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Everything posted by Raze

  1. https://thenextweb.com/news/raven-thorogood-the-stock-market-chimp-that-smoked-wall-street-investing
  2. There are theories about genetic determinism but they are controversial
  3. But womens attraction isn’t just based on genetics, it’s also social conditioning. Even something like height isn’t necessarily a genetic advantage, historically being short had advantages because of needing less calories to survive. they also can’t see invisible things like genetic defects.
  4. Some studies have found how socially dominant a man is or how popular he is with other women can alter how a woman perceives his physical looks.
  5. I’m not. I will accept evidence if it is presented. Stealing aid doesn’t just mean isolated cases that could be committed by anyone. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-special-envoy-no-record-hamas-blocking-or-seizing-aid-2023-11-04/ https://www.newsnationnow.com/world/war-in-israel/hamas-not-hijacking-gaza-aid-unrwa/ Let’s say Hamas is stealing aid. So they should just block aid and let millions of people starve?
  6. But then how did Owen publicly date a playboy playmate and a beauty pageant winner even though he is a 3-4/10? He also had many infields picking up women who are more attractive than him. And Jeffrey Martin did a study of enlightened people and said he couldn’t find any genetic correlations
  7. The market of men is different. USA is harder because it has the most high status men, many of whom are seeing more than one women at a time. And a lot of women are unattractive because they’re overweight or have other problems. Meaning getting a very attractive girl is difficult because competition is high. In some foreign countries it’s the opposite, there are more beautiful women and less high status men because of the economy and other issues. On Twitter I saw an American woman upset because in Serbia not a single guy was interested in her, she says meanwhile in America she can’t leave her house without getting attention. She even noted how she is far wealthier than the men in Serbia.
  8. What is the evidence that Hamas is stealing aid? The US envoy said Israel has not provided any. Restricting aid for political reasons is a war crime because it causes starvation. https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/six-grave-violations/denial-of-humanitarian-access/
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/22/tech/google-gemini-ai-image-generator/index.html Google has launched a new AI but some accused it of not showing images of white people. After a viral image of it producing images of nazi soldiers as minority women google has suspended its image generation. What do you think? I think while funny this shows how AI will be used to standardize stage green in society. AI is rapidly evolving and will soon be a bigger part of our lives, by having AI trained with stage green belief systems it can defend and reinforce it. This will increase the speed of stage green transition but may halt stage yellow transition in the future.
  10. Except he already said saying looks don’t matter hurts his sales because he could get sponsorship deals with mens fashion and gym trainers. He even refused to do a million dollar deal that just required him saying hair gel can help you get women.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6NAC6ajkH8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbQr70rfwQg
  12. Regardless they can’t be blamed for what Israel is doing any more than Israel can be blamed for what they are doing. To an extant both react to each other and thus are to blame but ultimately primarily everyone is to blame for what they choose to do. I also don’t see how letting children starve helps a hostage deal, if it was that important Israel would have agreed to their initial all for all proposal.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eit85FAj4wg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azg0BrD9jGU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVqANXVTLN4 http://happinessbeyondthought.blogspot.com/2012/05/surrendering-i-letting-go-of-suffering.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU1Rp184IT4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p3-MJJm_R0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPKQuwyYScQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twTrrGiRXtY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPCU03Dp8Zw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpmAWcMtBFw
  14. This is basically a repeat of Afghanistan. The US purposefully triggered Russia to invade as a way to start a proxy war to kill Russians. But in the end it just sacrificed the population of Afghanistan for nothing and created huge violence and chaos down the line for the USA. At this point if they are still not going to sue for peace I hope Russia wins quickly and successfully occupies, at least then they may reintegrate and won’t have a fatherless generation turn to extremism like in Afghanistan. The Ukraine flag people are delusional if they think NATO has been helping Ukraine by trying to get them in and continuing the war. Now Russia has been driven closer to Iran and China out of desperation. This gives them both much more confidence and ability to be aggressive as the US would have a greater threat to deal with if they intervened.
  15. Just choose which ever has more monetary benefit, will you make more money in one, does one have lower cost of living, etc.
  16. They aren’t in this case, Israel is restricting aid not Hamas.
  17. What is your take on these articles https://www.girlschase.com/article/how-disprove-looks-are-pillar-attraction-ideology https://www.girlschase.com/content/attraction-either-there-or-it-isnt
  18. You said it didn’t matter in your how to get laid series though, what changed?