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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. He is a MEME. MEME (definition)- an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
  2. I think you are delusional.
  3. Sounds like you are giving us the Green Light.
  4. I enjoyed it. Thanks @Nahm I guess now I also have to shave my head and join the party. If I compare you with Leo, intuitively I feel one big difference. Leo is talking to the level of Being, while you are talking to the level of Mind. I can sense that you are trying to teach Me something, not Be Something. That is the difference. Otherwise, keep up the work. The content is good.
  5. Once you are done with the "why" questions, start asking "why not" questions.
  6. Does the Truth have to be Objective? If it is Objective, in which Object does the Truth hide? Is your direct experience only true after being validated by other subjects, or it can be validated only by you as the Subject? If direct experience is all you have, who creates the boundary between the Subject and Object? Direct experience can't be a belief, because belief requires faith that something will happen in the future. If you have direct experience, you don't need faith that something will happen because it is happening to you, DIRECTLY.
  7. Why don't you try 14-day fast and see the results for yourself? Notice that second-hand experience is always less insightful than a first-hand experience.
  8. I think the best way to get to Nirvana is to smack yourself on the head a little. How do you think people acquire skills? Books, self-improvement. Nobody was born with skills. The beauty of the world is that anybody born poor can become rich, and anybody born rich can become poor.
  9. ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. - Matthew 25:29 The rich have assets (money, stocks, bonds). These assets give them power. This power allows them to buy influence from politicians that can create laws that increase their power, stocks, and money. The middle class has skills. Skills are needed to keep the system going. The higher your skills, the higher paychecks you get from the rich. However, skills these days can become outdated in few years, which means that if you want to stay in the middle class, you need to be constantly learning. If you don't learn, you will become poor. The poor don't have assets nor skills. The best way to get out of poverty is to acquire skills.
  10. If you believe anything that Leo says, you are enrolling yourself in a cult. Don't believe anything he says. Verify it for yourself. If you can't verify it, it is not your Truth.
  11. Your intuition is your own personal genie. Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.
  12. I don't think he went meta enough. For example, in the part where he was talking about sleeping with that girl, a true meta thinker would figure out how to sleep with both girls at the same time. Always room for improvement.
  13. My friend, to get to the Source you must cut the branch you are sitting on. It seems that you are too comfortable sitting on the branch called Islam. As you wish. One day, we meet at the Source.
  14. The close-minded are those who draw boundaries. The boundaries keep them close-minded. Dating only Muslims is creating a boundary between yourself and others. Islam is more about propagating belief rather than Truth. All Religions are like the Tree of Life. They stem from the same Source(root), but branch off into infinite branches. Islam is a branch that thinks itself more special than other branches. In Truth, none of the branches matter but only the Source.
  15. I don't need you to tell me who I am. If you cant draw an image of God, why do you think putting a label on me is not a corruption of my nature. I am not a Muslim. I Am. Funny story. I once tried to date a Muslim girl, but she couldn't accept me because I was not a Muslim. She told me she is not allowed to date people outside her religion. What kind of tribal thinking is that? Let people decide who they are for themselves.
  16. Muslims take pride in their religion. They don't allow any criticism of their God or Prophet. They are stingy since they believe in their own God. The rest are infidels. There is no argument that can persuade a Muslim. ...And you talk about Ego. All Muslims are full of it, collectively.
  17. There is no formula for creativity. If there was such a formula, its output will become predictable, not creative. Here is a simple heuristic: Get familiarized with broad sources of information Notice patterns in the information Bundle patterns to create new information I accept payments in BTC.
  18. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you don't find her attractive, someone else might. These days we have many technologies (make-up, plastic surgeries, etc) so if she truly desires, she can improve her looks.
  19. After reading his latest book, I saw his attachments. His highest attachment is to his wife. She is the His embodiment of Love. The reason he got sick is because his wife got sick. JP couldn't live with himself without her. Of course, JP still has attachments to success and intellect but I feel these have subsided a little.
  20. NFTs are the metaphysical search for true value. What is the true value of a tweet? What is the true value of digital art? Is the market value(value that the free market pays for an item) its true value, or true value exist beyond the market? Notice that the current trend of the NFT market is created on the Ethereum platform. Thus, the source of truth for NFT is validated against the Ethereum platform. But what happens if Ethereum didn't exist? Without Ethereum, is there another Ethernal source of truth?
  21. [insert pic of Leo Gura wiping his butt after taking a dump]
  22. He has intellectualized awareness. He is possessed by his ideas. It is possible to metaphysically deconstruct yourself. Some of the greatest philosophers (ex. Hegel) have reached Absolute Idealism, but they haven't transcended it. The problem is that awareness is beyond intellectualization. Awareness is beyond thought. Awareness needs to be Realized to be made Real.
  23. The problem is that you try to think too much. You should think less and feel more. Acknowledge that thoughts are currently creating your reality and they affect how you feel. Rather than believing your thoughts, let them go. Imagine how you would feel if you didn't have these thoughts.
  24. Money is a communication of value. If you value everything equally, why would you need money?
  25. Increasing complexity requires a vertical leap in organization. The vertical leap creates a hierarchy. The hierarchy is created by the principles that bind the lower level. JP promotes that competence should be the primary driver for creating the hierarchy which is not always the right approach.