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Everything posted by Raze

  1. Winning a primary shows your electability with primary voters, not with general voters. Bernie according to polling did better than Hillary with independents. Therefore, Bernie was more electable in a general where independents are relevant, than in a primary where they aren’t. So it being a primary was a disadvantage for him. This is shown in how some Bernie voters ended up voting Trump. https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds The 2016 election was between the two most unpopular politicians in recorded US history, by your logic those were somehow simultaneously the only ones that the people wanted. They aren’t, they were the ones the primary voters wanted and because of the two party system everyone had to go along with them. Look at the polling for Trump v Clinton compared to Trump v Sanders in 2016 https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/2016_presidential_race.html
  2. That makes no sense. If the polls say independents like him then they like him. Primary voters are a small fraction of the voting base. Hillary won it and was she electable?
  3. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-sanders-does-better-with-independents/
  4. These are the most recent ones https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states I am not even sure if Biden will be alive in 4 months
  5. Why would a dictatorship cause these issues? A dictator can crack down on crime and most countries are just fine working with dictators if their interests align.
  6. The base that votes in the primary is very different than the base that votes in the general because far more people vote in the general and winning over independents is much more important. Not only do I think Bernie would have beat trump had he won the nomination, I think he wouldn’t have such a huge ego to try and run again if he was dying like Biden is doing, and he would shift the landscape of political discourse to a much healthier place even if his proposals didn’t get past. When he was running so many people were talking about Medicare for all, tax loopholes, corporate control or politics, and failed foreign intervention. As opposed to now where its identity bs, who will give Israel more bombs, and which candidate has dementia.
  7. All the new administrations hire and fire people to bring on their own staff. It’s not like Trump is the first to try this. His first term was actually criticized for how many positions he left unfilled. Even if Trump wants to be a dictator there are still limitations to his power from the congress, courts, and deep state. I don’t see anything in this project that would make him a dictator even if it all went through.
  8. if the swing state polls overestimate democratic support that is even worse for Biden
  9. Hypothetical matchup polls had Bernie beating Trump comfortably
  10. I think people are overreacting. Every President tries to hire as many of their people and get as many of their proposals past all the time. This is just a more organized attempt for Trump to do it. Most of this won’t go through because it challenges many powerful lobbies.
  11. But the US approved strikes inside Russia and Russia announced it is no longer at peace with the US
  12. Those actually hurt him, many found his socialism position too radical. But he focused on practical working class issues.
  13. Polls found Bernie Sanders had a comfortable lead over trump if he was in the general in 2016 because he appealed more to independents and republicans who didn’t vote in the democratic primary
  14. His approval isn’t his problem, his problem is fame, most people don’t know him or think he can’t win so there is no point in voting for him Just because someone doesn’t have experience in office doesn’t mean they are dangerous. Politicians with decades of experience in office have put Americans at huge risk many times, including Biden. The establishment isn’t always right.
  15. This is way too simplistic a perspective. Politicians can run on multiple issues to win over diverse groups. Many stage blue people would vote for left leaning politicians if they felt they agreed on some priority issues. The democrats don’t run on those issues though. Republicans actually do this by uniting both religious conservatives and libertarian leaning stage orange voters.
  16. https://www.shinzen.org/geek-out-part-deux/
  17. So you think the best the democrats have to offer is someone who can barely talk with 36% approval?
  18. That doesn’t make any sense. He had a comfortable lead of 7 in polling in 2020 then it came down to a wire. He’s not behind in polling. Why should be bank everything on the possibility he’ll make it rather than go for a new candidate who is more popular.
  19. It is because the convention hasn’t happened yet
  20. Trump is currently ahead in polls