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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. What is the point of eating if you are going to shit it all out?
  2. Consciousness argues with itself about who has more consciousness. So silly.
  3. He is definitely polluting the minds of the youth. Only if there was a way to convict him to drink some poison. Oh, wait. @Jake Chambers Bon voyage!!!
  4. Happy New Year to One and All.
  5. Absolutely free speech exists but it involves you yelling into a pillow. You can yell all you want, but there is nobody that listens. Absolutely free speech includes the freedom of others not to listen.
  6. Generalizations are your mind's way of finding repeating patterns in reality. Since reality is too complex to be known all at once, your mind creates generalizations to aid its survival. Generilziaitons in general are useful if they are an accurate reflection of reality.
  7. Psychedelics can give you a new perspective with which you can look at reality. If your mind was previously closed, they created a new experience through which you can look at reality in a more open way.
  8. There were some deep technical insights from Joscha in this video. Hope you enjoy it!
  9. This forum is an echo chamber. One utters an original word. The rest only mimic. One creates. The rest just copy. One utters the original vibration of the Word. The rest just reflect it with lower amplitude. Seek the source of originality. It is an endless fountain. Be creative. Create.
  10. @iboughtleosbooklist Your post will be more accurate if you replace the word God with Ego.
  11. The audacity of this police officer... Absolutely brutal.
  12. You want absolute freedom. To be absolutely free, you have to relinquish all forms. You don't want to give up your form, but you want your form to control other forms. So actually, you have wrongly convinced yourself that you want absolute freedom while you only want to be a dictator of forms.
  13. 1. Create a clear Vision about where you are going personally and as a brand. Communicate this vision to your community. The vision can be a span of 3, 10, 30 years, or anything in between. 2. The highest teachings are not what you have said, but what you have become. Focus more on embodying the things you have said. People copy your words consciously and your being subconsciously. Become a mystery that can't be copied. 3. Rather than giving broad general advice to faceless crowds, go into the crowd and meet the individual faces. See the beauty in every face.
  14. Then why don't you try to be a responsible parent? If you are so much above everyone, help raise the kids the right way. Not by TALKING, but by DOING.
  15. I am not trying to define anything. The only thing I know is that those who stray away too much from 'consensus' reality are disowned by those living in 'it'.
  16. @Leo Gura Can you try to ground yourself to consensus reality a little bit more?
  17. You can set intentions. The trip will take you wherever you need to go.
  18. Every body is different. You have to find what works for your body.
  19. Some background: Can we get the 'psychic' to join the forum? I am sure the community can learn something from his perspective. Apparently, Leo's spawn count is over 1,000,000. That is more than his subscribers count. Coincidence?
  20. This might sound alien, but do you consider the possibility that you have become ungrounded? @Leo Gura
  21. The Devil's Hour Nine Perfect Strangers