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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. I tried a meditation session with techno music for 1 hr yesterday. My body became numb, and I was able to put all my focus on the music. I felt the music vibrations with my whole being. Experimentation is sometimes useful.
  2. Read 400+. Wrote 3.
  3. Sounds like a strange loop.
  4. Do you have close female friends? Ask them for honest feedback on your personality, looks, etc.
  5. You can predict the future to the extent that you understand the past that led to your present. Dreams do contain visions of the future. I know several people that have predicted 1 in a billion chance events based on their dreams.
  6. Hi all, I want to give away 7 paperback copies of a book I wrote this year to 7 members of this forum. If you like to receive a free copy, please send me a direct message with your PO address. The aim of this book is to bring the reader to turquoise (spiral dynamics) so it is mainly intended for green/yellow readers who enjoy philosophy/metaphysics. If that is you, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for your free copy. I hope to give away all 7 copies before Christmas. If you want more details about the book, you can find them at the following link. I hope that my book will transform you.
  7. It is already happening. I don't see it as a negative, since the institution of marriage is no longer sacred so it is destined to evolve. No, you are not. You are coming from a scarcity mindset. Become a value provider to women and you can have more women than you can deal with. If everyone becomes their best version of themselves, equilibrium will be established again. If only a few high-value men provide value to women, then we have a problem. If everyone is high-value, we have no problem.
  8. It is your job to learn how to be healthy. Don't delegate that power to the government. The job of the government is to break your leg, and then give you a crutch. Then the government will ask you to praise them since without their crutch, you wouldn't be able to walk. Governance is needed only for those who are not able to self-govern themselves. If everyone is able to govern themselves, government becomes obsolete. Therefore it is in the interest of the government that you are not able to self-govern. It is in the government's interest that you get sick so they can provide you with free healthcare.
  9. Emotion is the justification for motion. If you never felt hungry, will you bother to eat? If you never felt sad, would you bother to seek happiness? If you never felt imperfect, would you bother to seek perfection? The singularity doesn't contain all configuration of reality. The singularity contains Nothing. The only way for the singularity to create a configuration is to be an Intelligent Creator. How do you think you were born? Where did you come from? Didn't you just pop up somewhere? The paradox of insights is that they only appear to a subject and can't be objectified. An insight is only shocking if comes into your sight. The closest I have been able to communicate deep insight is through the following story:
  10. Yes. The incompleteness theorem extends to every system, including computers. Intelligence is simply an ability to recognize patterns. The more intelligent one is, the more patterns (and more abstract) patterns one is able to recognize. Computers can already recognize and process patterns better than humans (automated driving, image analysis, etc). However, computers are not yet able to solve the problem of self-reference. If computers are able to solve the problem of self-reference by themselves, in few decades computers will become much more intelligent than average humans. If self-reference gets programmed into them by humans, we will be able to control their behavior for the foreseeable future.
  11. Let us assume that once there existed One Perfect Being. The Perfect Being was perfect, but I had nobody to share its perfection with. So the Perfect Being decided to split itself. The split made Him Imperfect. He created other beings and unto them, he gifted his perfection. We need others because in them we see our lost perfection. The others give us the perfection that we lost. Others make us whole. By loving others, we regain the lost love for ourselves. By being with others, we regain our lost Being.
  12. @Red-White-Light Nice video. Thanks for sharing.
  13. I am impressed by the improv skills of this guy: Mindblowing stuff.
  14. A break is well deserved. I hope it is not another 30 days of plugging 5-Meo-DMT.
  15. Leo usually says those things after he gets "humbled" by a psychedelic experience.
  16. You are attracted to the things that you desire, but you lack. You are attracted because you feel partial, and you want to feel whole again. If you had everything, you would be the most attractive but will have nothing to attract.
  17. @electroBeam Enjoyable read. Thanks One question. How would you feel if the "trip experience" was your "baseline-level experience" of Reality?
  19. You are the Source, Codo. There is nobody else but You. You are the One asking,... You are the only One that can answer.
  20. I learned how to make a healthy soup. The rest was mostly concepts. I kid. I kid.
  21. Human emotions are just motivations for human actions. We act because we feel. And we feel because we feel that our feelings are real. If you identify with the body, you will seek to "immortalize" your identity. Many parents at some point project their identity to their children and see their children as the ones carrying their torch of immortality. But, the identification might not be only materialistic. You might not identify with the body, but rather with beauty, kindness, compassion, love and you might wish to pass these onto your children. Children as seen as a blank canvas onto which you can imprint your identity.
  22. Someone should make a poster of this.
  23. Can you have any experience without senses? Try to imagine how that would look like... Give up the 5 senses. What are you left with? Pure experience mediated by your mind. The purpose of our senses is to experience reality through the senses. Once our experiences are satiated, we yearn to transcend them.
  24. Where are you currently living? And how far are you willing to relocate?
  25. So if you don't like JP, he is your shadow? His work in the 90's is superior to anything he has produced recently. If you want a real expose of his thinking, I suggest watching his lectures at Harvard when he was young. Old age makes everyone conservative.