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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. @Member I understand the point you are trying to make. You are attempting to add a fourth space dimension into the mix. I was rather describing our current model of reality based on the spacetime model of Einstein. Here is the model of spacetime based on Wiki: In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently. Until the 20th century, it was assumed that the three-dimensional geometry of the universe (its spatial expression in terms of coordinates, distances, and directions) was independent of one-dimensional time. However, in 1905, Albert Einstein based a work on special relativity on two postulates: The laws of physics are invariant (i.e., identical) in all inertial systems (i.e., non-accelerating frames of reference) The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of the motion of the light source. The logical consequence of taking these postulates together is the inseparable joining together of the four dimensions—hitherto assumed as independent—of space and time. Many counterintuitive consequences emerge: in addition to being independent of the motion of the light source, the speed of light is of constant magnitude regardless of the frame of reference in which it is measured; the distances and even temporal ordering of pairs of events change when measured in different inertial frames of reference (this is the relativity of simultaneity); and the linear additivity of velocities no longer holds true. From our relative perspective, our minds observe our reality in 3 dimensions of space, and 1 of time. From the absolute perspective or 0D, time and space do not exist.
  2. Don't laugh at the progress of science. There has to be a distinction first. At least she understands that the mind is not in the brain.
  3. An interview with a neuroscientist that understands the difference between Mind and Brain. Her description of Mind is simplistic, but you might find some interesting insights in her interview.
  4. I contacted you on Etsy. Let us continue the communication there.
  5. This is a good resource on psychedelics: Procuring depends on your location. Since in some locations they are illegal, you might be asking how to do something illegal. Don't treat them as hype because they alter your states of awareness. They are not something you should play with if you don't understand what you are doing. You should educate yourself first, and then maybe start with small doses of mushrooms.
  6. Says the guy that makes 3-hour videos talking about spirituality. lol I know what you mean. Still, I think that we need to bring you into her awareness. I am thinking of sharing one of your videos with her. Which video should I share? I am split between How to make a girl squirt or Becoming God. Or maybe we shouldn't try to impress her too much in the beginning?
  7. Do you practice meditation? Suppressing emotions is not the right approach. Observe them without attachment. Try to find the root of the emotion. If you are forcing yourself to study, then your mind seeks a little dopamine hit after a while. Try to take short brakes between studying and give your mind little time to rest. I don't mean you should watch porn every 45 minutes between studying, but maybe meditate for 5 minutes, or look at the sky.
  8. @Jacobsrw Amazing job man. Do you also do work for hire? I might have a project for you. You are talented. Keep developing your artistic talent.
  9. This was posted last week. She is looking for a spiritual man. It sounds like destiny to me. If you guys have a baby, it will be the new Buddha. Let's make it happen.
  10. The number of dimensions that you are aware of, became your reality. Most people are aware of 3D space dimensions and 1 dimension of time. Notice the capitalization of mind and Mind. 0D is the big Mind, 4D is the small mind. The only way to know is for the smaller mind to become the bigger Mind.
  11. @Principium Nexus You are onto something here. An important concept in statistics is something called degrees of freedom (DOF). Here is how Wikipedia defines DOF: The number of independent ways by which a dynamic system can move, without violating any constraint imposed on it, is called number of degrees of freedom. In other words, the number of degrees of freedom can be defined as the minimum number of independent coordinates that can specify the position of the system completely. Let's start at 0 dimensions. In 0 dimension we have no constraints on our system, and thus infinite degrees of freedom in infinite directions. In 1D, we have our first constraint. Our system creates a line and we can only move through the coordinates of a line. You are free to move about the line and that's all. In other words, you are allowed to choose any (x) from the number line. In 2D, we have another constraint on space. Think of this as having (x,y) coordinates. You are free to choose any x and y, but nothing else. In 3D, we add the third dimension of space. Now we have (x,y,z) coordinates and you are free to choose any x,y, and z. Here comes the tricky part. To create our reality we must add a fourth dimension of time (t). Unlike dimensions of space where we move back and forth, time can only go forward which limits our degrees of freedom. In 4D reality, we can move around in all x,y,z coordinates but only forward time coordinate. That is our current reality. 4D is where your mind exists, but 0D is where the Mind exists. 0D has infinite degrees of freedom, is unlimited, without any constraints. 0D is the Source and 4D is our current reality. Then the question becomes, how does 5D look like? That I am not sure. I have had a psychedelic experience where I perceived each special and time dimension separately. Imagine the 3 dimensions of space to be cut with the dimension of time. Reality then appears as 3D images falling onto themselves very very very fast. How many dimensions are there? I don't know. Why wouldn't there be infinite D? To make this example even more interesting, throw the concept of light into it. Think about how light can play a role in all this. E=mc^2
  12. There is no such thing as feminine and masculine traits or skills. The skills that you feel uncomfortable with as a female, you reject them by calling them masculine. To see yourself as a feminine woman, you have created self-limiting beliefs that you can't possess masculine traits. But you can. You must believe that you can take responsibility and control your emotions to take responsibility and control your emotions. To self-actualize, you have to re-own all the qualities that you have dis-owned. You must integrate the feminine with the masculine. I think the greatest aspect of self-actualization is the ability to surrender, which comes more easily to women than men. So consider yourself lucky to be a woman.
  13. This thread is one giant distraction, and I can't handle it.
  14. Radical Honesty is radical. Reality is not all black and white. It has 50 shades of gray. Try to be honest as much as you can, but you don't want to end up in a mental hospital.
  15. Honesty is a virtue, but be careful. Don't tell truths to people that can't handle the Truth. If you love your mother, you should try to make her understand your situation. Be more understanding of her, so that she can be more understanding of you. I have news for you. Everything that Leo has ever said was also a lie. Everything. The Truth can't be told. Only lies can be told. Good luck.
  16. What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction if everything becomes a product of your imagination?
  17. Some questions you should ask yourself. 1. For what achievements I want to be famous for? Maybe you want to be recognized as being funny, intelligent, etc. 2. Do I want to be famous just for being famous? Recognize that this is circular reasoning that leads nowhere. Every desire arises out of lack. The desire for fame arises out of a lack of recognition and approval. It seems that you seek the approval of others in order to be happy. But notice that some people will approve of your fame and some won't. If you seek the approval of others, you will always be unhappy since your happiness depends on their approval. Learn how to recognize and approve your own talents and be happy forever.
  18. Leo is the prophet that predicted the run on toilet paper. If humanity wasn't so full of shit, why would they need so much toilet paper?
  19. Leo can only take his universe with him because Leo is His own Universe. We are all the centers of our own universes. It will be sad from the perspective of our ego because he is helping us go beyond our ego. He is improving our lives. But from the perspective of beyond the ego, there is no death.
  20. Here is my speculation. 1. If Leo became Infinite, it would be only his perspective that becomes infinite. From the perspective of others, we will still be finite. 2. Assuming that Leo was right in his assumption that going further would mean death, in physical reality he would be pronounced dead. 3. The most important information in the video was not the things Leo said, but the things that he didn't say. For instance, he said that he admires the beauty of the female bodies. Female bodies are beautiful. But what this means, is that Leo has deep-rooted desires for gross bodies that he is unable to transcend. The human soul is composed of three elements: gross, subtle, and mental body. Each element builds on top of the previous. On psychedelics, you are elevated to your mental body where you can introspect yourself. Leo has a good grasp of the inner workings of the subtle body (desires) and mental body, but it seems that he is still stuck in some aspects of the gross realm. Of course, this model of the human soul is not true but only when transcended. Of course, this is only my speculation.
  21. @Member You are missing the point of my argument. You can be born without arms and legs, but you can be happy and share your love with the world. You can be given beauty and riches but in the end, you might end up shaving your head and losing your mind. Don't judge justice by appearance. Every beautiful appearance hides harsh reality and every ugly appearance hides a beautiful soul.
  22. Let's say God decided to offer you a chance to resolve the injustice. God decided to offer you a choice. Choice 1: You can become Nick Voicic. A man without arms and legs. Choice 2: You can become Britney Spears. A woman with beauty, money, talent, fame. Who do you choose to become?
  23. Any understanding is useful. Understanding of natural sciences is useful because once you understand them, you understand their limitations.
  24. There is no hate. I was just trying to outline their path in a somewhat humorous way. Everyone has to start somewhere. In reality, after our births, we all fall out of the pants of some girl. RSD learned how to profit from wanting to get back into the pants of girls. Kudos to them.
  25. I will use an analogy from David Hawkins. On psychedelics, you get high above the clouds and you are able to see the Light of the sun. But then you come down from the high and you can no longer see the Light. When you come down to the ground you have to learn how to remove the clouds. When you learn how to permanently remove the clouds, the Light of the sun will reach you forever. Clouds may come and go. They are temporary. The Light of the sun is permanent but only to those who know how to remove their clouds.