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Everything posted by Raze

  1. YouTube is deleting PUA channels. So RSD removed all their pickup videos. Tyler (the owner) has said he wanted to move on for years now but felt obligated to teach pickup because he felt no one else really was. Though it seems he's still resisting and is releasing dating advice videos but very watered down, they are barely about pickup actually. It'll more likely collapse if the feminists manage to get the ball rolling on another anti RSD campaign, RSD almost collapsed in 2014 because of that, considering the way things are now if something like that happens again it might really collapse.
  2. Has anyone who became enlightened without drugs then taken 5 meo DMT and commented on the experience and how it's the same different? I know Eckhart Tolle said he took psychedelics but if I'm not mistaken it was acid which is different.
  3. This phenomenon shows itself in many forms. For example people feeling suicidal after watching the movie Avatar by James Cameron because they felt their life wasn't as good in comparison (you can find old articles on this). the most common way I see it talked about is post anime depression, people become depressed after finishing a anime series they really like. You can look up post anime depression and see forums where people talk about it. I'm assuming a similar thing happens with tv shows and video games. I also thing it shows itself in a different way with some people who lash out and get angry when the series ends in a way they don't like. I think this is a symptom of escapism from depression and becoming too connected to a media so much so that it makes a fake world that seems better then the real world. Possibly also why people who watch porn or hentai become less interested in real life sex and connections because it isn't as stimulating on the surface. Though it might require repetition of topics Leo already covered in other videos I think a video about this phenomenon is needed because lots of people who have this problem don't look up more general things like how to get out of depression because they don't see a connection. It gets talked about a lot by people who suffer from it online but I rarely see it talked about by self help channels that studied it or offer solutions.
  4. This isn't as serious a problem as the other stuff in this forum but I'll post it anyway. I realize I can get triggered from certain religious/political opinions that disagree with mine. I won't go into specifics as to what it is because really it's an emotional and not logical thing and I don't want to start off topic discussion. I really don't want to feel this kind of discomforting sadness or anger over anyone's opinions even if their opinion is actually a personal attack towards me, and I don't think I do for most things. But recently I saw a specific political/religious attack on an online comment and it affected me strangely deeply, possibly because I tried resisting it more then usual, it also had a lot of likes and other agreeing comments so maybe subconsciously I felt like I was being attacked by the majority opinion. I also saw someone in the replies getting triggered and flaming over it and I felt a deep sadness for them because I knew what it is like. When I saw it I felt a kind of bubbling sensation of anger around my face and I knew this time was worse then usual. I've seen it in the past and felt nothing / mild anger, but this time it ticked me off. Now it keeps creeping back into my thoughts and making me feel bitter and angry. Even a little nauseous and losing my appetite sometimes. I didn't reply but I went through the entire page of comments, disliking anything that said the opinion, there were a lot. I think it's because as a kid I saw this specific thing online and it shocked me, I felt deeply disturbed as if it was a personal attack on me and my family, I argued about it for long hours online flaming over it, and I stuffed all this anger into my subconscious and it's now resurfaced. Furthermore it's somehow made me remember a instance in my past and make me get even angrier over it then I was at the time. Basically at school a teacher relayed this opinion among others during the course that deeply offended me, and I felt the same bubbling anger back then but much less so, and I actually don't think I felt that affected by it and kind of shrugged it off. I even see that professor around sometimes and the first few times I didn't feel that poorly, but every other time I see him it seems to shock my system a little more. An example of how much it bothered me, I start feeling an anger in the back of my mind directed at strangers as if they all must think this way and are also personally against me, at my first day in a new class I felt this very heavily. I also have strange thoughts about hurting the people who I saw saying the triggering opinion (not my teacher, but rather people online who I didn't see in person, maybe because I don't have a face to see). Other things that may be adding to it. I started nofap recently to stop my depression and it's working, but I also feel more irritable, more anxious, and more nervous, this is probably happening because I also took a strong anti depressant that I now quit which had a side effect of causing anxiety, even though I didn't feel that anxiety while I took it (but I did feel depressed). I really hate this feeling and I don't want to feel this way, even if I'm 100% right but everyone around me not only agrees with it but also personally hates me, (which I know isn't true of course), I still wouldn't want to feel this cornered. I'd rather just be at ease and accept it. If anyone's gone through something similar and gotten past it I'd appreciate advice and resources. And please don't try and speculate what the opinion that triggered me is...
  5. Have scientists ever scanned someone's brain activity while they have an enlightenment experience? Would that be possible, or would they not notice any different activity?
  6. David Tian has a Ph.D in Chinese philosophy and is a former PUA (he's now anti PUA) here are two videos where he explains his philosophy Is he worth learning from in your opinion? All other opinions welcome. If this post is against a rule I misunderstood I apologize.