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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. All novels of Hesse are non-dual fiction. The best one is his masterpiece: The Glass Bead Game.
  2. Cinema Paradiso (1988)
  3. Thank you for the rationalizations. But you didn't answer my question: This is a multiple-choice question, not an essay question. Option (1) OR Option (2) If none of the options suit you, tell me what would you have done? Maybe you would run away from the situation.
  4. I have a hypothetical question: Suppose you were present at the scene when the cop stood on the neck of George Floyd for 8 minutes. Given these circumstances, what is the highest form of love you can give? Option 1: You speak up and try to save the life of George? Option 2: You don't speak up because you understand that everything that is happening is part of God's plan? Is inaction or action the highest form of love?
  5. Finally, Leo stopped changing his shirt colors and made a video shirtless. The joke is on you guys, there was never any shirt.
  6. Have you thought about exploring his sexuality together? Maybe inviting another girl into the bedroom on occasion. Will seeing him with another girl in front of you bother you more than he being with other women while you are not there? He is obviously missing experiences, but the real question is does he love those sexual experiences more than he loves you? The other question is: do you love him enough that you can get over the fact that he might be sexual with other women? All love for the body is temporary. Only the love of the soul is permanent. Sex is only love of the body, for the body, with the body.
  7. You have answered your first question there. Your first question is biased and subjective. Objective reality can not exist without the Subject. To realize what exists beyond objective reality, you must collapse the subject-object duality. You can not survive in pure random reality. If today you are a human, and tomorrow you wake up as a horse, you will think you went insane. Reality must have a perceived order in order for you to be able to ask this question.
  8. Step 1: Be very curious. Step 2: Read at least 50 books per year. Non-fiction ranging from psychology, philosophy, metaphysics. Step 3: Observe. Contemplate. Meditate. Step 4: Integrate what you learn. Repeat these steps until you reach infinite intelligence. Then STOP.
  9. If you are enlightened, then Mike Tyson is Enlightened. Are you awake are you asleep? Psychodelic trips are pointers to another dimension, but they are not the destination. Psychodelic trips are just trips. Who cares what Leo calls his trips. Who cares which pills Neo took in the Matrix. It is about which pills YOU are willing to take? Red or Blue pill. You choose!
  10. Justice. What is Justice? Could it be something that Just IS? When you notice Injustice done by someone, ask yourself how are they ignorant about the world? All injustice arises out of ignorance. Try to educate them out of their ignorance and injustice. If you are unable to educate them out of their injustice, then the one who needs more education is YOU.
  11. If all power is projected from You as God, aren't You projecting your power unto psychedelics? If this assumption is true, aren't You using psychedelics as a trigger to access God state? What makes psychedelics such powerful triggers compared to all the other methods? I know psychedelics work for many people and they are faster when compared to meditation. My question is why they work? I understand the biological effect on brain receptors, so I am looking for a metaphysical explanation. I know people who have access to psychedelic states only through meditation, so I am curious what makes psychedelics so special?
  12. I AM ON LSD! I am alone Its just a cycle, cycling endlessly! I have been alone for all eternity.! Everyone that I hug is me, Everyone that I argue WITH is ME, I have been all of you, I will be all of you. There is nothing else But You. There is nothing else but Me. SO BEAUTIFUL! Endless LOVE! Forever!
  13. Are you the reality or are you in reality? Are you the object in which appearances occur or are you the subject that observes appearances? You could be both or neither. Are you someone here or no one here? @Someone here
  14. @Nahm There is somehow more in your words that meets the eye. Amazing. Thank you
  15. @Javfly33 Is that your child in your profile picture? When she starting riding her bicycle did she use training wheels or you just pushed her down from a mountain on a racing bike?
  16. It turns out, there is no bridge. I am relaxed. However, I do get irritated when people follow people into the toilets. Give people some privacy.
  17. Yes. Death of the Ego. Then it seems like you have a plan. Sounds good.
  18. The idiots dare to try infinite ways to be together with others. I know I am an idiot for trying other ways when psychedelics work, but what else am I to do? I am an idiot. Let the brave men be brave. Let the idiots be idiots. If God created infinite ways to find himself, is he brave or is he an idiot?
  19. @kireet If Leo went and jumped off a bridge, are you going to jump too? Stop trying to copy the path of others. Create your own path. His path is not your path. Be a Creator, not a follower.
  20. Seems like you have had a nice experience Vlad. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Just some words of caution. Don't rush important life decisions now. Take your time. Think things through. Make sure you have your survival needs under control before you make drastic life choices. Shrooms change your perceptions temporarily, but eventually, you return back to reality. You don't want reality to hit you in the face. If you have enough savings and don't enjoy your job, it is ok to quit. If you must have a job to survive, consider staying at your job or changing jobs to something you would enjoy doing. The Truth is so powerful and beautiful that it will kill you. But you want to die before you die to arrive at Truth, and not just die.
  21. @Einsteinonacid Is your last name Einstein or OnAcid? If its Einstein, change it. If its OnAcid, you must keep it.
  22. Let me ask the question from a different perspective. These questions will be asked from the relative Ego perspective. Why did the psychedelic revolution happen 50 years ago and didn't happen 5 centuries ago or 15 centuries ago? If God had always possessed an easy way to access himself, why would he deny that access to people for so long? Why would Socrates have to question everything to arrive at Nothing, while he could have just licked a toad to arrive at Nothing? The answer from the absolute would be that God IS. Things are the WAY they ARE. But what would be the answer from the relative Ego perspective?
  23. I know that God has to create a way to remember itself, but why give such an easy and powerful way? But if he didn't imagine psychedelics I would probably be asking why God didn't give us an easy way. Meditation has been a very powerful method for me.
  24. The problem with meditation or contemplation is that it works, but these methods don't give as predictable results as psychedelics. One day meditation could lead you to the realization of emptiness, while many other days you have no results. When you surrender to contemplation/meditation, it is the process that is in control of you, and you are not in control of the process. Sometimes the process leads to insights, many times it leads nowhere. I have achieved states only through contemplation where I was able to "bend" physical reality, but I had no understanding of how I am doing it. I only had the awareness that I am doing it. Yes. Chemicals to the brain seem like a "cheat-code" out of the system of materialism.