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Everything posted by Erick

  1. If you decide to dive deeper into spirituality, please understand that not everyone is ready to awaken and that even though you think you want enlightenment you sometimes actually don't (or at least are not ready for it) Don't ever throw your life away to persue this, always maintain a balanced life because if you ever lose that balance it's very hard to get it back. Leo's content is amazing and life changing, but because it is so potent you might need some breaks from it when you feel like it's too much. So like I said, balance is key. Good luck with everything.
  2. If you don't want to watch the whole thing go to 38:40, he says things that directly align with Leo's insights. His wife seems as wise as him.
  3. It was justified given how much hate he got from angry fans over the prequels, any unenlightened person would've probably done the same thing. Plus, he was already a billionaire before selling Star Wars (cause of the rights to all the SW merch he had) so it probably wasn't a desicion made out of greed but more from a "fuck this shit I'm out" attitude, but who knows? We can't know what were his true intentions so maybe you're right. UPDATE: holly shit he actually donated the freaking money
  4. Lmao I'll definitely be down for having force lightning, it probabely would be useful in regular life like for heating up meals and shit (and ending up with burnt food)
  5. Yeah, I heard about that but didn't know it was the reason he became a spiritual person. Really interesting quote, it's beautiful really. Thanks for sharing it with us!
  6. He talks about a lot of other things throughout the interview, he seems like a deeply spiritual man. He even said that the reason he made the original Star Wars was to make young people more interested in spirituality (well it worked on me at least). Honetley, whether he had an awakening or not I still have mad respect for him, he is a genius director without a doubt.
  7. Me too, I'd have so many questions for him. He said he's a "methodist buddhist" so he probably knows a lot about spirituality.
  8. Jar Jar Binks was secretly a fully enlightened master, that is why he didn't give a damn
  9. Hesa did his best with what hesa had "Whatever you think of Jar Jar Binks – the fully computer-generated Gungan played by Ahmed Best and crafted by ILM for The Phantom Menace... was a game-changer in visual effects. It was, essentially, the first main actor-driven/motion-captured CG character in a feature film, one brought to life by Best performing on set with the other actors and via separate mocap sessions." Befores&Afters But yeah... aside from that the character itself was garbage.
  10. What "wallstreetbets" is doing isn't illegal actually and can't really be compared to the level of manipulation that the hedge funds benefit from, what we're basically doing is just buying a bunch of GameStop shares and holding our positions until the price goes up so that we can sell them at a higher price and profit, the root cause of the problem is the hedge fund managers who betted against GameStop, and they did it with more than 100% of the company's shares (they actually shorted 136% of the entire shares of the company which is ludicrous and shouldn't be allowed) so now what happened is that they backed themselves into a corner and they lost at their own game (or at least that's what's gonna happen if everyone holds on to their shares and refuses to sell until the price goes up exponentially) Of course all of this comes with risks and a lot of people are gonna lose a lot of money because of this whole situation, but this is the nature of the market, it's always like this. You already understand this stuff but if you want more clarification this video will do the job: Also, thank you for everything, Leo! Your content is amazing.
  11. The whole situation feels so freaking unreal. At this point it's almost impossible to predict what's gonna happen next so let's just wait and see.
  12. Also, we did not hack anything to find out that the hedge funds are abusing the Gamestop stock, we all just used the good old public forums to inform each other so that everyone knew that it has being manipulated for more than 2 years to the detriment of the company and its employees (someone saw a pattern in Gamestop's stock and they started researching it until they discovered what was really going on) so it's all still out there on Reddit: Here's a great analysis of the current situation: This could be a golden opportunity for someone looking to make easy money, I'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, but my opinion is if anyone has money and doesn't mind potentially losing it then this risk is worth taking. Hell, I made 300$ in just one day from buying 100$ of the GME stock, imagine if I had a lot more money to spare. Also, this squeeze is not over, I'm still holding my positions and there's a potential boom on Friday cause some of the hedge funds' contracts will expire on that day and they'll have to buy shares to pay their "debt" which will make the stock price fly high, so I'm waiting for that. This is a pretty significant moment in our modern history cause this has never happened before, so I too don't know how all of this will play out, what I do know is that this will have a huge impact on the stock market and even on our societies as a whole cause this new movement might stick around for a long time and so there may be a sort of redistribution of wealth going on. This might be beneficial to us non billionnaires.
  13. This track, especially, the first 3 minutes, is honestly the best musical piece I have ever heard. I didn't know one could feel ecstasy and peace through music until I listened to this. This is the continuation of Apotheosis and the final track in Journey. if you don't know about this game it's basically the Hero's Journey (hence its name) told through the medium of video games. Here's one last soundtrack for you since you shared an Interstellar track, again the first half is just mesmerising: Bonus track (I just remembered this one): All these tracks, like most others, need time to truly appreciate. You won't "get them" on the first listen.
  14. I want to post a reply to a question that was asked on a DP/DR forum years ago, I cannot remember the question exactly, but it was probably something along the lines of: “How can I cure DP/DR?” I’m not the one who wrote this reply, but it truly inspired and motivated me and was one of the main reasons that I became interested in spirituality and awakening while I was still trying to fathom what had happened to me after I had my first depersonalization episode aka very deep and intense unpleasant glimpse of Truth, the person who wrote this seems to really grasp what they're talking about. Here's the reply: “I have heard that buddhists actually strive for the depersonalized derealized state of mind. They see it as some sort of intermediary state towards enlightenment. I can see it the same way, but the people who get dp/dr aren't usually aware of this, they got to be that way in one way or another but not by using the steps the buddha shows and so they are completely bewildered by the experience as it is one that they did not strive for consciously and is in stark contrast to the reality that they have been brought up and conditioned to believe. This is the battle that most dp/dr sufferers are fighting. They want to go back to the way things were before dp/dr but it is not wise to want to go back to the beginning as it will only lead you back where you started, to the beginning of the tunnel. In the midst of the darkness of the mind tunnel, we are surrounded by all kinds of illusions that blind us and hold us back from ever breaking through our mind’s darkness. The fear inside of us keeps us and we become trapped in the endless darkness of our mind's insecurity, governed by our own illusioned thoughts, emotions, behaviors, closed in views, etc. That we hold onto to preserve the existence we know through the ego identity we have developed in this period of time and within the confines of our social structure. We must seek the awareness that leads us through the tunnel, the selfless awareness, compassion, understanding of existence and we must find something to believe in other than our selfish egotistical existence of self and its own self preserving ways. You must go through the tunnel of darkness and come out through the other side to find the light of truth of being inside. Each mental tunnel is unique to the person and synonymous with his/her own judgements outward/inward reflecting illusions back and forth to preserve continuation of the ego and its desires for fulfillment that blind us from gaining glimpses of the ultimate reality of life. Have you ever gone through a dark tunnel ? For example when I was a young kid, I would find myself roaming through a sewer wash where there was no light just trash, darkness, graffiti, and no visible outcome of what was to be, there was only a tunnel of darkness ahead. During the encounter with the tunnel you are uncertain, insecure, fearful and all these question marks in your mind keep you from stepping forward into the uncertainty of the dark tunnel. There you contemplate if you should go through to see what becomes of it or stand before it in wonder of what could be. You either succumb to the perils of the mind or you overcome the fear in search of a greater answer. The mental fear within the self arises from the perception of the unknown darkness of the tunnel of what the tunnel may bring which reflects only the unknown darkness within our own mind. You come to either fight these uncertain contemplations of existence or you stay in the boundary limit of "self" preserving state of mind. If you take the steps forward through the tunnel of darkness with each step into darkness comes more uncertainty, further distancing yourself from your previous place of comfort of not knowing and moving onto the answer of knowing. So as I step through, I become selfless, distancing myself from the illusions of the mind and moving forward with the power of the wonder of what is to be. A trip through a dark tunnel of unknown outcome is in itself a trip that defies the rules of the self governed mind. The darkness is blinding but the question is still there as I hold on to the faith of wonder and what is to become of the tunnel, halfway through the tunnel you are caught in between 2 self made realities, the reality of a previous self and the reality of a new self. When you decide to keep moving into the new self you take with you the self made reality of the previous self and until you reach the light at the end of the tunnel, you cannot begin to reflect on the judgments of that previous self. So When your eyes finally reach the end of the tunnel and the light at the end of the tunnel reaches your eyes, you are given a new meaning, an answer to the fears that blinded you. A refreshing vision of the world on the other side of that tunnel. The sense of self is replenished with the shining light of knowing, the spirit is strengthened to move ahead and in my own personal belief it means God is happy for you. The God in us all. What is it that keeps us from moving ahead, is it not the wonder of what will be ? Have we lost the wonder that drives us to go on ? Are we stopped in our tracks by our self made realities of what is and what is not. Are we trapped between the beginning and end of a dark tunnel of mind. Can we accept ourselves and move on to what the Buddha was trying to teach us. It's up to us as individuals to find our way in this world, it's up to us to set our own paths and hold onto the faith that leads us to our destination. It's up to you to know what is right for you. But do you know who you really are ? Behind all the facades that we reflect in the mirror, behind all the illusions that we reflect off each other, behind the meanings we infer from the judgments of others, Behind what we believe is key to our survival, behind all that there is a real person inside. One with no rules, no boundaries, no attachments, the eternal being within.” So what do you guys think about it? And for anyone on this forum whith DR/DR, have you managed to progress past it or are you still stuck in the same depersonalized/derealized state? For me, I have evolved since my first episode but the fear of ego death and dissolving is still there so I consider myself stuck for the most part, curious to read your thoughts!
  15. This right here. A lot of people around the world are anticipating this election, and we hope you don't make the same mistake you did last time, nobody thought Trump was going to win which gave his supporters a chance (they all exercised their right to vote while some of the people who would've voted for Hillary didn't bother to vote and were lazy) and now here you are. Like @Apparition of Jack said, every American who values their democracy should be sweating right now and doing everything they can to vote Trump out (by telling their family and friends to vote etc...), don't get cozy cause you can't afford it. If Trump wins again I don't think the US will stay the same, though it's already far different than how it was 5 years ago. Good luck America. I hope we don't see your democracy dying.
  16. "Unacknowledged" is a documentary produced by Steven Greer, a ufologist who has some pretty big connections with the govenment and who claims that he can "invite" UFOs and make them appear in the sky. All of this sounds outlandish, but concidering the deep entanglment between our mind and existence, it's not far fetched to say that highly advanced civilizations may be able to communicate telepathecally and sense when another conscious being is trying to initiate contact with them even if they're light years away: I highly, highly recommend everyone on this forum to watch this documentary, if what it says is true then that would explain a lot of the suffering that humans have experienced during these last 100 years. It's availabale on Netflix and almost all major streaming services and if you enjoyed it then I recommend watching "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun", it's also produced by Steven Greer and this one dives even deeper into the relationship between the level of consciousness of a civilization and their level of development and technology, in it Greer shows how he has been contacting ETs with groups of people or alone for almost three decades and how easy it is to do so: These two productions are some of the most informative pieces of media I have consumed besides Leo's content. Aliens are probably real, govenments around the world are starting to openly investigating their appearances, and it would be selfish of us to think that the people in power wouldn't use their existence to further benefit themeselves, by painting extraterrestials as evil they would be able to keep us under their control and enforce their dominance in the wold. Maybe I'm wrong but with all of the events that have happened this year regarding UFOs, I strongly believe that we are only a couple of years (or months) away from a full disclosure on this subject, but unfortunaltely it would probably be one that like I said, is full of deception and lies. Because if aliens were really dangerous, we would have already known of their existence and hostility considering how long the government has been studying UFOs (for more than 70 years) I hope I'm wrong about this, but given how corrupt we are as a species nothing will surprise me anymore honestly.
  17. Be careful what you wish for, depersonalization is not really a state one would want to stay in for very long, it's rather a transitionary one like an incomplete enlightenment where the ego resists its death and disconnects from reality and all feelings and experiences (Even love becomes very distant and it's hard to be compassionate towards others). I think what you asked for is how to get presence back, presence is when your consciousness is conscious of itself, it's when you're able to be completely in the moment and so your thoughts can't control you and you're able to see through the veil of the mind, I believe that's kind of what you said you experienced as a kid, because for me I was way more present when I was a child than when I became older and it's true for most people. From my experience with depersonalization (I still have a form of it), it's not something you want to get, instead do what @DreamScape and @Galyna said and focus on your body and emotions, try to accept your fear so that when the moment comes and you confront your true nature, you don't panic and close down in fear and so become depersonalized (Like what happened to me) but instead you go through that fear of no-self and have a complete awakening, I believe it's possible as many people have done it (And maybe even you have experienced something like that) but i'm not talking about a temporary thing but rather a permanent state of consciousness where there is no fear or ignorance of one's true nature left. Wish you good luck in your journey.
  18. No problem, I can't delete your other comments I think. Yeah, that documentary was all about consciousness and its role in the development of civilizations, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I advise you to keep an eye on Steven Greer he still has a lot to share, I can't wait to have an encounter like him. Yeah, should've just included a clip from each documentary, my bad. Thank's for the app recommendation, I didn't know there was an app for it, thought it was just an experiment they did when they talked about it in the documentary.
  19. @Nahm I actually just tried Greer's method (it's called CE-5) and saw a ufo in the day sky. Not sure if it was really a UFO, could've been just a comet, but it was very bright. Didn't know that Beyond Belief was renewed, thanks for the information!
  20. Yeah, the trailers do no justice to the actual thing. Again, if you want to hear him talk about machine elves then you have to watch "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun" instead of "Unacknowldged".
  21. Well, then why is ths US still hiding the information they have discovered about UFOs? They are clearly hiding the truth. If they are truly transparent they would release all of their findings about UFOs and their origins, so automatically we can say that they are hiding the truth about those objects, the chief of staff of the project that studied UFOs (I linked his video above) clearly said that they have "found a lot" yet the US is still silent on this subject. And as of "his ideas are not crazy enough to be real", they actually are, like I told you in my other reply, watch his latest documentary, it's as crazy as it can get.
  22. In his latest documentary he actually stated that advanced civilizations have to take consciousness into account in order to become truly advanced, and the aliens he claims he can "invite" during his gatherings or meditations are interdimentional beings, he describes these beings in a very similar way to Peter from the 434 channel. He never really said that aliens crashed into earth and I think he said that they actually gifted us their technologies so it was intentional from their part. Again I strongly recommend you watch "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun" where he goes more in depth about those machine-elves-like beings and how they can sense someone calling them and respond even if they're from a completly different dimension or galaxy, it's very interesting stuff and if it's true then there's truly no limit to how much we can advance and what we can do. By the way 434 is one of those things that remind me how valuable Leo's blog is.
  23. @integral Yes. That's true it's not just black and white, I urge you to watch one of the two documentaries of his that I listed above to form a more conclusive idea. As of his level of development, it's very difficult to determine that when the person is involved in this kind of stuff that is not very accepted within society, he's been involved in UFOs and studying them for decades and he's been rediculed for it. And it's only know that the government is starting to admit that UFOs do exist so don't you think that saying that he's underdeveloped societally and culturaly is just another way of dismissing his claims and not looking further into them? He's claiming that aliens exist, just that is enough for most people to dismiss him as conspiracy theorist but what if he's right? What if goverments are hiding this truth from the world so that they can keep the economy and industries running? When you think about it's honestly not that far fetched. Or maybe it's just me and I'm just seeing something that isn't there who knows.