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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. When God was creating the world, he could have given HIMSELF EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE. But, that seemed unwise. Instead, he chose to create A SELF and OTHERS. The OTHERS would give the SELF everything he needed until the SELF becomes FULFILLED. That seemed wise. As long as THE SELF needs OTHERS, there will always be OTHERS to fulfill HIM.
  2. I found a summarized version of his podcast. Here it is...
  3. You don't have to do them. Read more books, mediate. Maybe in a few years when you have improved your living situation, then you can try them.
  4. concept = concept That is clear and concise. Everything is a definition of itself. To further define the meaning of a word, you must use other words. These other words should give you an approximation of its meaning but never its definition.
  5. You have to know algebra to understand calculus. If you don't understand algebra, you will never understand calculus. There are certain prerequisites to knowledge. If Leo doesn't cover them he would lose most of the people in the advanced topics. The main purpose of his videos is to inspire you. If it makes you emotional, you are attaching too much value to his words. Don't do that. You can assume that everything Leo has ever said is wrong. Try to think for yourself to prove yourself right. Only then you will have less Dogma and more Truth.
  6. Are you sitting during mediation or laying down? I usually do a long meditation in the morning and a shorter one before going to bed. Try to vary the times of day when you meditate.
  7. Not conscious = no head Little conscious = many thoughts inside the head More conscious = fewer thoughts inside the head Most conscious = no head
  8. The Ego on this one. Reality is a prison that Ego creates for itself. Most human Egos fall into one of these traps and stay there their whole lives. Your desire to have all the knowledge in the world is a trap your Ego is creating for you, and you might spend your whole life in this trap. What Leo is really good at is noticing these traps and not falling into them. That is his talent. If you don't fall into traps, you have much more time to move onto something else. When you don't fall, you rise faster. Then the question becomes, how does one get good at avoiding traps? Read a lot, understand patterns, meditate, contemplate. Doing psychedelics helps because they lift you up higher plane where you can explore the greatest trap aka LIFE.
  9. Socrates is alive. In fact, he is on this forum. What do you think @Socrates? My guess is that he would poison the minds of the youth again and will be put to death. But this time, he would drink the poison much faster
  10. The seeker seeks That which he does not have. He seeks because he knows that He is not complete. What the seeker doesn't know is that he already has Everything. The only thing He doesn't have is Nothing. Nothing can never be had, so the only way to get to Nothing is to stop seeking.
  11. What is a concept? Who is the real You? Where is here? Try to contemplate these questions.
  12. There are 2 types of learning. The first one is through experience. You desire for experience and until you exhaust the desire for the experience, you will not be satisfied. The second one is through learning. You can learn deeply why you desire these experiences, and once you learn the desire will go away. If there are still desires, you have not learned deeply. In the end, it matters not which of the two types you pick. The first one takes longer, while the second usually is shorter.
  13. Observe how many times you have used "I". Who is I? Nothing vanishes through enlightenment but the I. If you want to be happy, try to define what happiness means for you? Enlightenment doesn't give you happiness. Enlightenment gives you Absolutely Nothing.
  14. Can only DMT produce a DMT state of consciousness? Yes, DMT is the easiest way to produce that state, but there might be other ways to get to that state. Since you have been taking psychedelics for a while, if you compare your state when you took DMT for the first time and your last time, you have to admit that there is a difference in your state of experience. So even the same substance does not produce the same state of experience. There is something else that varies the experimental result. In essence, I agree with you, but disagreements are more fun.
  15. Ha. I think this Connor guy is trying to cut into the Spiritual niche of Leo. How dare he? But I have an idea. This Connor guy used to pick up girls shirtless before he went full God mode. So there is a void in the market in shirtless guys picking up girls. Someone needs to fill the void in the market. Since Connor became the new Leo, maybe Leo should become the new Connor. Who wants to see Leo picking up girls shirtless in the next video?
  16. I can confirm that it is certainly impossible. It is not impossible, just very unlikely. I know a person personally that can access non-dual states without any substances and only through meditation. However, this person is highly spiritually gifted. He can remember many previous lives, is extremely intelligent, and has deep intuitive knowledge of astrology. I never understood the astrology fascination. Given that these states are completely subjective, I can not guarantee that he has achieved a level of awareness of the Buddha, Jesus, or Leo . I only know that he has achieved enlightenment without psychedelics. So not impossible, just very unlikely.
  17. God found a playboy to play with.
  18. Didn't watch the video. But yes, it comes from a channeled material know as the Law of One/ Ra Material. It is a mental map of the possible evolution of consciousness. If you take it as a truthful idea, it becomes an ideology.
  19. Don't be racist. During the Age of Enlightenment (18 century), we have drowned many of the highly evolved women because we perceived them to be witches. The irony! I have been looking for a hot witch girlfriend for a few centuries already, but man, they are hard to find.
  20. He is the Light, so the light has to be on. I feel like we are saying the same thing with different words.
  21. Try to find what is wrong with your first sentence. Maybe the Ego is the enemy.
  22. Sounds like someone is in love? Can you pinpoint what exactly do you need from her? You must bring the specific aspects of your neediness into your awareness to relinquish it. Do you need her because she is pretty? Or because she is kind? Or because she is funny? Contemplate on this.
  23. @Dylan Page Did you do other psychedelics in the past 5 months?
  24. Let's break it down. Imagination is an infinite collection of Images and concepts. For imagination to make sense to itself, it must create a finite collection of its images. To have a finite ordered collection, you must create a flawless progression aka TIME. Memory is a concept used to re-collect the flawless progression of images in a sequence that makes sense to itself.
  25. Don't be silly guys. He is sleeping with the lights on because he is enlightened.