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Everything posted by Roy

  1. It doesn't matter if it's logical or illogical, true or not true, what she is feeling or not feeling, or if she doesn't know what to do. From a mans point of view the only thing that matters is getting a YES or a NO, and accepting at face value whatever answer you get. All energy spent thinking about it is pointless.
  2. Intelligence is probably the single most overhyped and overrated thing humans use to judge each other. The fact it's such a concern for so many shows how misguided we are collectively. One's character, values, and "spirit" are far truer ways to measure. We live in an unwise time though.
  3. @Globalcollective That woman judge on the left is really unprofessional and rude. Who the fuck does she think she is?
  4. I'm pretty sure there are rules and protections for non married couples that are similar to marriage anyways. They are called "Common Law".
  5. Unless you look like Brad Pitt you aren't going to get away with stuff like that. Just stay in your lane, or at the very least be careful. No matter how ethical, honest, or logical you are - you are not going to win a fight against the culture other people are infected with. It's an overpowering amorphous collective ego. It's like trying to slash a sword through water, it will just envelope you. Sometimes there is no way to "deal" with things. You simply avoid them.
  6. Just get a Brita filter and a quality bottle that you can carry around. You'll spend 50 euros at most.
  7. Women make excuses not to date you for the same reason you make excuses not to date someone, they aren't attracted to you and want to soften the blow. Whether the excuse is true or not is irrelevant, because the result is the same. You just keep looking until you find someone that does want to date you.
  8. Yea just move on, don't try to squeeze blood from a stone. If she is abundantly clear about it respect the boundary.
  9. Someone who can give birth, everything else is an approximation. Though we ought to refer to people as what label they prefer out of respect. I can't think of a more accurate, reductionist meaning that is logically consistent and excludes all the baggage of culture and gender.
  10. You're right about the last part, he needs to just make his intentions known and make a direct move. However I don't think everything is a shit test, or a premeditated manipulation on the part of the women. Sometimes they are just genuinely confused and have no idea what they want, and are basically waiting to kind of be told what they want from the man, in other words they want to be led. It's sounds a little sexist because it paints women as somewhat helpless, but it's been my personal experience with a lot of girls. Anyways man @HereNow I wouldn't panic too much. Just make it abundantly clear what you want without bluffing. If she rejects it then it's not meant to be. Go find someone that will appreciate your honesty.
  11. Stop gazing at village idiots on the internet. If you want wisdom and knowledge go find and talk to people in your local community. People who run volunteer organizations, temples, businesses, animal shelters, clinics. They are real people that will share what they know for basically free. If there is one thing that is true about most people it's that they love to talk about themselves and what they are doing in the world, and they don't market themselves in a needlessly toxic way. It's amazing how many people fawn over these parody-like individuals, like flies to shit.
  12. Exactly how it works? Young men learn how to interact with the opposite sex in adolescence from their peer group of other young men encouraging each other and taking risks. If they don't experience that then it's going to be extremely difficult later on when they lose reliable access to that peer group. Which is why there is a marketplace of pick-up resources. 15-20 years ago there really weren't any incels or much of a problem with men not being able to interact with women. Even the nerdiest losers got laid eventually. It was mostly technology that has caused this modern phenomena in my opinion (partly feminism to a degree as well). In the age of "social media" people are actually more awkward and less social than ever, ironically. Hence why pick-up is a necessary evil. It's one of the only tools unlucky men have to dig themselves out of that hole. since they can't go back in time to adolescence. They have to brute force it. Of course the guys who need it have to romanticize and market it as an all encompassing general self-development tool, as a way to cope with the fact that in practice it's really a lot of manipulative tactics and scummy behavior. Consider there is a reason why a lot of the big names in pick-up have a torrent of rape accusations against them, and are banned from basically every platform and even visiting some countries looool. They've needed to rebrand to cover up how much devilry goes on. It would be delusional to deny it and just say it's some feminist conspiracy to control media either.
  13. Does it even exist if nobody is paying attention to you? Nobody would even know you're even doing it unless it's some small area and you stay there for too long.
  14. I've gotten laid within two minutes from just a smile, you'd be surprised what can happen if you just take a chance
  15. Fentanyl is one of the most dangerous substances you can possibly use. Let's not condone or entertain discussion about it that might convince people it's worth trying.
  16. I'm anti-marriage. I don't need the government and an overpriced ceremony to validate my commitment to someone.
  17. You're right pick-up (clubbing archetype) isn't optimal for forming healthy relationships, and it's certainly ripe for abuse. However for incels and other unlucky guys who didn't get socialized properly growing up, there really isn't any other option. They need a straight-forward, brutal manual on how to do that stuff. Once you graduate high school and college, you won't really have an opportunity to learn it from socialization. Your family isn't going to teach you, and if your friends are also inept in socializing with girls - you're fucked. The real trap is not doing anything at all. That's how you create those people that shoot up schools that you see in the news every month.
  18. 0. It's kind of boring and shows a bit of insecurity to talk about past relationships on a first date. Leave out all details and just share a bare minimum like, "I was in a relationship for 2 years, it just didn't work out." Asking about kids is fine and should come out quickly. 1. This is far too personal of a question. It's too judgmental and can put people on the spot. 2. This is fine to bring up, by the end of the first date you should have a good idea of what each of you are after. 3. This should only be happening as you're approaching sex (making out). As a guy bringing up if you're gonna have protected sex or not any sooner before the moment you're both naked is a sure fire way to never have sex with that girl in a million years. 4. Hugely personal question. Should only be brought up in intimate conversation before sex. 5. Not a good 1st date topic. Shows you might be too invested in thinking about a long term relationship too soon while barely even knowing them. 6. Kind of an invasive thing to ask, don't you think? This is all just my opinion.
  19. I wouldn't talk about ANY of those things except for #2. Those are all things for knowing each other after a few weeks and multiple dates.
  20. There is really no empirical difference between prostitution and pornography, they are both exchanging sexual services for money. The only difference is one does it with the purpose of being filmed. For some reason recorded exchanges have a ton more legal flexibility, which legitimizes it. While the less legal exchanges are prone to more sketchy behavior. I mean yea you don't know the escort, but you're only going to pay her $300 and you'll be paying Mia Khalifa like $3000.
  21. I'm almost gonna lock this thread because it's such low quality, but I'm going to ask. What are you hoping to learn by asking this?
  22. You do get to discriminate your clients, sex work is an unregulated industry. It will just hurt your business though and your volume.
  23. Usually it's not anything you do, unless well it's obvious you made a mistake. Just don't be reactive to her mood swings and outbursts, and try to remain cold, calm, and stable so she isn't tempted to "test" you. Sometimes they will just be emotional not for any logical or particular reason, but purely for the sake of drama. This is your first girlfriend though (first because it won't be the last), so try to take everything as a learning experience. You should really be screening for general compatibility, don't just get any girlfriend. I've had multiple gfs and I've never had any of them get angry or freak out at me except for 1 single time. I make sure to screen out high energy dramatic girls and make it very clear I don't put up with fighting about stupid shit, or I'll just leave. Do not apologize unless it's obvious upon reflection you did something wrong.