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Everything posted by Roy

  1. I've gone down a bit of a mrgirl rabbit-hole the past few days. I've noticed a particular but important difference between him and everyone else is he isn't concerned so much with the "conquering" aspects the Tier 1 stages seem to have, his goal is to figure out the dynamics between all the different modes of thinking and expose those dynamics in a way that gets people to reflect and tone down their judgmental inhibitions. In a way it's actually quite amusing seeing people react to him. He seems to serve an effective role of shining a light on the dark aspects of the cultural psyche. In one interview he said, "If we can get people to empathize with pedophiles, we can get them to empathize with anybody." Absolutely.
  2. Stop giving so much authority to other people. You are insulting your own existence.
  3. @Scholar Great clip! I have a extremely high tolerance for horror/gore/scary things, but the bear scene from that movie I remember catching me so off guard.
  4. Eh you don't need to worry about "siding" with any of them just to talk about them. You can have just one foot in their sandbox, so to speak. The problem is online dynamics make us so uncharitable and everyone is so paranoid about how they are viewed for their positions, it makes us behave in oddly dehumanizing ways. The only way to fix this is regulating the shit out of social media companies, but that's a conversation for another day. I actually think Ben Shapiro is a good person and don't mind listening to an interview of him once in a blue moon, and I'm left leaning/voting on nearly every political issue or topic. He might be a bit too rigid, but I don't think that's a crime that invalidates someone's genuine intentions. Even if the methods are a little dated or seem in opposition to the flavor of the time. Same with Jordan Peterson. People narrowly focus on the politics and cultural games too much and ignore the real world impacts. The guy has probably saved tens of thousands of people from suicide and other kinds of harm. Compared to 99% of people (including Leo), he's practically Gandhi. Maybe it's just me, but I find people pretty easy to read. Even if you don't agree on certain stances, you can sense the direction their intentions are headed. This will be broad > but I think when you are headed in the direction of "Goodness" it's important to make an effort to carry everyone who is also interested in that along, even if their perspectives don't match yours or have inefficiencies. You have to be very careful about what and who you "leave behind", because they will usually come back to bite you in the ass one last time.
  5. Probably not. Most grifters like him are generally cowards and don't have the honesty to revisit things if they feel they've been framed as the "winner" optically. I call Vaush a grifter while thinking he's at the absolute limits of that term. I don't think he isn't genuinely interested in progressivism or has bad intentions, but he has deeply settled into playing and exploiting a role, and has shown an immaturity that makes me unconvinced he will break out of being so beholden to his community anytime soon. I've watched a handful of mrgirl content after you linked this. He is absolutely a master comedian, sadly he might be slightly ahead of his time. It feels like we are just getting over the crest of left wing insanity and those forces might make him a casualty of that before they taper off. We'll see though.
  6. Why does it need to be such an ultimatum? Is there not a way you could go part-time or delegate some things so you have more spare time to travel and learn about the next thing you want to do?
  7. Stop asking silly questions, notice this is just your ego deflecting from purging your own bullshit. Stop worrying about what other people are doing. If she just wants casual sex and fails to communicate that, you take on the work getting better at communicating yourself so you can fucking pry an honest answer from her. You CANNOT control or influence others. Your only option is to become a beacon of light and shine for others as an example.
  8. It's really ok for men AND women to use each other for sex. The actual problem with this arises because we don't honestly communicate our intentions to one another (either intentionally or not), so we feel betrayed when things don't work out the way we want. The solution to your issue here @Hardkill isn't to distract yourself with cultural narratives about what men or women shouldn't be allowed to do. Focus on your own selfishness and take responsibility for improving your own communication skills that contributed to this happening, instead of being resentful that you can't get away with what other selfish people are doing.
  9. This is the kind of warped apocalyptic red pill lie that comes from spending too much time online. It is simply not the case.
  10. You have to realize Vaush and many other online figures absolutely don't have it in their best interest to give up their crusades and develop to the next Stages. Once they get to a certain point - whether that be garnering a large audience, or establishing a consistent stream of wealth from their platform, most people will be content to die on whatever hill they are on. You rarely see people make large intellectual or developmental leaps because to do so involves mostly annihilating their own worldview and abandoning their communities to form new ones. Imagine everyone in your social circle and your supporters turning on you, what a force to contend with. This is why so many of these debates are a waste and just hilarious spectacles the majority of the time. Most people only want to selfishly maintain their own house of cards and are too attached to let go and move onto new ways of thinking. It makes the arrogance of these influencers so much more palpable. At least it provides for good entertainment here and there.
  11. While I'm sure there are weird things going on with reality, this kind of nonsense is a distraction from the more important things you could be doing.
  12. What is the weather like where you filmed this? Honestly just looks like a firefly that was buzzing around.
  13. You should listen to absolutely everyone, even some of the people you don't like. Especially them. The trick is to not get too attached to any one person or idea. Take the best, leave the rest!
  14. It probably changes things slightly, but a gay man is still a man so their experience is still in a similar frame to yours. And really their sexual orientation probably won't be relevant anyways, don't imagine why it would be.
  15. This might be taken the wrong way, but I think it makes most sense to stick with someone of your own gender. At least in my experience. Men and woman seem to have a different psychology that fundamentally makes it a little more difficult to "cross the aisle" lets say when communicating, especially deeper vulnerable issues. Men will be able to relate to another mans struggles better then (most) women can, and vice versa. This isn't to say you can't find someone of the opposite gender that is a good match. It's just about relatability. Which in my opinion is the #1 thing when finding a therapist, coach, etc. Find someone you resonate with and is relatable to your experiences and worldview to a degree, then you'll be more accepting for when they challenge you and breakdown any bullshit or obstacles about yourself that you are blind to.
  16. It's because it's more punishing for a woman to break out of the social matrix and not follow norms. They will be scorned heavily by other females. Whereas males crossing over social boundaries are seen as mavericks, unique individuals, explorers, etc, and loners at worst. It's a funny coincidence you bring this up, I was actually thinking about this deeply this morning. Specifically about the video game community. Where in this day and age the technology is so common and encouraged because of the pandemic but still massively male dominated. There is really no reason it should be such a one sided domain but it is, because women who play games are considered really weird for playing games and not socializing in a traditional way.
  17. I think this is one of those things that seems like it's really mystical and fascinating, but should already be an obvious intuition we'd have. I mean, if someone gets a freaking HEART transplant I would expect that to change them and their personalities a bit. That's a momentous experience.
  18. I would have figured Tai Lopez was dead by now, killed by cartel in some jungle after being drowned in a cocaine/hooker binge like John McAfee. Guess not. What amazes me about him is his persistence. He has basically got infinite money to go live on some island somewhere and retire and just chill until he dies, but he just keeps concocting one new scam after another lol. Like when do these people ever get bored and hang it up? It's like they are just doing it for the sake of doing it, it's not even about money or power anymore.
  19. @hoodrow trillson "If I have winter tires, the government can track me in the snow."
  20. If telling people who are spreading deadly misinformation to go fuck themselves is "extremism", then yes, consider me a terrorist. Maybe take a moment to reflect on how warped and broken your rhetoric might be if you think that is "dehumanizing". I'm sure there are tons of people who have actually been dehumanized that would appreciate the gesture. If you thought this was a forum that would tolerate anti-vax positions, you are mistaken.
  21. No, the cat is out of the bag. Things will never be quite as they were before. They will probably get closer to how it was before, but it will never be the same. Lots of different countries, provinces/states, and probably cities will all have varying degrees of lockdowns yes. It's a tool that will need to be used unless we want the virus to run completely rampant and overwhelm healthcare infrastructure. Though I'm sure lockdowns will be less common as better vaccinations and other medicines come out, not to mention their growing unpopularity. I'm sure some will. Many will get better at dealing with it over time, and they won't need be overwhelmed if people are responsible and governments actually commit to certain plans and protocols instead of the mass confusion and incompetence we see now. Well it says 4.82 million have died already now but the number is probably in the 6-8 million range or even higher when you consider most of humanity is actually in third world countries that can't report accurate data + bad healthcare infrastructure. So I'd estimate another 2-3 million die per year, for the next few years. Things will get better it will just take some time. In the meantime tell every anti-vaxxer you come across to go fuck themselves for making this pandemic worse and longer than it has to be.
  22. Yes it is unfortunate in some of the ways people are behaving, but you can't really control them, and it's not worth the cost of trying to. So best not to waste energy on it. If they want to learn the hard way and put themselves and others in close relation at increased risk, that's on them. They will be the ones facing the worst of the consequences. If people want to remain ignorant and stupid in face of so much evidence, there is nothing we can do to change that. Just accept it. It should have been obvious from how contagious it is that it was never going anywhere. We are going to have to learn to live with Covid for our lifetimes most likely, and hope that with enough measures it's potency is reduced to more of that like an actual seasonal flu. Improve your health, get vaccinated, follow basic protocols, and just continue living your life.
  23. What? Of course you can. Nobody gives a shit at college. Unless it's a super tight knit quiet house party, you can practically waltz into anywhere you want and you'll hardily ever be questioned.
  24. I won't go into any details, but it was absolutely the worst year of my life in almost every capacity you listed. The only reason I'm still here (alive) is because I know next year can't possibly be worse than this one was so I might as well see how it's going to get better hahaha.