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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Unless you have some sort of future there, don't bother to pour too much of yourself into that place. Improve your performance if you want to, but only do it if it directly benefits you. Exploit them as much as you can materially and to pad your resume. They won't hesitate to do the same to you, and don't be under any illusions otherwise. 95% of business owners and leadership for companies don't view their employees as human, simply as tools at their disposal. It's a rare thing to have a good boss that compensates, rewards, and incentivizes it's workers. It's a harsh reality of how most humans organize work.
  2. It wouldn't lmao. That's why our biological and cultural evolution has developed us to have an internal bias against polyamory. That's not an accident. I'm not making a moral judgement on if it's right or wrong here by the way, just a statement. I'm sure it's quite possible for some unusual proto-communal society to exist where women are get indiscriminately impregnated and the children are getting raised in some sort of tribal fashion by everyone in the local group contributing to raising them in some way. Either taking turns or having different specific roles. Even as a thought experiment it's hard to imagine though since all that change sounds incredibly destabilizing for a child, when stability is the most important factor in developing in a healthy way from what I understand. Personally I think the current rise of extreme exploration and liberalization of sex, through polyamory, transitioning, etc. has a lot of similarities to the "gluttony" phase at the end of the Roman Empire. We live in such a hedonistic, free, and decadent time that it's not a coincidence all these things are happening now, and not 100 years ago. I'm not against any of it it by the way. Maybe history won't repeat itself it's hard to say, but if birth rates inevitably plummet and we are doomed to the collapse of civilization all over again just like the Romans, I'm ALL for everyone having a good time and us fucking in each in every which way until the end
  3. It's not that it's as good, but it's a decent approximation to real pussy. So if a young guy who is a virgin gets a hold of one and they don't have the real thing to compare it to it might just reinforce them not to go out and socialize. This is why most sex shops don't let minors in.
  4. "No it's a danger meeting ;P" "Depends, are you going to attack me?" "It will be a FUN meeting, lets.... (then suggest something exciting for a date)." "Ok friendly meeting, but just so you know I kiss all my friends. Even the guys." RISKY but could work. This all depends on the frame you've set with your humor, I don't know the details besides what you've shared. This is the kind of way I'd respond, and it usually works for me. Advice provided without warranty
  5. Not all girls are like this, there are some that are the complete opposite of this chick. You just have to play the field. You'd be surprised about the kind of people out there. The simplest advice I can give you is don't let a few experiences (and they will happen one day) get in your head and cause you to make sweeping judgements. It's very easy to get caught up in a trap of bitterness after someone does something shitty to you where you think, "What is her fucking problem? Why are women like this?" There may be some similar traits, characteristics, and behaviors that are consistent among a lot of women. Just remember to evaluate each person you meet in a vacuum as an individual.
  6. If you are getting a lot of matches online, you have a great opportunity to improve by practicing. Say a bunch of different stuff, try things out. Even if it's out of character or not your personality. Dating apps are low investment, so start throwing darts at the board and see what sticks. What's the worst that can happen? You get unmatched, so what? Just don't sexually harass them, but start firing away!
  7. You said this is taking up a lot of your mental energy. Be careful. These kind of things are a drain just like conspiracy theories. They are completely out of our control anyways, and serve no purpose. Unless this is your actual job to be involved in politics, and your bills being paid depends on you knowing about it, you are wasting your time and distracted from more important things in your life.
  8. I would say it's asking questions one probably already knows the answer to, if they just tried to do it themselves. Instead people asking stupid questions don't attempt that first, they are lazy and basically looking for someone to tell them what to think.
  9. Yea milk and dairy is terrible for your skin, it's an inflammatory. No more milk is great. Lemon water is probably benign, but I'd be even more purist and get rid of that too. I would take some pictures of your acne once a week when only drinking water, the visible improvements will be motivating for you
  10. What liquids do you consume? I would suggest strictly limiting yourself to just water for a few weeks, to see what that does to your skin. I imagine it would help a lot. This means no flavored water either, straight from your tap into a filter preferably. Changing your food consumption would probably help, but that will be a much more difficult and gradual change to commit too. The change in drinking habits is much easier to implement, so it's a good place to start.
  11. I hate to be that guy, but it's quite possible they could be on an extreme opioid overdose in conjunction with meditation, with the self-immolation. I'm a firefighter, the damage/pain fire and chemical burns can inflict on a person is..... unsavory to say the least. It's hard to imagine a state where someone could transcend or detach from that, but I am open minded. I'd like to believe there is something more going on there.
  12. Does he really need to make that explicit, are people really not aware of that possibility? He is the owner and creator of the website, like any other administrator he is going to have full access to all the data. Just like Facebook, Reddit, or text providers, they will be able to look into anything they want to. It's not like there is some magical barrier they can set up for themselves not to be able to see private messages. Like if a crime was committed, how do they think police are able to gather evidence? I'd be amazed if it's that common expectation that people have of things being hidden. That's quite naïve.
  13. How does this relate to moderators? I feel I've been pretty lax about handing out points, yet there are more times than I can count on my fingers where people are obviously not here to learn or try at all. They continuously ask dumb questions, or want to just repeat the same things without engaging in new information being given to them. It gets in the way of helping the people that are here to actually improve their lives. They may not consciously or intentionally be trying to be disruptive, but the damage is all the same. How do we respond effectively to that? Of course I also need to reflect and improve my own posting too.
  14. If you've never had a girlfriend or can't get yourself one within let's say, a month of effort. Then you don't deserve to get a fleshlight, it's a bad idea because you'll get addicted to it and use it as a replacement for doing the work of obtaining a girlfriend. That's the problem with sex toys is they are becoming so good and lifelike that it's dangerous for young inexperienced people to get a hold of them. Why would they ever do the work of hitting big milestones in life like getting laid if they can just stay home? On the other hand if you DO know how, then it can be a great tool that will tie you over for the inevitable downtime in-between relationships. If sex is 10/10, then a fleshlight is about 7 or 8.
  15. There is nothing wrong with porn, or even using it a lot. It's good to release that energy. The problem is if you're using it in place of being able to have sex with someone else. So yeah if you're using it because you don't have the skill to get laid, be honest with yourself about it and quit porn until you can.
  16. Out of the all the things that've been covered on Actualized, solipsism is probably on the lower end of inflammatory or controversial topics. To most people it's just philosophy and a thought experiment because they either don't understand it or don't want to. So it's a bit odd that it's been taken down. However if he is frustrated and doesn't want to talk about it, just let it be.
  17. @Leo Gura Would an apt analogy be consciousness is a tub of water, and we (forms/egos) are water filled balloons within it. When we try to step outside ourselves and "pop" the bubble so to speak, all the water dissolves together, as if there was no balloon anyways?
  18. I would suggest that you actually have time for both, and that you should find a balance that works for you. If you frame things as pursuing one thing OR another you subconsciously put pressure on yourself to get results, which takes away from enjoying the process.
  19. Don't eat until you are full, just eat barely enough so you aren't starving.
  20. They all want the charming player to pick them and have a commitment, but they don't want to hear of all the things you had to do to become that guy. Just don't say anything, even when they ask just play coy and let their imagination run wild. There is basically nothing to gain from sharing history, but there is something to lose. When I'm with someone I care about I really don't give a shit about their past, unless they truly need support to unpack something. Enjoying the moment and planning the future is way more fruitful.
  21. You're way too intelligent and open-minded to be an activist lol. Being an activist takes a certain type of ignorance and personality type.
  22. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not lol.
  23. I've always been into learning wilderness survival skills, and had a vague plan of what I'd do. But now I've come to the realization it's completely pointless. It's hilarious seeing people spend millions on underground bunkers and stockpiling guns and food. They are so stupid. If the apocalypse happens, just die. The only winning move is to not play.
  24. She wanted you to buy her a coat after 2 dates? They are getting more ambitious by the day lmao. I'll only buy a gift for a girl after about 1 to 2 months at minimum, and it will be a surprise not because she asked.