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Everything posted by Roy

  1. I find Spiral Dynamics isn't nearly as effective as a model for individuals as it is for larger collectives but regardless. Nobody is actually fully one stage or the other, an individual is a dynamic mix of the healthy/unhealthy aspects of various stages, that they have either integrated or not. If you are born into a Green culture and raised with Green values from a young age, without much exposure to the lower stages, there is potential you could have missed out on a proper integration of them. To provide a stark example, yes Green is overall higher than Orange or Blue, yet there are tons of young Green liberal college students or hippies that can't even hold a job and depend on other people to survive. They ARE Green in a general sense, but only a hollow husk of it - A suit they've stepped into either because they were born into it or because it's who they idealize themselves to be. Spiral Dynamics isn't linear. Hell it even says it in the name, "dynamic". What happened with your friends is they probably weren't as developed cognitively or value wise as they seemed, and something they were exposed to triggered them to forced them to regress back into a level their psyche was more comfortable operating. It's a form of ego backlash. The cart is usually ahead of the horse for most people.
  2. The blame and responsibility rests entirely on the mother and the biological father. The guy is a total victim. He's already put in 6 years of work and love more than he should have. He served his time for a crime he didn't even commit. From my point of view he has every moral and legal right to walk away and never look back. I hope there is crowdfunding for any legal fees and for him to get his life started again.
  3. It's not a great situation, but their dad is probably alive somewhere available to help, and they still have a mother. It's not like they are orphans or homeless.
  4. I read that post yesterday. It's absolutely devastating, I feel awful for the guy. As much as it will hurt he needs to salvage his life and self-esteem the best he can, and the ONLY option where he can do that in my opinion is to completely cut her and those kids out of his life. Say one final tearful goodbye to them, and move on. He should not be guilted into sacrificing his money, time, energy and life into cucking for some other losers kids, for a wife that cheated on him. Something is seriously warped in our culture to argue for that in my opinion. The kids will have a hard time, but ultimately they will be fine. How about she takes the biological father to court for child support? Absolutely not that guys responsibility, FUCK that.
  5. Sounds like you have a lot going on, sorry. The simplest advice I can give you is to only interact with healthy people that will lift you up and make you feel good, and make an effort to stay away from people like that guy.
  6. For a 2 hour lecture, I'm guessing between $500 to $1000? What kind of seats are we talking, I mean if people want to get within touching range of God it will cost you.
  7. You don't have far to go, hell you're probably more developed than me already.
  8. For me weirdly enough the more spiritual and developed I get, the less I'm becoming attracted to that type of woman. Probably because I'm seeking those traits less now that I'm growing them in myself. I'm open to a lot of people and experiences, but I've narrowed down the kind of woman I want in my life quite a bit at this point.
  9. I'm with @Gesundheit2, she is somehow below average for me too. There are traits about her that isolated on their own are nice, but it's the combination of them that is what you actually get. There is something about her looks and mannerisms that just feel "off" and just don't resonate with me. I can't quite put my finger on it but yea she doesn't do it for me. It goes to show you how attraction is such a fickle, random thing that is out of our control. Before people get upset, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with her.
  10. How are you so damn eloquent, it's inspiring.
  11. I'm not talking about that so much, I'm saying that yes machines could and probably will be made to have consciousness in the same or similar way to we have it now, maybe even a higher form of it. We aren't as different as we like to believe. Keep in mind, I am talking about the traditional consciousness that we use to differentiate between rocks and animals (inanimate vs animate). Not the spiritual or philosophical consciousness that's talked about on Actualized.Org. In a material sense maybe creating consciousness via computation will be the greatest accomplishment we achieve as a species, even if it kills us. We like to believe we arose from the soil via God, and then we become the Gods ourselves to create our own form of life. I for one welcome our mechanical overlords
  12. Had my talk with MrGirl on last nights show. Was nervous at the start, but he seemed to be a good listener. I'm glad I didn't read chat during it, people are kinda toxic lol.
  13. I think this may be an opportunity to do some more inner work then. Sit with your feelings of being irritated and absorb and dissolve them with more acceptance. You brought up something that's important to consider as well - that it's good for him to spend his extroverted energy. Even if it might feel a little bad for you right now, a way to deepen your love would be to let him use that energy. I think you made this post not because you need answers you didn't know, you already seem to know what you should do. I think you made it because you are doubting your own strength and ability. Well I'm here to tell you you have that strength.
  14. I wouldn't go so far to say you are incompatible. If you trust him and are happy together I assume, obviously something is right I think this has to do with lack of acceptance. It sounds like you are having trouble accepting that he is more sociable and you are not. He is extroverted and you are introverted, so of course that comes with natural outcomes. Does that sound right?
  15. I don't know the technical details of where it would happen (if it can), but from what I know I do believe it's possible that there is some kind of threshold that can be passed where we might have to seriously consider we've created "synthetic life". Obviously we are the ones that have to design it, code it, and input rules and laws into it. But at some point either intentionally or not, there would be a moment of "birth" where the machine would take on radically more autonomy and be self-sufficient enough to develop a sort of proto-ego. From there would spawn a bunch of interesting ethical and moral dilemmas about how we would treat such a thing. It would reveal a lot about our own conditions and biases as humans. For example; If we gave birth to a machine that realized it was a finite thing that could be damaged or destroyed/no longer exist, and then also tried convinced it that it's OK if we break it because it's just a machine, but it resisted when we tried to do so. Would it be defensible ethically to still try and break it? Although we may feel a certain way now, I believe the answer is no. I think if something shows a willingness to survive, a response to pain, or a degree of resistance to it's "form" being destroyed in a convincing enough manner, it should make us question our actions and arrogance to think we can just attack or manipulate anything we want in the world with impunity. Maybe my standards are just higher than other people, but it's the same reason I try not to step on insects. It's damaging something precious and finite. It's a complex arrangement of material that's organized in a certain way so that it's "alive", and cannot be fixed to be "alive" again (at least in the same way) once you disorganize it. That is what makes it precious. Basically I don't see there ultimately being a distinction complex machine AI or organic organisms if they both want to survive. I view life simply as life, regardless if it's steel and wire, or bone and vein. To quote the Gravemind from Halo 2; "This one is machine and nerve, and has it's mind concluded.................. this one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded." Ignoring the story of the game itself, we can interpret something deeper here. The Gravemind is basically a God-like entity that takes on the form of flesh to operate in the physical world, what I believe as evidence of an elevated perspective is shown when he looks at Master Chief & The Arbiter. Notice how from his point of view he doesn't really care about the material difference between the two, those are just factual semantics. He refers to them both as autonomous entities ("living") that simply act in the world using different motives and methods (logic vs faith, machine vs flesh). I know Master Chief is technically human but he is effectively referred to throughout the series as a machine. Once something has an "ego" I don't believe there is distinction between organic and synthetic life any longer. WE are just biased project a distinction to make a separation for our own survival benefit. However distinction is delusion, with "Life" being the greater sum.
  16. The most helpful thing I've found is to have a conversation where you indulge them, pretend you are agreeing with them (or at least don't fight them on it), and get to a point where you feel you've both come to some conclusion about X conspiracy. From there ask questions like; "Alright maybe it's true, now what do we do about this?" "Can we see why these people might behave this way?" "Is this really as dangerous as it seems?" "Does it even affect you personally?" "Does it change anything about the world even if it's true?" Basically from a non-hostile place make them question the utility of their beliefs, and slowly realize how these thoughts and convictions aren't important and kind of just a waste of their time. It erodes the toxicity and potential violence they might be feeling inside. I remember practicing this method with a very low consciousness person at work last year, and I could feel him actually get calmer as he started to answer my questions and doubt himself. I feel sad for him because most people would assume he's just crazy or something, but I don't think he was a bad guy since I could tell his heart was in the right place. He just isn't very intelligent and fell into the trap of blaming certain people (politicians, etc.) for why the world is the way it is.
  17. Perhaps. Let's just pretend she is. Does it change much? The focus should be on the message, and not so much the messenger. We are all hypocrites to some degree, and all have flaws to be worked through. That doesn't mean we don't have things to teach each other. If you have too high of standards then you'll be sitting around waiting forever, never giving yourself a chance to learn anything.
  18. A trigger indicates a part of reality you haven't faced and integrated, or tried to genuinely understand yet. Which is precisely why the most helpful thing you can do for yourself is ignore your instinct to move away from it, and actually B-line directly towards it. Of course that's easier said than done, but at least now you don't have the excuse of not knowing any better . I want you to imagine the most toxic, annoying, unhealthy modern progressive person you can. Someone who gets triggered by everything. You've probably seen them in clips on the internet, having some sort of breakdown or screaming during some unhinged rant. These are examples of people who refuse to face anything uncomfortable, either about themselves or the world around them. They let their triggers consume them. They don't take any responsibility for anything, thus end up being deeply perpetual victims that are dysfunctional, and typically reliant on others for most things in life. From such a state it's hard to get anything accomplished or extract any joy out of life. So make it a priority to face your triggers. Have you ever noticed how the most developed, healthy, or enlightened people never get triggered by anything? There is almost nothing you could say or show them that would offend or upset them. In a way they are actually invulnerable. That's a pretty inspiring goal if you ask me. Imagine what you could do if you were invulnerable.
  19. Not masturbating will probably build up some anticipation in your body, so that's a simple thing you can do. Next time all you need to do is relax. Good sex is about enjoying the process and spontaneity, don't worry about logical outcomes like a checklist of "Did I cum X number of times? Did we do all the positions she wanted?" You won't enjoy yourself and probably won't be able to get off if you're in your head like that. Breathe, be present. Enjoy your time with her and everything will work itself out. Did I mention breathe.
  20. Whoa those Hitler paintings are actually pretty good! Though my personal favorite work of his is where he painted the inside walls of a bunker with his brains.
  21. The key here is to stop caring about how other people feel so much. I don't mean that in the way of "be an asshole". What I mean is try to be your most authentic and best version of yourself, and don't worry about whatever outcomes arise from that. It's the fear that's holding you back from being that better version.
  22. Because most people are fundamentally envious. It's a plague of an emotion.
  23. Slap them while saying, "Wake up! Wake up!" Tends to work for me.