a big way that you feel like you got way off track ?
  4. My wisdom to you as a stranger is to consider taking on the principle of never to move backwards trying to get back together with an ex. You only really grow when you move on and learn from your mistakes. It ended with her, and it ended for a reason.
  5. Do you start that cold first thing from your faucet and hop in? I can do cold showers and they seem to help with my skin a lot, but I feel completely uninterested and uncompelled to do them if it's freezing right off the bat. I start semi-warm and lower the temp every 20 seconds until I get to cold cold.
  6. The fear is not only unreasonable, it's preposterous paranoia. It's not just legit millions of people who have been vaccinated, it's billions. Almost half of humanity has been vaccinated. What more of a sample size would one need? They are safe, please get your vaccines people. If they weren't safe we would know about it.
  7. While you can find good things here or there, the structure of a forum like reddit is garbage at it's core. Anything with an upvoting/downvoting system is going to cause people to skew their behavior and conversations because they are constantly seeking validation. You can't reliably pursue any insightful discourse if it runs counter to the broad narrative or doesn't cater to the meta-narrative.
  8. I'm actually dumbstruck and amazed that THIS is the hill so many people are choosing to die on.
  9. So it seems you had a bad personal experience with your roommates, and they sound like unreasonable morons. But we gotta be careful not to extrapolate personal experiences with 1-2 people, onto broad groups of people or organizations. I know it's difficult, but it's important to be tempered emotionally so we don't take any positions that are misinformed or potentially harmful.
  10. It's not that they are absolute things that exist in contrast to each other. Good and evil are literally summoned from nothingness through the purely biased filter of the perspective of the ego. Imagine being a Greek solider despoiling the city of Troy, raping multiple women, slaughtering opposing men, and throwing their children from the walls. Everything you are doing is good from your POV. It's great for you, you are serving your Gods, you are getting the spoils of war from your labor. They are heretics, and you are justice. Everyone does what they do exactly because they think it is good (for them). And anything in opposition to that is "evil". However there is a catch, because it seems there is some kind of what I'll call "lightness" baked into the universe. Where is one moves from ignorance > awareness there is a trend of things being harmed less and less. That doesn't invalidate good and evil being imaginary. What do you know, the universe is paradoxical!
  11. Consider the collective trauma of tens of millions of your people dying to slaughter and starvation, and you can begin to appreciate the psyche of these cultures and regimes. It's no wonder they both developed corrupt authoritative political systems. It wasn't an accident, it was necessity. It's not just something that can be evolved out of so quickly either, even with economic prosperity (Russia is actually a poor country btw). WW2 and the Communist Revolutions shouldn't even be considered "history" yet. They happened still within a lifetime ago. My grandparents were both children in Germany when it was getting occupied towards the end of the war. My Opa told me he used to swim in rain-filled bomb craters with body parts floating beside him when he was 5 years old. And his father died serving in the Luftwaffe, probably bombing the same Russians we are talking about here. There are probably people active on this forum that lived through Mao Zedong's China. Human beings and the way they organize themselves is a complicated ordeal that can't be reduced to GDP or Military spending. Do not make the mistake of confusing power, influence, and wealth, for development and secularization. It's a naïve assumption that they ought to be correlated. Consider the radical possibility that maybe a lot of Chinese people actually like living in a dictatorship.
  12. I haven't tried it but as far as online gurus and self development guys go Clark seems like one of the more genuine and helpful ones that's least likely to scam his clients. I guess the question is how much are you willing to pay. Keep in mind a lot of these informational products online are way way overpriced. So make sure to ask yourself, how truly important is that information to you, and do you think you could piece together the same information by researching it yourself?
  13. If you are in it (the relationship phase) you should naturally be talking every day by now. Just simple stuff like asking how each others day went, not huge phone conversations but enough to show that you are there and you care. Easing back a bit on trying to "woo" her and impress her all the time. Start to show some emotional availability. If she wants to complain about something - listen, if she asks for advice on something - give it. You need to demonstrate you aren't just keeping her around for the fun dates or sex, but her as a person and whatever struggles she has too. The problem is most guys want to skip attraction and jump right into a relationship, which comes off very needy. So the key right now is not to panic, ease into it. Let her come to you and when she does, give her subtle examples to show that you can be her rock. To your second question about maintaining a long term relationship - Don't worry about that right now at all. The thing is you won't know until you are a few months in with her what kind of partner she actually is. It's usually around the 6-8+ month mark after their guard is down in the relationship when you really get to know someone. Then you get a sense of their true qualities and tendencies (the good and the bad) and what kind of potential there is for something long term. This process of learning is accelerated greatly if you live together.
  14. Yes! This! You are on the right track to make progress here. Keep asking questions, deconstruct and burn as much as you can away, and what should be leftover is your authentic desires. From there is where you can start building again and taking action.
  15. Look I know you might have all these ideas and concepts in your head about what women are like, and they might even sometimes be true and informed by some of your experiences. But ultimately you gotta realize it's just one branch of reality you are subscribing too, so there is no reason you can't unsubscribe to it and change your perspectives (and experiences) to be closer to something you actually want. Because it sounds like what you are describing here is something you don't want. I'll basically help you cheat the test and give you the "answer" since you're asking for it. Although, note that just reading and hearing about it won't do much for you. You'll have to work for it over time. The answer is to move towards what you want in spite of whether or not it's "right" or logically consistent with what you think is the truth. Yes the game may very well be rigged, or nonsensical, but are you able to change the game? Do you have the power to change female psychology? No. So change yourself. Your problem is you are at a discord between what you think reality is, and what you actually want. Then you are believing that disconnection is the only way things can be.
  16. ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's boomers that are actually the worst generation ever, and the ones perpetuating so much of the awful things going on in the world. They were born in what is (so far by the looks of the future) the absolutely peak golden time to have been alive, post WW2 - Where nearly 75 million people died. Their parents had to completely abandon their lives to go fight and put an end to a pointless nationalist dick measuring contest (thank the superiority-complex German collective psyche for that btw, they shouldn't even be permitted to have an armed forces imho). While they were lucky enough to be raised in post war in the greatest economic explosion in human history, with mass industrialization for the first time being primarily geared towards propping up the living conditions of the middle class and individuals in general, instead of that wealth being siphoned for empires and imperial/colonial ambitions, where most people served the effort of their lives going towards that, in some form or another. They could raise entire families, own a home, have money for travel, and fund hobbies/passions off of middle and borderline lower-class tier jobs that took little or no education. While that is heavily narrowing impossibility for younger generations, unless you are incredibly lucky enough to inherit wealth or have a 1 in 1000 business work out. Otherwise good fucking luck. They had the chance and didn't think twice to rape the planet and exploit it causing irreversible damage, just for the sake of making their own lives increasingly more convenient and comfortable. They pissed it away to guarantee their pensions and temporary material security, not even for some sort of grand human project like planetary space travel, end world homelessness/hunger, or something similarly profound like we probably could have accomplished with all those resources the past 75 years. They won't be even around to pay the bill or experience the inevitable suffering that's coming either. They will get to ride out their twilight years drawing the last pensions that will ever exist, while having taxpayers and younger people slaving to keep their self inflicted diabetic and fat plaqued coronary arteries pumping their selfish hearts until they squeeze out the last beat. They never had to do anything hard. Everything was handed to them on a silver platter. The cold war wasn't their struggle, and it wasn't any different to what's happening now with China. The threat of nuclear war has been present for everyone all the time. Every major power has been pointing nukes at each other since the 1950's when they were made. So it's absolutely not a unique anxiety for just them. They have voted, lobbied, constructed, and perpetuated an economic and political capitalist system that is fundamentally corrupt at it's core, causing absurd amounts of inequality and injustices. A pyramid scheme that keeps those at the bottom in a black hole of misery, and those at the top get pulled up by a magical circle jerking magnet that is rigged to reward those who already have enough, to have even more. All while the only thing "trickling down" is the piss into the boot-licking mouths of people in the middle dumb enough to believe the fantasy that the system has their best interests at mind. ALL this and they have the fucking audacity to call US entitled, and lazy, and to "pull up our bootstraps". It's the definition of pure projection, and a gap where their self-awareness should be that's more void than the emptiness of space itself. I don't know if you've noticed for you guys, but for me personally the most AWFUL, entitled, whiny, selfish, annoying, and unethical people I've ever met in my life have all coincidently been boomers; - They created a toxic paranoid culture, where everyone fears each other and assumes the worst. They will sue you to ruin your life at any inconvenience or aggression towards them, accidental or not. - They will resist and use their positions to vote down or conspire against any sort of meaningful political progress, or fairness in our economic systems. - Their parents fought a war against evil and hatred of the other. Yet somehow the lesson wasn't passed on and they are close minded of, fearful of, and arrogant toward any minorities or marginalized groups or their movements. (Think ALL LIVES MATTER). - They eat up and feed the conspiracy theories and ignorance that serves as fuel for the fire that keeps shit like this pandemic going on much longer than it has to. (If you are anti-vax btw please let me know so I can ban you.) - They bitch and moan endlessly that things are falling apart when they have to wait just 2 minutes longer for a fucking cheeseburger at the drive thru, because believe it or not nobody wants to work in a garbage dystopian factory where you are expected to grind away for minimal pay while being treated as less than human. Why is it no surprise that every Karen or mouth breathing muppet you see is a boomer? Exactly... I could go on, but yeah. They are encompassingly deluded and actually have the negative credit to make accusations towards any other generation about anything. They have zero idea of their place in history and that no generation before or after them will have had access to the same era of potential and resources. The world will finally be able to grow up and move forward in a good way when they are all 6 feet under, worm meal, fertilizer. Us, and future generations are going to inherit this world, and be left to clean up their sin and squander. They will rightly be looked back on in shame, and will deserve to have their graves pissed on. That's the only thing we're actually entitled to. I know this post is full of shit, I know it's full of hate and envy, I know I am being incredibly harsh here, and I shouldn't generalize. Of course it's not all their fault and they are just ignorant like every human is to some degree (forgive them father, for they know what not they do.) I'm sure 100 years from now the same thing will be said about us. But I can't help to hold my tongue when something really needs be said. If any ignorant boomer like what I've described here tries to argue with you, says you don't know anything because you're young, or does their usual spiel - Please give them the middle finger and tell them to go royally fuck themselves and jump on a spike.
  17. I acted out because I subconsciously felt like I was being judged as something being wrong with me for being too quiet and not doing the other things that "normal" kids do. This made me really resentful of my social environment at that age (which still lingers to this day in subtle ways). However I didn't know how to get attention in healthy ways back then. This led me to doing stupid shit, like getting arrested for vandalism and shoplifting at a Wal-Mart with some of my friends, I was the main instigator leading the whole thing. No charges were pressed and I didn't get a criminal record. It was just a one off thing, as far as they knew so it was only a slap on the wrist. I got very very lucky. My behavior was an unusual reaction and quite out of character for a kid at 14. It's not like I was living in poverty, or known as the rough/bad kid. I had enough money to buy things, I did better than most academically, I played sports, I had a solid friend group. I just didn't understand how to react to the feelings that were inside me. That Stage Red impulsiveness, resentment, and childishness still is with me in tiny ways to this day. Even after getting into adulthood and doing years of different kinds of personal development. Your past makes up a lot of who you are. It's incredibly difficult to change that and wipe it out completely. Unless you have some sort of psychopathic superpower, or so extremely left brained (near autistic) that you can partition/delete those aspects of yourself. Being aware of those kinds of things in yourself is a good step however.
  18. Good template but idk that non-existence looks like something to me
  19. It's tough for sure. Sometimes the pragmatic bullet of life has to be bitten though, like you said most artists statistically just won't make it doing it as a full time career. Ideally you would get a job that is creative and gives you a roughly similar sort of satisfaction that art does, related to the field of art or it's periphery. Something that would allow you a reasonable amount of time and resources to do your LP. The less related they are the more imbalanced your life will feel, you'll be getting torn both ways kinda thing. It would feel super incongruent and you might get resentful lets say, investing 5 years and all that money and time into a super secure tech job or something. You'll be slaving away on a computer wanting to be looking at a canvas. It's probably the opposite of what you want to hear, but I would focus on finding work or schooling that is towards the practical side, but something you would still be happy doing that gives you a stable income. Then use your spare time to slowly build your art skills and ramp up a small lower investment side business. You might never be able to go full time with it, but you will be spending a lot of time ideally enjoying yourself and making some money from it. Which is a great place to be.
  20. Dave is just saying what we are all thinking, but won't (can't) say. That's the job of a comedian. I'm as progressive as they come but maybe, just maybe some of these groups need to show the slightest bit of humility and check their privilege if jokes can be made about literal military dictators, but not them. Nobody gets special protection from fucking comedians. It seems like an exaggeration, but the moment we start playing that game we lose something as a society. And if a comedian isn't tactful and says something distasteful? Nothing bad happens, you just don't laugh!
  21. Guys telling other guys they can only go for hot girls, that is their metric and anything less is failing.
  22. Think about how much of this is a limiting belief that holds you back. Why couldn't you find someone who is biologically younger but on the same wavelength? Really what is stopping that besides your own preconceptions? There are plenty of people of all ages who are at radically different levels of maturity than one another. You can find whatever you're looking for, it's out there. People might surprise you.
  23. This is total bullshit. A low value guy can easily get a girl on his level. Human population has only gone up after all. The guys (or girls) that are so horrendous with the opposite sex they literally can't get with anyone have always been extreme outliers. The problem is; - Technology enabling more of those struggling men to teeter off the edge and not getting the socialization they need to interact with the opposite sex. - Toxic materialist culture that encourages people to be shallow and reach for higher than their "value" or "level", which causes them to have less results as they struggle. The phenomena of incels is caused by the above two things, exacerbating those extreme outliers and drawing in even more people so it's not such an extreme anymore. Inceldom is a literal social cancer tumor that has created it's own identity and spreads misinformation that infects people too close in proximity (ie those struggling males). Saying a low value guy can't get any girls at all and believing it is fake news propoganda lol. A guy that is horrible at attracting and has no experience can still get girls, he will just have to lower his standards and break out of the social programming that he is of a certain value or should only go for a certain value.
  24. It depends on how crudely someone advertises it, but I don't think having certain attraction preferences for dating and sexuality is inherently racist. We are all victims to our cultural wiring to a degree, and probably even deeper biological wiring to mate within our own race (even though we are all human). For example for me I don't have an axe to grind with any race, I don't even think about it. Skin colour to me is like hair colour, it's simply information about appearance. Still, I have yet to personally encounter any native american women I'd consider being sexually attracted to, they just don't do it for me, while there are some women from every other race that I have been attracted to. Does this mean native american women are inherently less attractive? Of course not, maybe it just speaks to the wiring of the culture I grew up in, or maybe just random luck. This might sound offensive, but I think you might subtly actually be creating your own racism by giving credence to what people are saying about their dating/sexual preferences for race. Even if people are vocally disruptive about their preferences and don't have the tact they should have, the responsibility for their attraction runs a little more primal and out of their control than getting out of the toxic cultural matrix they grew up in. As Lemmy Kilmister said, "Eventually we'll all fuck each other until we're a nice coffee colour anyways. Then none of this rubbish will matter."
  25. Seeing someone I admire say this just gave me a huge dose of relief and confirmation bias for being liberal on just about every single position, but adamant pro death penalty lol.