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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. Recognize that all social conditions started as an idea in someone's mind. Then, the majority of society accepted those conditions and normalized them. The ideas became the norm. Try to inquire why certain ideas are the norm? Why did most people accept these norms? If the answers "come" to you, you will understand the reason for the social conditioning. Only when you understand the reasons for the social norms, you will be able to transcend them. If you don't understand them, you can't transcend them.
  2. It is Amazing. How did you achieve the top/down left/right symmetry?
  3. You have to deconstruct the bullshit that you have within you. Once you deconstruct your own bullshit, you can smell the bullshit of others from a mile away. The problem of deconstructing your own bullshit is that it would smell and won't be pleasant. But once your bullshit is gone, you can trust your intuition. Your intuition will tell you who is bullshitting you. Trust That.
  4. You can only see in others that which you have in yourself. It seems that You too were once a fool. ...and if you ask foolish questions, you probably still have it in you.
  5. Your father seems to be a victim in your mothers' plot. But you don't have to be a victim. Do not blame your father. If you need more masculine role models, you can always find some. There is no "truth" in the book. There are some valid patterns that the author has recognized and he tries to tell them to the blue pilled guys.
  6. If you are putting women on a pedestal, this book will try to open your eyes to why you shouldn't be doing that. It is useful to the extent you realize that women are not more special than you, and you don't need them to be happy or fulfilled. Just keep in mind that the book is filtered through the experiences of the author. All his negative experiences with women will create a negative subtone in the way he writes.
  7. My favorite.
  8. If you had no thoughts, how would you feel? If you had no feelings, would you even need to think?
  9. Your "objective" views have been created because of your "objective" experience. Having direct experience is how you know things. The rest is just stories. Consider that is fairer to say that You don't understand the mystery of reality. If having direct experience is how we know things it seems that the only way to know a psychedelic experience Is to try a psychedelic. All the rest is just speculation.
  10. Just a reminder that everything said about Brands can also be applied to the Actualized Brand.
  11. To truly know something means to become IT.
  12. Socialization is an attempt to maintain one's sanity. One is considered sane as long as One is going along with the consensual reality. The only way to establish consensual reality is through socialization and evaluation of what the Other consider to be sane. Sometimes the consensual reality becomes completely insane (ex. think of concentration camps in Auschwitz), but as long as you hold the majority view of your society, you are considered sane. Talking with others is how you keep yourself grounded in reality.
  13. You seem pretty grounded by the way you ask this question. Only the grounded don't know the answer to this question. It means that the Buddha is You, and there can be only one of You.
  14. The Technique of Byron Katie is useful for resolving past trauma and shadow work. You should ask those questions about things that have happened in the past. It should not be used for planning your future. If you are looking for motivational techniques that will help plan your future, there are other motivational techniques that can help you with that.
  15. You might find this insightful. Explained for the layman.
  16. You have to incentivize people to give out loans. If there was no interest, nobody will be interested in giving out loans. In the current economic environment, interest rates are lower than the inflation rate. This is practically free money.
  17. Without beating around the bush, there would be no bush. Philosophical Understanding is important for setting the right conceptual foundation for a God Realization. Concepts are necessary before they are transcended. These two guys push the limit of their conceptual understanding by elucidating the patterns between their highest abstractions. If they were God-realized, would they even speak? To whom would they speak and why?
  18. For those who enjoy long talks on ontology, metaphysics, epistemology here is 8 hours of dialogue between two of the brightest minds. Enjoy!!
  19. This guy was asking for $10,000 for a one-on-one introduction to the "Truth" on twitter. I responded with "The truth that is not priceless is not the real Truth". He blocked me. I laughed.
  20. A simple modus ponens... Everything is Nothing. Nothing Matters. Everything Matters.
  21. @cookiemonster "Don't eat me, you Monster", said the cookie. And the CookieMonster went "Om Nom Nom Nom".
  22. @Leo Gura I have always admired the fact that you are creating your work and giving it to the world for free. Few points on this: The youtube demographic is mostly 13-year-old kids. Kids are "highly" influenced by someone who is presenting himself as an authoritative figure and they take all your Words for granted. You have to take this into account when you present very Radical Ideas to the general public because young kids will take your Word and run with it. Giving Radical Truths to 13-year-olds is like putting them in a tank in the middle of the city and expecting not to shoot up the whole town. One of the biggest problems of spiritual work is spiritual bypassing. Students must have the right foundation for life before they proceed with serious spiritual work. When you talk about Radical Ideas, you are basically "tempting" your students to meet you where YOU are at, not where THEY are at. Your style/personality of teaching is very persuasive. Teachings are given at the level of the student, not at the level of the teacher. That is the higher love. I think you have to re-evaluate if Youtube is the right platform for you to teach Radical Truths. You have saved 1000 people from committing suicide, but you have to do everything possible to prevent any unnecessary physical harm to others. Psychedelics are very powerful tools for the Mind. I completely agree with you on this. But you should not advertise as the only tool. Few points on this: Before taking psychedelics, people must do at least a few years of basic spiritual work(meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, breathing, etc) and they should know enough deep metaphysics to recontextualize their psychedelic experience. Saying there is a "magic pill" that will give you the answers to life, the universe, and Everything is immature. For you Leo, it works like a "magic pill" because you tend to forget the years of hard work/suffering that you have put into your work of deconstructing yourself. For those that have not done the WORK, "magic pills" do NOT exist. Connor should teach you that giving psychedelics to an overly developed Ego will lead to psychosis. Connor spent years on YouTube inflating his Ego, and few months doing psychedelics to deconstruct the Ego. He is advertising himself as your student because your students should know what NOT to do. People should not take psychedelics before they are ready to do so. And when they do take psychedelics, they should do it responsibly. I am immensely grateful to you for all the work you have done and shared with the world. Much love.
  23. is a video series that showcases the struggle of a single man to Realize Himself. In the beginning, he was asleep.
  24. Some of you have children already, some might not. If your child asks you questions about Reality, are you going to share: 1) the Truth you have discovered? 2) the predominant narrative of your society? 3) Nothing, and let the child discover their own Truth? I am curious...
  25. Wisdom can't be shared. Knowledge can be shared. But it takes a wise man to hear knowledge and interpret it as wisdom. Nothing is gained, nothing is lost. Only the joy of sharing remains.