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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. @PenguinPablo For Pablo, the Penguin.
  2. @WhatAWondefulWorld It is a wonderful world. Full of wonder. I wonder why would anyone want to leave this world. Don't romanticize God. Don't imagine that God-realization will give you permanent bliss in which you can bathe for all eternity. The infinite perfect God lacks finitude. God is currently the envy of your current finite state. God wished to be born through you so that He could experience your finite life. Embrace your life and attempt to see the beauty of it. In your embrace, you will eventually find His.
  3. To know misfortune, you must miss the fortune. To know fortune, you must know how not to miss the fortune. The hardest thing to know is that which you don't know. Those who know, know fortune. Those who don't know, know only misfortune.
  4. I will try to give you a meta-perspective on your journey. Hopefully, that helps. As you go through life, you acquire concepts that ground you to reality. To exist in the world you must have a worldview. A worldview comprises of all your memories, experiences, and ideas. As you grow you learn more and more. Your memories, experiences, and ideas about the world increase. To make an analogy, you are building a house of cards. You are building your house of cards for years but then you learn that you have used the wrong foundation. So you destroy your house and you start over again. Destroying your house is painful, but it has to be done. So you start anew. You learn more ideas about reality. You read about ego, Objectivity, God, etc. You are rebuilding your house of cards but still, some pieces are not falling into place somehow. For years you are building a new house of cards, but new winds come and you have to destroy it again. You see, when you are building the house of cards, you fall in love with the process of building, so you don't want to destroy it. That is when you try to revert to old ways. You want to revert back to religion so that religion can ground you. You wish to revert back to old ways because you know that your house of cards is not stable yet. You don't want to destroy it. Until you realize that everything you have written above is just a concept that exists in your imagination, you will have to keep building and destroying your house of cards. At the end, when all the cards fall, you realize that there never was any house or any cards.
  5. Every person has blind spots in their personality. Marriage is a contract or a union in which blind spots are to be explored. When you say, till death due us part, you are saying to the other person that you wish to explore each other's blinds spots and they can't run away. You are basically tying the knot on each other's ankles, and making a promise to tell each other truths that will grow you in every aspect. In modern days the vow of marriage is a loose contract, and not many people tell each other the truth. So not many people grow from marriage.
  6. If one becomes aware of their full potential as God, one will become so afraid and die. In death they will become the actual God. But the Grace of God won't give you full awareness in one insight. His Grace will give you always as the right amount you are willing to carry with you. So don't be afraid of your potential. The path is long and hard, but its starts with a single step. Make the first step.
  7. Culture has to indoctrinate people into common beliefs. This creates uniformity in human behavior. If people don't adopt similar beliefs about physical reality, society, and culture, Society itself would disintegrate. Spiritual people at some point in time realize that Culture is the greatest cult that misperceived itself not to be a cult. So spiritual people decide to exit culture. But if you exit culture, you exit reality. On the way out of reality, when you don't know who to trust, you put your trust in Spiritual Gurus or crazy conspiracies because they exist on the outskirts of reality. They envigorate your anger that you have against Culture and Society. On the way out of reality, conspiracy theories validate your own experience. And thus you cling to them. You cling because you don't want to let go completely of reality. Every conspiracy theory, every spiritual guru (including Leo) is a conspiracy against your True Self. But in many cases, they are necessary to give you the push into your True Nature. You will cling to them as long as you need them. But at some point, you have to let go.
  8. Based on the video where he tries to enlighten his parents, I think he fails to notice that all people have different paths. He thinks he can just give his experience and perspective to others. But it doesn't work that way. The psychedelics have shattered his previous paradigm and now he is trying to make sense of the newly expanded paradigm. It needs a lot of integration. I hope Leo gets in touch with him.
  9. Science believes there is an observer that observes subjects (cells) independent of the observer. But these cells are parts of our bodies, so they are part of us. The observer is the thing being observed. Rather than observing external subjects, we first must learn who is the observer. Ask yourself, Who are you? All the complexity that science uncovers is true within the context of scientific exploration of physical reality. But physical reality is only an appearance within the context of consciousness. Once the observer gains greater awareness (consciousness), the observer notices that all appearances of physical reality are imagined and thus not real. The only way to become aware of this is to raise your awareness and know it for yourself. Everything else is just stories you believe.
  10. Let us look at the etymology of the word. Maybe the word itself can tell us what it is. concentrate (v.) - to bring or come to a common center. So the word literally means to find a center of something. But a center of what? The center of whatever we focus on. If you focus on finding money, you might find the money. If you focus on finding God, you might find God. Concentration is the process of focusing on what is it that you want to find. Let us look at it from another perspective. If we split the word, we would get Con and Center. con - persuade (someone) to do or believe something by lying to them. center - the point from which an activity or process is directed, or on which it is focused. To concentrate is to persuade yourself to a point that is not yourself. I had to use your concentration to lie to you that I know the definition of concentration while I don't.
  11. But it doesn't seem to be the end. You still have a body. You exist in a society that is asleep. You feel alone. Nobody understands you other than yourself. You can't watch movies because you see through all their moves. You can't read books because you see through the books. All entertainment was made to keep you asleep, but now that you are awake it is hard to be entertained. You try to find some novelty in neurotic philosophers like Zizek, but eventually, even that novelty withers away. You feel liberated because you have found the Truth. This gives you Peace. You find some purpose in trying to share the Truth with those who are still sleeping, but you know that the world is only a product of your imagination. Is the only real purpose left to awaken everyone? If you want to remain completely honest and genuine, is that the only valid path? The other option would be to go back to reality and pretend you belong with the dreamers? I am not criticizing, only asking.
  12. Thanks for sharing the experience. That is the nature of unconditional Love. It is so loving and unconditional that sweeps you off your feet. Getting the dosage right is always a difficult problem because we all have different bodies, metabolism, trauma. Start with a low dosage and then go high. The first few times are always the best. After the third time of doing MDMA, the euphoria starts to subside. That was my experience. If you ever want to do it again, it is best if you wait for a few months. Never do it more than 3-4 times per year. And sharing the MDMA experience with other people who are feeling the love of MDMA is the best.
  13. Meta transformation of RSD. Step 1: Want to get into girls' pants. Learn what girls want so I can get in their pants. Step 2: Girls want successful, adventurous, and confident guys. Pretend to possess those qualities. Step 3: Pretending only works for one night. The second night it fails. Find out how to become confident and successful. Step 4: Make lots of money by telling people how to fake confidence and success. Fame follows money so they get discovered by women of their deceitful ways. Time for rebranding. Step 5: Learned enough meta-information about how success, fame, and money are attained. Teach this meta-information to the crowds. (Information provided by OP) Step ... Step Infinity: The universe is One Consciousness. Nothing Exists and Everything is Perfect. The end. The guys that wanted to get into girls' pants discovered God. God laughs.
  14. Maybe surviving is the highest lie you fabricate and rationalize to yourself?
  15. There is a limit to the wisdom that could be communicated through language. I think Leo is hitting that limit. He has given us the highest insights, but we ourselves have to climb the mountains in order to see the sights. The hardest thing when you address a wide audience is to provide new insights to all the people. There are always new people that come in, so for them, everything is new. For the new people, Leo has to repeat himself so that he can make sense. But when he repeats himself, he annoys the people that already know all that stuff. Doomed if you do and doomed if you don't. Leo is probably one of the best speakers that I have encountered. His ability to rationally analyze a problem from multiple perspectives is uncanny. Leo is giving you a gift, but if you find the gift boring, maybe you can give him a better gift?
  16. Not sure why you have uploaded that image. But I will try to explain why you can't reach pure consciousness by using that picture. In your current mindset, you think you are the guy in the image, looking at the rat. Look at his facial expression. That guy thinks that there is so much to be gained by killing and eating a rat. That is your current mindset. Currently, your mindset is hungry to know what is pure consciousness. You wonder how it is to feel like a God. But you got it all wrong. Don't look at the guy. You have to look at the rat. When you know, I mean, really know how that rat feels in that image, then you will gain pure consciousness. You must be pure, and you must fry yourself on a stick, ready to be eaten. Then you will know.
  17. It's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years. - Lincoln Age is irrelevant. There are children who act like adults, and adults who act like children. You have to decide which one of those are you. The latest video was a little bit more grounded than the other ones, but in all honesty, Leo was going way too deep in spirituality past few months that he had come back to something more fundamental. So it was a refreshing change. If you already consider yourself an awakened adult, there weren't too many new insights. If you consider being young in spirit then you should watch it. If you don't know if you are a child or an adult, watch it so can find out if you are still a child or an adult.
  18. For me personally, MDMA elevates the love aspect of my consciousness. If you want to feel the Love, MDMA is a good accelerator to get you there. You will feel the love for everything. Once I was so loving that I wanted to kiss Hitler if he came back to life. Having said that, I typically don't do MDMA for contemplation, going deeper or shadow work. I typically do MDMA with other people around. I do it during raves and music festivals because there are more people who are on MDMA and when you share the love, the Love becomes greater. It is hard to explain but once you do it, you will know. I am curious how it will be for you, so report back the result. Good luck.
  19. I write stories as a way of contemplation. I finished this story today with a little push from Leo and his last video. It is a story about honesty, lies, and truth. I hope it answers your question. This is not a story - Short story.pdf
  20. Don't project your power onto others. All the insights Leo has shared with us, you can derive for yourself. The highest gift is the gift that you can gift to yourself. Don't always expect gifts from others.
  21. 1. Dogville - the movie is metaphysical. The lead actress Grace is the Grace of God. 2. Breaking the Waves - if you want to learn the extent of unconditional love. 3. Dancer in the Dark - This movie will teach you what it means to sacrifice for your children. 4. The Platform - If you want to learn about the current problems of capitalism. 5. The Big Blue - It will teach you how great your desire for truth has to be in order to see beyond the appearance of the world.