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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. Feelings are true. Your interpretation of a feeling might be wrong.
  2. Emotions are internal signals that tell you that there is some incongruence with external reality.
  3. We are designing it... It just takes a while...
  4. He was a wacky guy, but I am not sure if he whacked himself.
  5. You are attracted to things that you desire, but you lack. The attraction is not superficial, but deeply metaphysical. Meaning, you are not attracted to the outside appearance, but to the values that create the appearance.
  6. Sounds like you need to deprogram yourself. Programming is a mental activity in which you try to learn the rules of the programming language. Programming languages are created by people(nerds). Maybe you don't think like a nerd? To know a computer language well is to know all the rules that the nerd programmed into his compiler. Then, you use these rules to create a program yourself. Maybe you don't have good ideas about what you want to create? When you don't try to force yourself into programming, what activities do you actually enjoy doing? Maybe you should discover what are your true passions?
  7. You are asking for a template to con-template? Open your eyes... Ask questions to which you don't know the answers... Wait for the universe to provide answers... If the universe doesn't provide answers, change your template... Repeat... Try to contemplate if this is a template or a con.
  8. @BlackMaze Read this story:
  9. Perfect question for Leo. Nobody needs enlightenment, and yet that is what Leo is selling to survive.
  10. I am experiencing the same thing for a while... For me, the pulsation is more random and doesn't always happen during meditation. I don't have answers on the cause or remedy.
  11. Sounds like you need to get your shit together first. Then upgrade to another league.
  12. The real question is, do you know yourself better than the corporations know you. The corporations will use your data to sell you stuff and make a profit off of you. If you understand your psychology, the psychological marketing tricks corporations use won't work on you. If you don't understand yourself, their tricks will work until they don't.
  13. The biggest problem is that people don't know what they want. Sometimes to know what you want, you have to try things such as heroin. You don't want heroin, per se, since you want the happiness that it gives you. How could you know authentic happiness(Aristotle called it Eudaimonia), if you first don't experience inauthentic happiness(heroin)? It is you that draws that distinction between authentic/inauthentic.
  14. The world is never ready... When the world is ready, it will disappear and become something else.
  15. This is an excerpt from Matthew 22...
  16. Some people like to eat fish. To those people you give fish. Some people like to learn how to fish. To those people, you teach how to fish. You need to have all different kinds of people. Entrepreneurship is the ability to recognize what people need and giving it to them. Spirituality is different. It is the realization that the spirit can not be given. The best you could do is supporting them on their spiritual journey by giving them fish and teaching them to fish.
  17. Stephen Wolfram summarizes his Theory in Everything in 20 minutes. The explanation starts at 10:40 minute mark.
  18. Stocks do count as wealth, but only when you sell them. This is already taxed by capital gains. Elon Musk is not selling his stocks. How do you tax him if he doesn't sell his stocks? The problem Is not the tax, but rather who gets to allocate capital in society. Last year Elon Musk shot a car he created into space with a racket he created. This is the power of the private sector. Last year Donald Trump told the public to drink bleach. This is the uselessness of the public sector. Who created more benefits for society? Elon or Trump? To whom would you give your money?
  19. Notice that you always tend to seek the path of least resistance. On that path of least resistance you get comfort, but not growth. Notice that you resist all changes because all changes require hard work. This is uncomfortable in the short term but creates growth in the long run. Simply ask yourself. Do you want to grow or you want to be comfortable? If you want to grow, do that which is hard. If you want comfort, do that which is easy.
  20. Yes. But this creates inflation. Inflation is a different type of taxation. Those who have the money create the tune on which the rest of society, dances. Since Elon Musk has the money, he tells thousands of people how to dance to get his ass to Mars. Gold used to be a first-level abstraction of value. Paper money(fiat) is just a second-level abstraction of value. The value itself only exists in people's minds. Thus, all value is perceived value. Perceptions change.
  21. It makes more sense to tax when money is spent, not when money is earned. Taxes disincentivize behavior. The more you tax wealth, the less wealth will be created. The more you tax spending, the fewer people will spend. You want to create an environment where people have the right incentives to create wealth without spending it. One day when there is so much wealth for everyone, you won't need taxes.
  22. How would you propose to tax Wealth? Most of the wealth of Elon Musk is in the form of stocks in the companies he founded. His wealth is unrealized because it only becomes real if he sells his stocks. When he sells stocks, he already pays 25% Capital Gains tax. Let's suppose the government decided to tax his Wealth at 10% per annum. This means that Musk will be forced to sell 10% of his stocks every year. This kind of forced selling will sink the value of his stocks. The government will get 10% of Musk's stock value every year. What will the government do with that money? Do you assume that the government is a better allocator of capital than Elon Musk?
  23. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. - Proverbs 11:2
  24. Sounds like there is some incongruence within yourself. The thing that feels right should be the thing you must do.