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Everything posted by Roy

  1. She claims she want to fight global warming, but she is heating up the place on her flaming tear
  2. I have no idea if he's guilty, and frankly I don't care. I just find it amusing how the situation gives a lot of credence to the phrase, "Where there's smoke, there is probably fire." You might want to radically re-evaluate your role models if this is the kind of person you're defending chief lmao.
  3. Find someone who can groom you like that chimpanzee grooms her
  4. For every wealthy person there are 10x the amount of people trying to either get a piece of the pie or tear them down. Don't forget we are literally monkeys fighting over bananas
  5. From what I've seen from observing humans, when they deliberately neglect an area or aspect of life it turns out to be more of a bad idea than a good one.
  6. Your commitment and tenacity is inspiring, it brings a tear to my eye and hope to my soul that I could do the same
  7. Only REAL alpha males!....................... do human trafficking?
  8. I swear charisma is the most overpowered ability in life. It can get you in bed with the hottest women in the world, and you can also lead a nation of people off a cliff. I don't know what the developers were thinking when they implemented it into the game. It desperately needs a patch.
  9. There is no need to overcomplicate things, cut corners, and uncover gimmicks. We should admire the wisdom our mothers had and contemplate why they were trying to force us to eat broccoli. Perhaps they know something we didn't? Eat the damn broccoli
  10. I wouldn't get too caught up in stages of spiral dynamics, it's just a rough guideline to give you an idea of values and behaviors on a mass scale. Your place on the scale doesn't have a meaningful bearing on how actually developed you are. To be frank you might have green/yellow values and worldviews, but can severely lack the capacities and resources to act out those values. Hence why you need to think about each stage carefully how it relates to your own life, and how to fulfill it (without skipping anything). Is Algeria that bad? I know there is corruption and colonial history, but it's a North African nation in proximity to Europe. Are there not wealthy cities on the coast with decent economies/jobs? Implementing a life purpose takes a LONG time to manifest and make a practical reality. You are very young, so don't think you have to be acting it out immediately. Depending on what you want to do it can take many years of work. You have to enjoy the process, and also find things in the meantime that are related and can satisfy you. Are there no places you can volunteer or work that feel like you're contributing to your community and mankind? Mosques? Kitchens/shelters? Even in remote, poorer areas there are places you can seek meaningful work and meet healthy developed people.
  11. It sounds like you accomplished a lot in spite of being innately "worthless" and "sucking" at so much. Perhaps you should consider your view of yourself and emotions you are feeling are fundamentally flawed and need to be replaced, or rather something better be uncovered. Look into learning about NLP and some exercises you can do with that, it might help you.
  12. I've found a good mentality that's given me the ultimate tool to move on is, "They call it the first because it won't be the last". Except I carry that mentality to all the ones following. It's kind of tied into somewhat more vulgar saying I got from a guy. I was breaking up with my first serious girlfriend at the time and was looking to sell some stuff before moving. I told him what was going on and he said, "You know it sucks, but don't let it get you down too much - women are like cars, a new one pulls around the corner of the block every 10 minutes." Kind of immature lol, but yeah it's the truth. There are millions of people. You can always find someone else that will make you happy.
  13. That seems like way too much of a hassle, with a headset on and technology messing with the vibe mid session to make sure everything is working. Imagination is free, and if you're gonna pay for the VR headset, the system it's on, and whatever subscriptions you might as well use that money for an escort(s). With that much of an investment you might as well go for the real thing. I just want something to fuck when I can't get to my lady friend because there is a shit blizzard blocking the only highway to her!
  14. It's probably a better masturbatory tool than your hand or a fleshlight. Since you can actually grab onto something and thrust. If I anticipate some downtime in my sex life I will probably get one. Not the full doll of course, just the lower body I'm guessing a good one is expensive. I wouldn't want to spend more than $100 all-in.
  15. Just use a fleshlight or something. The post nut clarity won't hit as hard as crawling off a plastic corpse.
  16. I guess this is a healthier way to deal with your needs than using women, but what changed from not wanting it at all?
  17. Weren't you the same dude who said a few weeks ago you weren't going to masturbate for a year or something lol?
  18. I'll just be honest - I think it's degenerate, and a form of child abuse in the worst cases. I highly doubt these children, and even teenagers are making proper informed decisions that will result in them reaching a healthier, and more authentic version of themselves. They are confused (not their fault) and have no life experience, references, or knowledge of what they are tinkering with, and how fundamental it is. They are blank slates to be victimized by whatever their parents want to influence them with, and sponges of our current recklessly progressive culture. I view it similarly in parallel to religion, 90%+ of people end up with their religious beliefs from hereditary adoption. VERY few people adopt things through their own independent inquiry. Kids ought not be concerned with something as high stakes as how they want to identify (as if they even know what that means), they should be playing in sandboxes and mud, and capture the flag with their friends. I think 20 years from now we will look back on this time wondering, "what the fuck were we thinking?" as a new generation of disoriented adults enters this hard world and struggles to be productive, ironically having a harder time finding their place then they otherwise would have. Hopefully the world is more accepting in the future, as I don't think anybody deserves to suffer for choices that weren't even made for them, or by them in a sense. I also hope the ones that do end up radically changing themselves did it from a place of autonomy, at an age where they had a healthy intuition of what was best for them. There is nothing wrong with being trans or gay, or non-binary etc., it should just come from a more natural place by adults ready to understand what they are doing. It's a difficult subject for sure. I'm more of the hands off approach, let kids be kids. You can do this without swinging from enforcing toxic gender norms, to resentful challenges of those norms with playing God via surgery.
  19. Isn't a lot of what makes people who they are that brainwashing and other experiences they have growing up? It's not like there is a lot there before, at least it doesn't appear so.
  20. "Death is so final, where as life - life is full of possibilities." - Tyrion Lannister
  21. The way you deal with both of these is to be direct with them and call them out on it. If you play along or ignore it you are just enabling them to keep doing it. And they do it because they get rewarded for it. So be the higher quality guy that doesn't reward it. Remember you are the prize ! The women that deliberately play games and do shit-tests are usually the ones that will be a headache to be with. They've typically gone their wholes lives with such behavior and never got punished for it, especially if they are extra pretty. From my experience with all the women I've been with I've found the best experiences are with women who don't play any of those games, obviously. They are way more chill and enjoyable to be around. You can actually spend time talking to them like a human being instead of jumping through hoops like a fucking idiot.
  22. Hard, or not possible? If it would make a big shift (which I believe), it's worth trying for. The worst they can say is no, trust me. Could you brainstorm some hobbies to replace the stuff you're bored with? Masturbating and youtube is fun, but it should be reserved to relaxation time, as in only a little bit every couple days. Do you have enough time to get a 2nd job? Something casual to boost your income and give you more resources will help give you a sense of safety and accomplishment. Proving to yourself you can handle that part of your life will for sure give you more optimism about the future. I think your strength is there, you just have a flawed perception of it.
  23. You need to use other avenues of meeting girls. You aren't going to have a high retention rate with random strangers on an app lol. Don't try to ice skate up a hill.
  24. One of the best things you can do to boost morale and get employees to like you more is lead by example; which means getting down in the dirt with them once in a while. It doesn't have to happen all the time, but now and then showing you're willing and not "too good" to do grunt work will make them respect you more. Soldiers fight better when their king is on the field with them.
  25. Is there any way you can get some other shifts or change your schedule to days? I'm sure being up with the rest of the world would help your mood. I'm a nighthawk too and it can be peaceful, but I'll take days over evenings/nights every time.