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Everything posted by Raze

  1. This is a thread where we can post news about the Isreal and Palestine conflict. I am aware there is another thread but I don’t like the OP being biased and it’s already full of arguments. Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/22/israel-largest-west-bank-settlement-blinken-visit/
  2. It can’t because in such a scenario they’d use the Samson option
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIK2DY5gtiU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_UFDAJYzBc
  4. In Israel there is a internal battle between messianic Jews and secular Jews. I think the messianic Jews will win over time, but as a result they’ll lose western support, and as other middle eastern countries collapse some will be replaced with radicals who are coming of age right now and will be aggressive towards Israel, so since they can no longer rely on US support as a threat they’ll rely on nukes as a threat which will make the other countries get nukes, then the conflict will escalate and they’ll use the Samson option,
  5. They aren’t fighting any enemy that has the capability of destroying them.
  6. You can try vipassana retreat, ayahuasca retreat, unleash the power within
  7. Let me put it this way. Afghanistan was a extremely poor and socially stratified country with a very specific culture and ethnic conflicts that predated Islam, they had a civil war that killed thousands, they then had a war and occupation with the Soviet Union that killed millions, they then had another civil war that killed millions, then the taliban took over and had a war with the US that killed hundreds of thousands, now the country is being crushed under sanctions, and this all happened in one to two generations. Why do you presume this leads to a culture that follows Islam most accurately as opposed to the majority of Muslim countries? and even if they do, doesn’t that go against your point that it’s harder for Islam to liberalize if it took such an extreme environment to produce a government which finally followed islam accurately? The taliban obviously do justify their rulings based on religion, that doesn’t mean their interpretation is more accurate than other countries. It was extremely corrupt and infiltrated. Just because people don’t like the taliban doesn’t mean they’re going to sacrifice themselves to prop up government they also don’t like. It’s possible for a dictator to be unpopular with the people but still stay in power. How do you know it’s because of the religion specifically and not economic or geopolitical reasons? If we traveled back to the 19th century you could make a similar argument about Christianity, yet we now know that it liberalized rapidly after a certain point. Even in more fundamentalist countries like Egypt, Iran, and Afghanistan they had liberalization movements that got stopped in their tracks. Under Nassar Egypt was pushing for secular nationalism but it was seen as a failed ideology after they lost wars to Israel. In Iran they had a more secular leader who was toppled and replaced with a secular dictator which spurred a Islamist revolution. Afghanistan also had a secular Marxist government until Islamist rebels took over from the civil war. Why would we conclude this is caused primarily by Islam rather than any other relevant reason.
  8. Not really. Islam doesn’t ban girls education, require wearing the burqa, etc. They are in power because they have the arms and the afghan people have no way of fighting them polls show the majority do not support their current rule https://news.gallup.com/poll/405572/afghans-lose-hope-taliban.aspx Not really. The majority of most Muslim countries still identify as practicing Muslims yet those countries have varying levels of liberalization. Countries can liberalize without rejecting religion. The average Christian in America has not rejected religion but is much more liberal than the average Christian in America 170 years ago who could own slaves and justify it by using scripture.
  9. No they didn’t, the Vatican has said many times hell is real. https://www.ncronline.org/vatican/vatican-claim-pope-denied-hells-existence-unreliable
  10. The taliban isn’t representative of Muslims, that’s just the rulers of one war torn country, and they aren’t popular among their own people. Islamic countries did reform, such as stopping the practice of slavery.
  11. https://www.girlschase.com/article/how-test-girls-interest-you-approach-pinging
  12. https://www.girlschase.com/article/how-avoid-and-deal-false-rape-accusations https://www.girlschase.com/comment/88741
  13. Let’s see if you maintain that attitude when your daughter comes home with a black eye
  14. Then why do you assume any nice guy who gets rejected must secretly be a asshole person and the woman sensed the red flags? Maybe he actually is nice but isn’t confident and doesn’t push the envelope. And why don’t they sense the red flags when it’s with the charming narcissist?
  15. Then what about this? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S019188691500210X?via%3Dihub https://www.researchgate.net/publication/248967485_Do_bad_boys_really_get_the_girls_Delinquency_as_a_cause_and_consequence_of_dating_behavior_among_adolescents https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-019-00213-0 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25062930/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171214140807.htm
  16. So what makes you still attracted to a guy if the distance and mystery is gone?
  17. General Wesley Clark said that the US planned to take out six countries, and the only country left is Iran. There are Us Politicians who have been pushing for war with Iran. In addition Israel was trying to draw the Us into a war with Iran. I think if a war with Iran happens the US would be bogged down harder than ever before it could be the breaking point for the establishment as the US Is still reeling from the failed war on terror and it could cause some sort of internal revolution. The US simply can’t sustain another drawn out war especially with Iran. They probably realize this and may have some other tactic to try instead but it would just escalate until it’s required. However in the short run although in the past Trump was aggressive towards Iran he seems averse to going to war. They have probably been trying to start a civil war inside Iran but so far it doesn’t seem like it’ll happen. The military is still firmly backing the government and the populace doesn’t dislike the Iranian government as much as the Syrians disliked the Assad government. Sanctions have definitely crushed irans economy and created internal strife, and increased pressure from the Israel lobby could lead to the US installing even more sanctions, but that probably won’t be enough to start a civil war still. Russia has become more dependent on Iran and if the Ukraine war ends soon with a deal to reduce Russian sanctions, Iran could benefit if they fit into the economic growth, alternatively the deal could have aspects that require Russia to distance itself from Iran which would hurt them. China also seems to be connecting to Iran, though they don’t trade as much the Chinese government has been allowing criticism of Israel so it seems like they may be pivoting away from Israel while trying to increase influence in the Middle East which could mean greater ties to Iran. If China and Russia increase ties to Iran this could avert a US or Israeli war with Iran as it would make it much more costly. At the same time China and Russia could switch tactics and try to get Iran into a war with the USA to bog the US down there so they have time to increase influence in their spheres of influence where the USA has become more aggressive. In addition Israel may be more likely to push for a war as forces in its government have always been convinced they can ignore the Palestinian issue in favor of attacking outside groups that try to exploit them, and Israel was becoming internally polarized prior to oct 7 so when the current conflict ends they may want something to distract their populace with. Alternatively the internal polarization could reach a breaking point into an all out civil war in which case they probably would avoid aggression against Iran as they’d have their hands full. At the same time Iran had been pushing for a strategy of funding rebel groups around the region to try and create defensive tentacles around itself and keep the other countries in perpetual states of low grade warfare. However the groups they supported such as hamas, hezbollah, and the Houthi’s have been severely degraded. So they’ll either try to rebuild them slowly over time or they’ll just go ahead and make a nuclear weapon. In the past Iran has pushed for turning the Middle East into a nuclear weapon free zone like Africa and Latin America but the USA blocks it because the Israel lobby doesn’t want Israel’s nukes to be inspected. Iran hasn’t made nukes and instead was trying to use their ability to as a bargaining chip and previously agreed to a nuclear deal to remove their capacity in exchange for reduced sanctions, but the USA pulled out after pressure from Israel. Iran has hinted at being willing to make another such deal, however if they feel insecure and feel the increase sanctions from it are manageable with better ties to Russia and China they may go ahead and make nukes, so far north koreas nukes seem to have stopped the US from destroying it like they did various other states like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Iran trying to make nukes could be used as an excuse to rush the US and Israel into war with them like in Iraq. Though that depends how quickly they’d make them. If Iran makes nukes the other Arab states will be spooked and make their own nukes to counter it. The Middle East is a volatile region due to inability to function with the western state model as well as climate change. So having nukes may make all states more cautious and temporarily reduce aggression. However over time similar to how reports show the US government no longer fears russias nukes, they will probably have civil wars and all out wars in the Middle East which when happening between nuclear states would lead to them using nukes on each other. In addition over time the messianic Jews in Israel will become the majority ans they believe that Israel expanding and engaging in an apocalyptic war is part of what will bring back the messiah, so they will increase aggression possibly towards Iran or other enemy states that developed over this time. They will lose support from the US and probably rely more on nuclear threats and eventually the Samson option.
  18. Stop with the AI slop. It is literally just scraping the first results on google.