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Everything posted by JosephKnecht

  1. Without a map, you will be lost. Without a territory, you won't Be.
  2. Very high levels of consciousness are not grounded in logic. Those who see everything through the lens of logic, call the illogical, madness.
  3. "I was joking about everything" will be online soon...
  4. @Someone here You talk too much. Go sit in a corner for 10 days.
  5. I do think that it's possible that we can take the energy of others, but not without their consent. In cults, the cult leader has learned how to utilize this energy from his followers and can 'channel' that energy into alternative uses. From the highest POV, everything is just energy flow and if you are not aware of these energy flows, you will be 'used' by them. The way to stop feeding on others is to become full of yourself, by yourself.
  6. Then why are you asking Leo to give you understanding? He can only give you ideas... You give yourself understanding.
  7. Hey @Someone here .. weren't you the guy from last week that had the ultimate understanding of reality? New week, new understandings. I guess.
  8. God doesn't need money. Humans do. Experiment solved.
  9. Those who criticize the system are oftentimes unaware of the effort that went into creating the said system. Do you think you can create a better system? Give it a try.
  10. Propaganda is explained through more propaganda. The irony.
  11. Everything you wrote above is your projection. You are asking the external to explain your internal with 100% certainty. The answer is within, not outside.
  12. I signed up for a reading a few months back. Still didn't get the reading. You be the judge.
  13. Because to stop living in the reality created by others, first you have to reject theirs to create yours. There is only one Reality but IT doesn't get improved by those who go along with the flow. Reality tends to improve by those who first reject, deconstruct it, imagine a better one and work to bring it into reality.
  14. White/Black. And about 50 shades of gray.
  15. MDMA gives you temporary access to the Love. From personal experience, MDMA for me feels like you are releasing all the serotonin that you have built up in your body. This is why the first few MDMA experiences feel the best. After the 3rd experience of MDMA, the love experience tends to decrease in intensity. This however depends on your base state. Do not take MDMA more than once per month. Try to keep it to a few times per year. Accompany the experience with great music for better vibrations. Coming down from MDMA might feel bad the next day or two. Don't take too much the first time you try it.
  16. The idea of enlightenment tends to possess the people that have rejected reality and are seeking 'something' better. The seeking makes them lonely, for nobody understands them. The seeking makes them sad, for that which they seek can't be found. But, there is a difference between the idea of enlightenment and 'enlightenment' itself. Relinquishing the idea also relinquishes sadness and loneliness.
  17. I was pleasantly surprised about how much of his personal experience he shared. Very enjoyable podcast.
  18. I guess you are not that special. Seems like these Vimeo guys are pricing themselves out of the market. Vimeo is the only real competitor to YouTube. Without any competition, let's hope YouTube doesn't come up with a similar scheme.
  19. There is some truth to this. I too can feel the energy of the people but I have no explanation why I was drawn to the energy of this particular girl so strongly. I believe that she is honest about her experience. If I am indeed the culprit of the situation I want to know how I can stop doing this. In the ultimate sense, we all chose to whom we give our energy and attention. I will watch the video. Thanks @ValiantSalvatore
  20. Thanks for the answer @Yarco. I do not understand the mechanism by which I could drain energy unintentionally from her. The only thing that comes to mind is that I was completely honest and transparent about everything while she seemed reserved. I agree. If there is no conscious intent to take her energy, there might be some subconscious intent. How does one become aware of subconscious intent?
  21. Only if you can describe it the way God describes it when I look at it. Any description of IT is not IT.
  22. You are asking him for more ideas. No idea is True.